30 VYB up for grabs!!
- I will provide three questions.
- You chose to answer 1, 2 or 3 questions in your comment.
- Each question you answer will be counted.
- Each complete high quality comment will receive 0.5 VYB liquid
- When question #31 is counted then that answer gets no prize.
- The next question #32 gets counted as #1 and we continue until 30 VYB are distributed.
The three questions were:
1. What is the story behind your username?
2. What is one thing you want to see the VYB community accomplish and why?
3. What would you like to see different in the New Year and why?
We have reached #31 thanks to the help of @offgridlife
- But don't worry we are going around again.
- If this is your first time making a comment you use the questions above.
- If you are here for a revisit then I have new questions for you.
- What is the best thing to do on a cold day?
- Speak about somebody you follow on this block chain, preferably someone who recently joined.
- Did something funny happen to you today? Tell us about it.
A couple of decades ago, during the peak of my gaming addiction, I was having difficulty finding competition under my original name. OperaHoser was a name I used to anonymously test strategies and pretend to not be a veteran. The name made me chuckle - mental image of a Canadian pressure cleaning an opera house, maybe even singing like a bad tenor.
I'd like to see the VYB community accomplish being a community, but it seems you can already pop the champagne on that one. Good visions realized are something to celebrate, and the vision of a community not self voting or downvoting is something I can get behind. May it grow like a weed!
I would like to see us disagree more productively. It could happen. This should be possible on Hive, and basically it is, except when a whale disagrees. The information war is losing battles on that front.
Thanks for a very thoughtful response @operahoser.
Can I say that I love this statement, or would that be too sycophantic?
I'd like to hear your opinion on that one.
Today people tend to disagree from much greater planes... instead of listening to the original sentence they just try to shut up the opponent with an insult.
Thanks for sharing the story behind your username.
To me it just sounds like the name of a guy who gets horny when he meets opera performers like this Opera Hoser.
Your answers are numbered as #6, #7 and #8.
You will receive the reward of 0.5 VYB liquid at the end of this post payout.
Ohhh, what a way to launch our Vyb token. You no dey ever fall hands @mineopoly 😏.
1.Well, I've been using this username for a while now, started off with facebook the instagram and twitter, so I thought it wise to also use it on here.
*The name chinco is actually a nickname, I got it in my year 1 in the university. Apparently, everyone thought I was half cast, thinking I was chinese because I had curly dark hair and very fair skin. It normal In Nigeria to refer to chinese products as Chinco, so the name just stuck and I've been using it ever since.
Culbert is actually my surname, nd I love the name so much, because it's no way like the normal Nigerian name. I've hardly seen people use the name here, so it makes me stand out, and I love to do that.
So I blended the two, chinco + Culbert and achieved the acronym C.C..Its quite lovely.
2.I'll love to see a better Community, one that wouldn't exhibit all the flaws the proof of brain community had. I'll love to see a bigger family, one which doesn't discriminate, whether whale or small fish. It's very possible. I believe in Vyb Community projects and I'm glad to be a part of it.
3.Personally I'll want to improve in every way, I don't want to be the same way, both financially, career wise and HIVE wise, I know next year has a lot in store for us. I don't want to hear anymore tragedies, it's gotta be our time to flex..I pray for more blessings in Jesus Name.
Hey @merit.ahama I'm honored to get your tag, thank you ❤️
I had to think fast @chincoculbert,
This is a fun game for getting to know the community and share a little.
You answered three questions really well. You may pass.
I like the name Chinco even though I called you Chino for a while. Chinco does bring back memories of Cheech and Chong. These guys were a riot.
Community here does feel like family.... bigger is good. It's a blessing to be here and share together. I think it's also important to have a deeper community to understand each other. My vision is that VYB will get to the point that the community could actually help each other out in some practical ways. I have some ideas for writing and publishing in the new year and I'd love to see them come true.
You are already blessed. It's not easy to see through Jesus' eyes but consider John chapter 9. We easily become blind do to preconceived ideas. Look how in verse 3 the view point was so radical. Sometimes we wait around for circumstances to change but they just get worse. It doesn't mean that we are not blessed.
I am posting the count right now, but when we get to 31 I will put up new questions.
When this post pays out I will send you 0.5 VYB for your participation.
I have been planning to Live off the grid for 20 years now but I’m waiting for better batteries.
