Know exactly what you want, find a way of getting it and do everything in your power to get it but if after all these you can't get it, forget it.
This year there is no holding back for me from the things i want and i think you should not hold back too.
Operation way forward people, good morning from Nigeria, have fun and live your life.
Well, it's the start of the year, so everyone is feeling hopeful. The hard bit is doing the work to make our goals happen.
Have a beautiful week ahead @candy49
This is one mindset that helps the determined achieve their set out goals. When there's a will, there's a way
Yes, enjoy your week @jersteemit
Good morning to you dear. With such declarations you are surely going places this year. I love the spirit. Keep the fire burning!
Thank you, let us smash some goals again this year.
Nothing should stop us from going for what we want now and forever. Forward ever!
Honestly that is the strength of things in life,no matter how hard it might be, going for what you want in life is not a crime.
Just go for it