The bar has been raised for hive proposals

in #vyblast month (edited)

It's a short read don't worry.

It's hard to ignore the currently biggest move yet, on the Hive Blockchain.


return proposal has doubled the requirement of stake to be accepted for hive community funding.@blocktrades voting on the

Folks in the crowd are pointing out how this illustrated stake power is centralized to just a very few. I think this further illustrates how much of an importance it is to have more people stake up. However, this is not the main point of this post but certainly something to keep in mind.

Does raising the bar for dhf approval raises the expectancy of accountability for those making proposals?

That's the question I have in mind.

was basically the main supporter), would require much more approval from the rest of hive community to make it to approval.It was thanks to reading one of @valued-customer's post on the lack of accountability that @valueplan was demonstrating that led me to support the return proposal. And thus I don't see anything wrong with @blocktrades voting on it, because now that bar has been set higher, blocktrades alone even if he voted for the value plan proposal(which

It is no secret that the leaders of @valueplan has shown incompetence and lack of accountability for using hive's community resources. Their whole project was essentially to use hive public funds to promote hive itself.

How they planned on doing that was through buying not one, not two, but three rally cars, a bicycle who's maintenance is so expensive it had to come from the future, thousands of funds unaccounted for from lack of invoices and reciepts, and when asked about how these funds are being truthful being used all we got was a rude: "Stop bugging and just trust us bro."

If only they would have complied with common sense and reason they wouldn't be getting flak for it. Not the type of accountability one would expect for using community funds. Show the public how you are using public funds. Show transparency and regain the trust.

But like everyone knows, once trust is lost it is harder to gain back.

Here's an article about why accountability is important if you still want to blindly believe @valueplan is in the right for withholding crucial information:

40+ reasons why accountability is important

In other related news to the changes of the bar, other projects that have shows accountability and positive returns for hive such as Hivesñ's little woodpeckers are thrown under the wheels as well due to this big move by blocktrades. The HBD stabilizer, Hives keychain and others are but a few that seem important to me to have above the bar.

I hope that these changes are positive to give infrastructure of hive and
it's token price. I would like to be able to see a down vote option for each proposal and curious to see how that would function in the long run, but with hive stake concentration being centralized to a few accounts is a rise for serious concerns. I would like to see hive move away from plutocracy and move towards decentralization but to do that, you dear reader need to stake more hive.

Incase you missed it:

An unfortunate event has occurred to @ironshield's account, as it has been hijacked and is now being drained of all stake at this moment, and with absolutely no way of retrieving the lost keys even from the recovery account because it too has been hijacked.

If you wish to support Ben(originally known as ironshield) for his losses then follow his alternative account: @gratefuleveryday.

Meanwhile I recommend to go through the hijacked account and Down vote what remains of rewards of every post and comment.

As for Ben I recommend to go make a proposal for what was lost. It couldn't hurt to try imo.

Let this be a reminder that privacy and self security checks in these crypto arena is of utmost importance. You're your own bank now. It's your responsibility to keep your keys safe. Lack practice of this responsibility is asking for trouble.

Some learn this right away while others learn it the hard way. Don't let the latter option be you.
Change your keys every now and then, make sure your recovery account is still around, keep your keys offline, use keychain or whale vault services for example, write your keys down and store in a extremely secure space away from possible fire exposure and paper decay, or if you have it in a USB, protect it the same and add a faraday cage to it and protect it from emp. Whatever it takes.

Though these things to happen, it is not to discourage people from trying a crypto wallet as banks are far worse in maintaining your $$$ secure. Remember, what you give to the bank becomes no longer yours by law and their policy.

Be your own bank instead.



This author doesn't ask for much but for to be re logged, but does want to also let you know that all post rewards are being zeroed out at the 6th day of payout by buildNOTawhale.

If you want to tip me, I ask you do so with a reblog and or use the gift box option on the peakd interface below or click the link below.

Donate liquid HIVE & or Liquid HBD here..

Thank you for reading!


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If you see errors in my post, point them out and I'll change them accordingly if proven to be correct. Otherwise I am open to open discourse even if we don't see eye to eye on many topics.

Cheers 🥂


I am happy to see a substantial post from you.

"I would like to be able to see a down vote option for each proposal."

I have seen this same sentiment from every rational consideration of the current situation. For small proposals like that you suggest to IronShield, or for the CBRS classroom renovation that has been completed (without DHF funding), such individual downvotes are of critical import, rather than a bar that has to be set to prevent theft of $M's.

It is extremely discouraging that this has happened to IronShield. It is potential to the consensus witnesses to stop the hemorrhage of those funds and restore that account to Ben, but that would set an extraordinary precedent that has been heretofore avoided by the provision of account recovery mechanisms. The failure of those mechanisms is an extremely rare and unfortunate event that seems to be unique to him, and I am quite empathetic - my account has been hacked and was saved by the restoration mechanism being operable, but not without loss of liquid assets - and deeply saddened these mechanisms have been incapable of availing him relief.


PS. Pinging or tagging folks is considered poor form, and you can see how I avoid it in my comment. It is particularly to be discouraged when you make typos in usernames, as you did by referring to 'blockades' instead of 'blocktrades.