I’d like to see VYB keep the No downvote feature. It’s genius. Should have been done years ago on Steemit. I heard that Steemit is going to do this also now that Justin Sun quit.
I’d like to see more front ends remove the downvote button, because downvotes make people quit.
This would be way too long to describe all in the comment section here.
But those who are interested - can go and read my 2+ years old post here:
Just one? I wish founders discovering (sooner than later), what bad mistake was made eliminating downvotes on this tribe. The good thing is - even worst mistakes can be corrected by a chain fork.
I would like to see the "rulers" of the classic (analog) world loosing their powers at a much larger pace.
It's almost impossible to explain to somebody, why it is important and essential.
You either understand it (all by yourself) , why it is important, or nobody would be able to explain this to you.
I see much, MUCH (!) better future world on this planet, all thanks to the powers of blockchain.
Hello @onealfa.vyb,
It's good to see you here. Thank you for posting a link to the story behind your user name. I was honestly very curious. The actual story is a lot different from the story in my mind. I thought you were the first on the Blockchain and bought up everything "Gimme Your Coinz". I see now that you have been in social media from ham radio to internet and it's the last two symbols of your code name call out. That makes sense now. I bet I wasn't the only one who was curious !LUV.
Thank you for sharing and I think this is a unique thing with only VYB. I have also heard your explanation of the way the reward system is used in post rewards. This is a very important point and when the time comes that the community needs a fork allowing a downvote it will be possible. Personally I want to see how it will play out. I want to give people a chance to be heard who would normally have been downvoted for their unpopular opinions. I do not hope for spam and tag abuse or uncontrolled bullying due to a missing downvote. I'm thankful the community at the moment has reasonable watch guards.
This is something a chain fork cannot handle. I am torn to pieces when I see hundreds of thousands of beautiful people suddenly under the power of a dictator with no way to escape. There is not a day in my life that goes by without hearing the plight of these people. If I start writing about the mess these rulers made I can never stop writing.
I am certain a block chain record of events, laws and issuance of funds can bring about transparency. This is a good step. Personally I am under the authority of these "leaders" of the world because I knew there is a greater law over them. It is not my part to dethrone them but an end will come. When there is a beginning there is also an end. All dominion, authority and power will be destroyed.
Thank you for your vision in blockchain and in Proofofbrain. Your hope is contagious.
You make many of us smile.
(On a side note, growing up in Chicago I met a lot of people from Lithuania. They were amazing and the Lithuanian kids in our neighborhood always did well in school.)
(3/5) gave you
Very interesting story behind your user name, and somehow i always guess it will have to come from Alpha.
I don't know how this became a duplicate comment. I think the front end will have a few issues for a while.
(2/5) gave you
Great. You hit all three @yungnbroque,
Hick up. I never herd Khalid. Maybe you could share a good example of his work. You answered the second question really well and blockchain social media needs to be run smooth. Part of that is keeping the lights on and getting developers involved. Practically speaking it looks like we will have to do our best with what we have right now and engage meaningful interactions. It seems like you have a love for art. I'd thing vyb may be a great place to show it off.
The third question is counted, but I would to hear your suggestions for community growth.
This was #1,#2 and #3 total of 3 so far on the questions.
You will get your liquid VYB before the payout of this post (0.5 VYB)
Khalid is a UK artiste, here is a link to the track that inspired my username.
He is super popular and pretty funny and entertaining. Thanks for sharing.^^
My username is the same as my wrestling website, minus the dot com at the end. My normal username at places is Oldschool, but I think that was already taken when I joined.
I hope to see the VYB community help new users who genuinely want to stay and become a part of this grand adventure. We all know how discouraging it is to spend three plus hours creating a post, only to feel like it wasn't seen by another living soul.
For 2022 I want to pretty much keep to my current plan. I guess I would like to manage my time a little better though.
Thanks for visiting (You completed #4, #5 and #6)
Wow! Wrestling website. It's cool you kept the https://wrestlingdesires.com alive with wrestling cards. I remember you as a writer and a friend. Now I see you also enjoy professional wrestling. I thought it was more like a Jacob wrestles with God thing. I never fought professionally. Actually after Freshman year of high school I stopped all contact sports.
Old School does sound like a cool name. Too bad it was taken. Not only is the community alive here but quality and original posts are appreciated. It is a whole new ball park here.
