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RE: The bar has been raised for hive proposals

in #vyblast month

I need a bigger keyboard...

I corrected the typo and will keep that in mind too about tagging others. I can see why you say that. It can be annoying sometimes.

It is unfortunate it happened. I hope it reminds people to be more careful how they store their info. I'm not aware of how it happened but giving from the frequency of what normally happens is through some phishing scam. As actually hacking the keys, albeit doable, is extremely difficult even for the expert hacker. So I have read and heard anyways. I don't know code so I can't really say for sure, but the fact that it doesn't happen often in that manner is something to think about and probably a reasonable reason why crypto wallets is safer than the bank.

I think theft would subside substantially if artificial boundaries to abundance was not normalized.

May hive prosper beyond poverty.

So mote it be.


My account has been hacked, but it was through pilot error, which is almost exclusively how 'hacking' is accomplished - simply taking advantage of mistakes people make. For a long time I just used my owner key to post.

Oops! live and learn.