" that would set an extraordinary precedent that has been heretofore avoided by the provision of account recovery mechanisms" If there is a solution that doesn't set any extraordinary precedents, I'm all ears. Otherwise I'm at peace.

I only mentioned it because it was the only possibility I could think of. It is my strong suspicion that, like I did when my account was hacked, you somehow posted your keys and that bots that scour the chain continually for such posts found them there. While that posting may not even be recent, because the blockchain is permanent, it is almost certainly how you have been discomfited.

It is good you have peace. I have undergone - not to be unsympathetic at all - far greater fraud and theft, that occasioned me the opportunity to eventually shed my expectation of entitlement and gain peace. I have learned brutal lessons I did not want to know, such as that if it happens to me it's my fault, and if 'they' can take it from you it was never really yours.

I am sure all I can offer your ears, you well know, as you have that peace.

I have undergone - not to be unsympathetic at all - far greater fraud and theft, that occasioned me the opportunity to eventually shed my expectation of entitlement and gain peace.

The expectation of entitlement is dangerous. It usually ends in misery. There is no problem with entitlement itself, if a person is truly entitled. But the expectation (and presumption) of entitlement will often create disappointment. And it messes with the human psyche.

Rather than developing an "entitlement mentality", I want to develop a "gratitude mentality". Grateful for what I have, not longing for what I don't have. I'm not entitled, but I'm grateful. And if I am entitled, I don't want to know about it.

By shedding expectations of entitlement, it does grant a measure of peace.

"It usually ends in misery."

Can confirm.

"...if I am entitled, I don't want to know about it."

While I can relate, we really must acknowledge our equality of rights to the things we are equally entitled to, lest we end up groveling before masters that sell us our air, water, food, and space to reside.

Oh, wait...

LOL Peace of mind is essential, but we are preyed on and must also accept our responsibility, hoist the black flag, and slit throats that need slitting. Life is an act of war, and peace is only truly availed them with the strength to cause our predators more suffering than our stuff is worth if they manage to steal it. It isn't wrong of us to be equally entitled to the blessings God has provided, and to insist depraved megalomaniacs keep their hands out of our pockets.

Carlos Santana once told me, when I pointed out life is an act of war, that of all the living things there are, people can alone make peace, and this is our purpose. That profoundly changed me, I hope for the better, but peace does depend on the ability to inflict too much suffering on our predators to be worth stealing from, and we have a responsibility to mitigate our peace with war, that there might be any peace at all.

I need a bigger keyboard...

I corrected the typo and will keep that in mind too about tagging others. I can see why you say that. It can be annoying sometimes.

It is unfortunate it happened. I hope it reminds people to be more careful how they store their info. I'm not aware of how it happened but giving from the frequency of what normally happens is through some phishing scam. As actually hacking the keys, albeit doable, is extremely difficult even for the expert hacker. So I have read and heard anyways. I don't know code so I can't really say for sure, but the fact that it doesn't happen often in that manner is something to think about and probably a reasonable reason why crypto wallets is safer than the bank.

I think theft would subside substantially if artificial boundaries to abundance was not normalized.

May hive prosper beyond poverty.

So mote it be.

My account has been hacked, but it was through pilot error, which is almost exclusively how 'hacking' is accomplished - simply taking advantage of mistakes people make. For a long time I just used my owner key to post.

Oops! live and learn.

It should be possible to recover @ironshield's account even if his recovery account is not available. The #1 witness has the ability to act as the recovery account for anyone. So it would be possible to ask the #1 witness to do the account recovery.

No. Not for anyone, just for those who have this field empty (i.e. mined accounts).
My account was mined and I was #1 for quite a while.


    * On account creation the recovery account is set either to the creator of
    * the account (The account that pays the creation fee and is a signer on the transaction)
    * or to the empty string if the account was mined. An account with no recovery
    * has the top voted witness as a recovery account, at the time the recover
    * request is created. Note: This does mean the effective recovery account
    * of an account with no listed recovery account can change at any time as
    * witness vote weights. The top voted witness is explicitly the most trusted
    * witness according to stake.

Thanks for the clarification! I was under the impression that the #1 could act as the recovery account for anyone. I looked at the code and I now understand that it doesn't work the way I thought.

This shows the importance of making sure to keep your recovery account up to date.

I could not find anything on the code that says that is possible...

Yeah. You're right. I had a misconception. The #1 can only recover accounts that don't have a recovery account set, as would be the case if an account was mined.

Yep, confirmed later with the rest of the people and gtg pointed code.

Who is #1 witness, I'll gladly speak with him. @saboin

That would be "arcange"

Thank you, I don't want to spam him with dm's and such, but if he is able to help in any way the situation is extremely time sensitive.

Unfortunately, nothing I can do. Read this comment from @gtg

How? that's new to me...

@arcange is that true?

Unfortunately, nothing I can do. Read this comment

from @gtg

Thank you so much for posting about my situation. I'm not going anywhere, it's a long road back, but I'll do whatever I can.