I spent a lot of time on POB this year and I met some cool people. I would like to spend more time writing in the New Year.
Thanks for a fun 2021.
I thank you for adding to my fun this year too :) Actually the site is a forum, not wrestling cards - but that is a good idea :) ... We don't have as many active members as before, so something new is in order.
More !ALIVE is what I want it to be.
0.100 WINEXCongratulations, @mineopoly You Successfully Shared With @wrestlingdesires.
You Earned 0.100 WINEX As Curation Reward.
You Utilized 1/1 Successful Calls.
Contact Us : WINEX Token Discord Channel
WINEX Current Market Price : 0.216
Oh... you do have 0.5 VYB coming to you by the pay out of this post.
My first liquid vyb 🙌 You are awesome!!!
For question 1.
My user name was given to me by my friend @abbey877 and it was derived from a Nigerian tribal name Oluwafunsho, meaning the one God is guiding. I have grown to really love the name.
For question 2.
I will love to see a play to earn VYB game, very fun for everyone to play and earn the token or earn hive
This I believe can happen with time and effort.
@readthisplace, @merit.ahama and @doziekash come and to us about your user name or any of the quetions above.
You are always a smart one and learn to play these games very quickly.
I do love this user name also.
The history of my username goes back some years when I was mining. I wanted to mine every alt coin like a monopoly game. Then I found the best way to earn is through mining the heart.
I'd love to see some of your friends come out and play.
You are at answer #7, 8
After we hit #31 I will change the questions so you can jump in and participate again^^
(2/5) gave you
Thank you!
You are already doing a great job and I'm looking forward to what you have in store for this new Tribe.
And you did not only end up mining alot of coins but have won and mined our heart join !lol
I can bet they will show up soon enough.
They came ^^
Now I have my work cut out for me to welcome them one by one.
Use the !LOL or !LOLZ command to share a joke and an $LOLZ. (3/6)@funshee, I sent you an on behalf of @mineopoly
A-one, a-two, a one-two-three-four!
Use the !LOL or !LOLZ command to share a joke and an $LOLZ. (2/2)@luvshares, I sent you an on behalf of @funshee
This pretty funny. Love and lots of laughs.
@funshee, this comment has been manually curated with
When this post pays out you will have 0.5 VYB liquid from me.
Wonderful questions I must say
So I do have a story behind my username? 🤔 Now I have to think
That's my real name actually and I remember someone asking me why I use my real online... It's because it makes me feel like I represent my family wherever I am. My dad and mum love my name a lot so I try as much as I can to answer my real names wherever.
More posts on how to go about the coin, it seems promising and I think I still have a lot to learn about it. So I wish for more people to know about VYB and get more people to stake and grow the world coin.
Thanks for the invite @funshee and I will like to invite @chincoculbert to join in.
I love the name Merit, it sound unique and elegant.
Am sure more post about VYB will surface in coming days just stay tune and don't change that Dial.
Hello @merit.ahama,
Yours is a name worthy of showing off. Most people rather prefer to remain somewhat anonymous. I can see the merit in that also.
This is happening and there are some great people participating. VYB is not a super fast appear out of nowhere and then disappear coin. Most people are in it for the long run and word will get out.
That makes two answers... #9 and #10. We are getting close to 31.
I will send you 0.5 liquid VYB by the end of this post.
Oh this looks fun!
So my username is nothing special but my name. It is inspired by my love for my name and how confident I feel about my identity. I feel my name very strongly and feel empowered by the sound it. So I always choose it as my username for all platforms.
For the new year, I would like to see more acceptance of crypto currencies across the globe. India is in plans to accept crypto not as a currency but as an asset which is a great step. I would like to see other nations accepting crypto which would empower and encourage the citizens to get involved in crypto based activities.
Wow @sugandhaseth,
You and merit.ahama have that one thing in common that you love your own name and are confident about your identity. When I read your name I think of you as sugar and your husband as Haseth. I guess I was wrong.
It's really cool that India can not accept crypto as an asset. There was some problems that caused FOMO about a year ago. The reasons it seems is there had been some scams and the government reacted defensively. If India applies crypto practically in this new year then other countries will follow. It's a great New Year wish.
You answered two questions so we are at #11 and #12.
I will send you 0.5 VYB by the payout of this post.
Haha, no that's my name - complete. So I didn't change my surname after marriage because I could not part away with my name. I love myself as Sugandha Seth and no compromises here.
That's cool. In Korea no girls change their name legally when they are married. They keep the maiden name. It is a little confusing when I see husband and wives with different surnames.
The Trickster @mineopoly is Back with a Flavour. 😜😎
My username is after my Nick Name or Pet Name 'VIK' and my friends always called me buddy since school, so that's it sweet and simple 🤗
I would love to see VYB fulfill its Primary purpose of Complementing POB Tribe, both tribe working in hand to hand to prosper and grow on Hive Blockchain. I fear, what if VYB completely overshadow POB or Vice Versa in long run.
I want Next Year, free of Covid or Omicron Fear, No more lockdowns, no fear among public, a normal public life as it was before the pandemic.
Hi @vikbuddy,
We are playing a new game. It's about quality not quantity. Although I do like Spam from time to time it needs a little kimchee and sometimes a slice of !PIZZA.
You answered 3 questions #13, #14 and #15. We are half way to answering #31. After we reach #31 I will set up a new question and you are welcome to participate then.
When this post pays out I will send you 0.5 VYB for your participation.
first of all great idea for a post, fingers crossed I am not 31
Its a mantra, based on the idea it ok to fail , in fact you will fail, however you should always take that opeprtunity to progress forward
Gain some of that energy that POB lost, without a strong interesting directions tribes just stagnate - also i want to post photos :p
The ability for families to get back together , here in aus a lot fo borders were closed.
Hi @fallingforwards,
Thank you so much for participating.
I thought about your username several times @failingforwards and thought it was some kind of paradox and play on words. I didn't think deeply on it to realize that it meant failing is the "opportunity to progress forward". This is the quickest way to learn something deeply and progress to the next level. It is true in video games and it is true in life. Nobody likes failing but these steps of failure make if very clear to us where we need to go next... FORWARD!!!
I posted photos directly to the vybrainium front end several times but I heard some people are having issues. I recommend posting the photos on another front end like proofofbrain.blog or peakD and using the address in the markdown body.
Years ago the same thing happened in the country I live in. The families were separated for generations. I work with a woman who came to the south with her father but was separated from her mother in the north. They were never able to meet. I understand the bond of family. I hope in this age you can at least meet virtually.
This is the image I posted directly from the vybrainium front end.
We have passed comment #31 and now we are starting over again. You answered #3, #4 and #5. It's time for me to change the questions and call out some people.
Thanks for the detailed reply! Glad you liked the deeper reason for me name, normally people misread it as falling forwards ! I would really love to see some photo appreciation going on vyb, where people can post thier amateur photos and get feedback from people!
Sorry to hear what happened in your country hopefully it in the past for good now
Falling forwards is something that happens when you are drunk. You must know the friendly moose...
I do but never entered! Maybe it's time!
He is always positive and encouraging and will help people who are interested in photography. Noise.cash loves his photos. Also @old-guy-photos has given me a few pointers to me in the essence of a photographer.
To answer a question, I'd go with question one. My username. The name 'wongi' is a funny one . I was lollygagging one day wity a pen in hand and then the name came to my head. I asked a friend beside me how the name sounds and he replied that it sounds like a goats name. I don't know if he was trying to spite me or something.
As usual, I didn't care about what he thought. I asked a few other people and they loved it.
The name wongi is gotten from my real name 'Enwongo' which many people find really hard to pronounce.
I've heard a million different pronunciations of my name and wongi was one of them. I love the name and so I thought, why not keep it? And I did keep it😊.
Oh my my.. I totally enjoyed reading the origin of the beautiful usernames here. That was fun 😊
#1 Well My User Name Is Gotten From My Name. Nnadozie Kashimawo Johnpaul.
#2 I'd love to see a VYB frontend where You can login and Create a new hive account as well.
#3 I'd Love To See The cost of things go down. The cost of things
are increasing everyday.
@faith65 don't say i don't call you to come and have fun. @merit.ahama I'm sure you are here already. @blezyn it's been a while.. Get in here.
What an awesome name Nnadozie Kashimawo and Johnpaul at the end... Super!!
This is a new suggestion. I never thought of that but it can be a useful tool.
Lovely dream... I'd settle with my income going up.
I haven't seen @blezyn yet or Nonso. I don't know @faith65 but I'd like to.
I'm blushing😊glad you like my name. I heard the vyb frontend is out.. Seems Santa heard my wish 🤶🏽
#Income going up.. now that is pretty wise. I love that idea.
Unto the next round😎
I had to take a pee and went in there and typical of a young man I exclaimed something very loud like its huge when I unzipped my pants. Something like a dinosaur tail. My friend outside heard and laughed and someone called me leifasaur, and it has stuck from there.
I hope that there are no taboo subjects here, whatever people want to share will be taken like that and discussed without retribution against them for the subject. If you don't like it move on. If you like it and it is original content give it an upvote. Simple.
In the new year I hope we can move away from this fear driven reaction about this virus that we are all going to have to learn how to live with.
Thanks of the post and contest @mineopoly.
Hello friend,
I would have never imagined.
I think that is one of the big perks of this community. It's a place to discuss what you really want to. If people don't want to hear it they will just pass by. There will be no punishment for choice of subject material.
This was taken off Youtube:
Yes, fear is a terrible enemy of mankind. I'd like fear to be gone.
I was just wondering @leifasaur,
Did you live in Africa your whole life?
Thanks for the response.
I grew up in a small town in Eastern, Oregon. @oldmans sometimes shares some pictures from parts of Oregon that take me back. I left there for 13 months when I was 16 and lived in Sweden. I came back for my last year of high school. I then went to University in Denver, my 3rd year I studied abroad in Ghana and got the taste of it then.
In 2013 I moved to Ghana permanently and have been here for the last 8 years.
Thankyou for this story. It has always sparked curiosity. A large portion of African students in Korea are from Ghana. I have followed your blog on Blurt and your camera lens (your eye) is special... I'm glad to see you on vyb. I hope to see both Blurt and vyb on the moon.
The math concept of orders of Infinity, see Georg Cantor's ideas around different levels of infinite
More user interaction, maybe some airdrops for us little guys ;)
An end to covid, with things transitioning back to the "good old days"
Hi @theabsolute
I guessed that about a week ago. Before that I didn't know much about you. We only know what is revealed about one person or another. For a while I just thought about Kelvin's absolute zero.
There will be a ton of contests and give aways. Try a post in https://vybranium.com with some sincere questions or an interesting story and see what happens. I bet you 1 VYB that you will find at least three sincere comments and a large VYB upvote from me.
Your New Year Wish is awesome. I want to get on a plane and visit my folks in the US without having to go through so much vaccine pass and quarantine, etc...
Get out Covid!!
Here it is!
I think I didn't see this because I'm used to seeing the first tag as vyb but I caught your link and promoted your post....
Also it is hard to see posts with no picture. The picture is like a hint of what is inside.
I joined this so late but I'll still comment. Better late than never. I'll go with question one. A whole lot of people think my user name is a man's name and all,or they expect to see a very sophisticated person behind the name. I'm more or less down to earth and very jovial.
While in high school, there was this game we played with our names. We used our initials to form a name. While others formed weird names, mine formed a very unique name. So yes, my initials for megpeters, alongside my dad's name.
Here it is;
M is for Mercy being my first name
E is for Ejiro being my second name
G is for Guragbaza being my last name.
And then I spiced it up with Peters, my dad's name that he refused us to bear.
The Name stuck to me, most people even call me by that name.
That's the story behind my user name.
That's awesome and I see there is even more behind the story with your dad. One day when you are ready you can share that story in vyb.
Yes,there is a story. I'll share one of these days.
(1/5) gave you
For question one
I'll take hot bath, drink hot tea and wear cover up clothes... I'm doing all this now as our weather over here is about constant cold.
For question two
I've met one, but not sure if I should put it that I've met him though. He was the one that introduced me to writing so I met him before Hive 🙈
For question three
My day just started and like I said, it's very cold season over here. Would you believe I knew that very well and still went out early this morning only to come back to my room looking like I went into a freezer 😂🤣
Does he write on Hive? I wonder who he is and why people are so mysterious about introducing somebody they met.
Well I guess you better get into that hot tub again and start all over.
Yeah, he's @davidbright and he's still very much on Hive
I sorted my cold out already, don't wanna freeze out 🤣
When it's really cold I put on my warmest clothes and go under the covers with a cup of tea. The cold outside is no match for the warmth inside one person.
Best thing to do on a cold day for me is to cover up, put on a good show and eat all day, since I don't like the cold, most cold days are lazy days.
I recently met someone who joined the hive blockchain but hasn't made any post, currently trying to help him make his introductory post.
Funny, Uhm, I don't think I had anything funny happen but I did start watching a new comedy show that has been making me laugh.
I wonder how the weather is your your parts nowadays @khaleesii
Would you mind telling us his username so the community can welcome him.
I wonder what made you laugh.
We usually don't have winter here, it is usually a dry weather called harmattan, so it isn't as cold.
His name is @kemeslim
Also, the series is about a Nigerian who has a relationship with an American; Bob hearts Abishola, they make subtle jokes that as a Nigerian I fully understand.
I see @khalessii,
Then I'm counting this as three answers
#14, #15 and #16
Also you can expect 0.5 VYB by the payout of this post.
Thank you.
What is the best thing to do on a cold day?
Sit by the fireplace and read while sipping on a fine bourbon stout
Have you recently met someone for the first time on this blockchain? Tell us about this person.
I don't really know much about anyone here tbh
Did something funny happen to you today? Tell us about it.
I got hit on by an interesting character while shopping. They were from the olden days... you know, the time when doctors and drug dealers had pagers. When people mentioned reddit, they assumed you must have been talking about the Sunday paper
Ho ho ho, I'm feeling warm in my chest. The other meaning of absolute comes to mind. Even before math and chemistry my first encounter of absolute was a spirit from the country of Sweden.
These punny things happen all the time. The reddit group says game stop is going pumped again. That's when I called ambulance. I can't afford another heart attack.
I'm counting this as #12 and #13 and sending 0.5 VYB at the payout of this post.
I'm currently having A cold morning, if the cold continues this way the whole day, then I'll be in bed under warm sheets all day, probably with hot tea next to me. I'm very good at staying in bed all day Lol.
Never Met anyone here, I don't even know what most of them look like lol. But I'd definitely love to meet lots of them, and I'm working towards that. Might as well plan a trip to Asia to come meet the mighty @mineopoly and his yellow bird😊
Sadly nothing funny happened today rather I got angry several times today.
Lazy guy, staying your bed all day because of cold... Well done, I want to join you sha because I like being lazy.
So is only @mineopoly he wants to see and doesn't want to see me, I'm jealous 😒
Ah ah .. I'm not lazy joorh. I'm just obeying the weather. Look well na.. I said I want to meet so many people 🤷🏼♀ including you. You know your own is a must next year.😉
It's been a while tho. Hope you have been good.
😂 Now I'm super excited, next year is nor far again
Can't wait to meet my lazy friend that's obedient to weather 😝😤🤣
The numbers go up quick on these comments.
A cup of hot tea would really help at the moment. My feet are cold.
I guess I met online meet someone for the first time... but either way you answered the question. I cannot guarantee much but a drink and maybe one meal and a walk around the palace so unless you have to be in Seoul I wouldn't recommend planning your trip around me.
That is sad. Sometimes it is just a matter of point of view. You don't seem like the type of person to get angry easily so someone must be messing with you or you need to take a break. One teacher today dumped a bunch of data entry work on me today. There is not much I could say because she is my supervisor. As soon as she was gone I laughed. I finished in ten minutes but refrained from sending it to her for an hour and twenty minutes. If she did it herself it would have taken her two hours. I thought that was funny. My students at school are hilarious. They are told not to drink during class time. One kid couldn't resist and got nervous while drinking. The whole water bottle spilled on his seat. Of course this is not funny for him and I hold back my laughter for another time but it is hilarious to hear him scream when he had expected just a chalant sip of water. He did get dried up... but the funny thing was that class had a substitute teacher and the look on her face when I came in to teach the English subject and relieve her of her duty was as if the Lord had come again. She was like, "Take these kids off my hands for forty minutes so I can breathe."
Life is comedy... I'm not sure where it is all headed but there will be a punchline. As for now we are in a massive set up... just waiting.
Oh, you answered #9, #10 and #11.
Another 0.5 VYB is on your way at the pay out of this post.
You are an awesome personality. And very funny as well. You are quite right I hardly get angry but people keep trying to mess with me lol
I love Ru see life add a comedy, this way you will smile more often and let go of a lot of things. But then I'd love to learn how you see a joke in every situation 😂
Not every situation... some we really never understand, but when we do finally understand... then we can laugh. Life hurts... laughter is a pain killer... but the final laugh is the laugh of understanding and that is a good one.
The Magician’s Nephew by C.S. Lewis
That is so true.. There are situations that gets you tensed up, but when you think about it later, all you can do is laugh.
Reading your comments make me laugh every single time. Aslan didn't realize that he was the joke all along lol
In this case the Jackdaw is the joke. Aslan is a lion in the book but a symbol of more.
I recommend you read the book. It is a simple children's book but has some insights into cosmology .
If you don't have the book near you then perhaps you can find an ebook like:
Or check Internet archive https://archive.org for "The Magician's Nephew." The joke part is chapter 10.
Oh my.. Thanks A lot. I'll definitely check it Out and have Myself a little laugh
That's kind of a cool attempt but I cannot count a copy of a previous comment. I think the best thing you can do now is call some friends. Give a shout out to @vikbuddy and see if they are interested in the game. Then maybe after we get to #31 we can repeat.
!BEER for the thirsty and happy people.
Already here buddy, let's call @sugandhaseth, I don't know if she is aware about VYB or not. She had been too busy lately.
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Hey @yungnbroque, here is a little bit of from @mineopoly for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
.PIZZA Holders sent $PIZZA tips in this post's comments:
mineopoly tipped vikbuddy (x1)
mineopoly tipped funshee (x1)
mineopoly tipped leifasaur (x1)
mineopoly tipped offgridlife (x1)
mineopoly tipped doziekash (x1)
(2/6) @mineopoly tipped @vyb.earn (x1)
Please vote for pizza.witness!
I never knew something of such was actually going on here. Should I say I got tagged by mistake... I'm glad that mistake happened, else I would have missed this wonderful opportunity.
The story behind my username?... I don't think there is any story behind it. I always want to be real and that's why I used my real name. There is the joy in me whenever am being identified as Bright.
For the second question, am still trying to wrap my hands on what VYB is all about and so, I feel that if we can have more sensitization about this coin or should I say project, it will go a long way in helping so many people.
And in 2022,i want to see a better me.. I don't know if you understand what I mean but I just want to be better in all ramifications come next year.
@deraaa @khaleesii @jaydr @iskafan you guys should come tell us the story behind your username
Hi @davidbright,
I know your friend Merit from proofofbrain. It seems that she has learned something about writing from you. Both of you share the fact that your usernames are your names IRL and you are very bright.
VYB is a community on Hive called verify your brain or Vybrainium. This is a new token on Hive engine for encouraging original authors and quality curation and interactions. And your wish for the coin to help many people is part of the project. This coin was distributed according to staked Proof of Brain but can also be rewarded on the vybranium front end.. https://www.vybrainium.com or #vyb tag.
I understand in part "better" all around.
Also if you skim through the comments you will see that your friend @khaleesii is already there.
You answered 3 questions and I hope you have a happy New Year. Check you VYB wallet and you will find 0.5 from me by the payout of the post which is very soon. VYBs payout quickly.
Thanks so much for the gift. I have come to understand perfectly well what vyb is all about. I was a little bit confused earlier on, but trust me, I know better now. I will do well to make use of the front end and also the tag.
Is the token exchangeable now?
Definitely VYB.
If you plan on staying then you can stake the token. You can stake right in the wallet. The reward APR is pretty high right now. If you want to trade you are free to trade on Hive engine or tribax dex or whatever.
I am sorry I am late. First, thank you @davidbright for the tag.
I will only answer question 1. I won't be writing it here because it's a long story
However, I had written about it in a post in the first month of being on Hive, and I'll drop the link for everyone to follow through and read.
Or wait, can I copy paste the post instead? @mineopoly
Edit: here is the link that tells the story behind my username: Explaining my blog name
Copying and pasting it here might be too long oo... Can't you just summarize it?
I went down on other other people's comment, I saw someone drop a link to his. I think I'll have to do that too. Sorry, @davidbright, my fingers are really busy this morning, but I don't want to miss out in the challenge either 🥺
Shoot then.. Am with you
I already did, sweetheart, check the first comment, I edited it and dropped the link 😊
Yea.. I saw the edited comment.. Funny enough.. I have read that post before.. To be honest, I love the story behind your username... Nice one
Awwwnnnn.... Thanks so much sweetheart 😘
Thanks @iskafan,
You are still in the game... almost.
I see that you answered question one... sort of. The object here is to encourage meaningful interaction and comments. Thanks for the link to your username post. But I wonder what in this comment today can add meaningful interaction to this post...
My username is a simple reminder to myself on my journey.
Can you expound on that? I always thought you were a mixture of a bear and a mole.
I'm thinking of making a post about it. When I do I'll make the link here. What I can say is it has nothing to do with those two animals.
Oh. I see. Sure... you can share the link here. I would like to know more about who @bearmol is.
The name looks still funny to me till today 😂, because this is not how it's planned, the planned username is pobman but during the registration it was already taken then my friend resorted to writing popmanj instead of pobman. J stands for my name Joe.
I want a community where content matters with a good reward system and upvotes and having a set of rules that will keep it going. Someone had once asked that what real time benefits have our contents?
I also want a community where people can give out a job for people to do ranging from mathematics, physics, chemistry, computer/ict, web design, software development, Data analysis,etc. It should be an open task for everyone to work on it and bring the results to the community where the owner of the job will pick the best and give reward accordingly. Others participants will also learn from the winners. It could be assignment, project etc.
I want economic boom and a COVID-19-free year as well as job opportunities for all willing to work.
Thank you for your comment.
We are almost at the end of this game. The post is past payout on vyb. That was fast. I do hope all your wishes come true in the new year @popmanj
The Best thing I will do on a cold day is to cover up my body, in fact this is what I have been doing for a while now since the start of hammatan over here. if I'm still indoor, I will make sure I close all doors and Windows. That way my room temperature will be warm and lively.
I just met a lady @ozohu from my tribal part of Nigeria(Ebira) and I like her, she is lively and cool to chat with. She joined the blockchain July this year and she is very consistent and hardworking.
No much funny stuff happens to me yet today, but who knows what the remaining of today holds for me.
Hi @funshee,
Thanks for sharing @funshee.
You are the best at keeping up with Yellow Bird. I like talking to you because I learn new words. I am just learning that "hammatan" is the season when the dust blows over western africa. I didn't know that before I spoke with you. I guess hammatan season is now. It would be a good idea to close the windows especially at night.
Especially thank you for introducing us to your friend @ozohu. She seems to deserve merit as a hardworking person. I will have to visit her blog. Something funny happens around me every day. Maybe because there are so many kids around. They are really funny. Also because I am teaching English to speakers of Korean everyday the language becomes something very funny. I say one thing but to them it means a completely other thing.
I work with another Korean teacher and I was impressed by how she handled a situation. I told her,
She looked kind of embarrassed. I thought maybe she didn't like compliments.
After class in the hallway she asked me,
Instead of killing each other for them we need to laugh and learn.
Thanks for publishing a post for the #vyb-launch! Here is the reward breakdown;
#vyb-launch accepted comments: 100
engagement multiplier: 3
reward breakdown: 100 * 3 = 300 VYB
The engagement multiplier is X2 or X3.
X2 is applied when the author responds to the majority of their audience.
X3 is applied when all commenters have been replied to genuinely at least once, at the time of reward decision (which is right now, in this unrefreshed page).
The VYB team recommends splitting the #vyb-launch reward by 50% with your audience. It is not a rule that will be enforced or will it affect your rewards in the future from any VYB based community accounts.
Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year,
sending love and well-wishes on behalf of the entire VYB Team 💙
Thank you. I will spread this vyb around to those eho participate and think of another nice way to reward engagent on a future post.
Much !PIZZA VYB Dude.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Ha! I think I'm a bit late, I've been offline for some time but I'll still like to drop the story behind my username.
It's nothing unique but it matters to me. So, amongst all my parents' children, I'm the only one they call by her English name, my siblings answer their native name.
My dad loves my English name and he spells it as Blesyn, for fun. Fast forward to when I wanted to create a Facebook account and I thought it would be great to use Blesyn as a username, but turns out a lot of people spell their name like that and I wanted mine to be different. So I used Blezyn and no other person had used it then, so I just went with that for all my social media pages including this one.