This would be way too long to describe all in the comment section here.
But those who are interested - can go and read my 2+ years old post here:
Just one? I wish founders discovering (sooner than later), what bad mistake was made eliminating downvotes on this tribe. The good thing is - even worst mistakes can be corrected by a chain fork.
I would like to see the "rulers" of the classic (analog) world loosing their powers at a much larger pace.
It's almost impossible to explain to somebody, why it is important and essential.
You either understand it (all by yourself) , why it is important, or nobody would be able to explain this to you.
I see much, MUCH (!) better future world on this planet, all thanks to the powers of blockchain.
Hello @onealfa.vyb,
It's good to see you here. Thank you for posting a link to the story behind your user name. I was honestly very curious. The actual story is a lot different from the story in my mind. I thought you were the first on the Blockchain and bought up everything "Gimme Your Coinz". I see now that you have been in social media from ham radio to internet and it's the last two symbols of your code name call out. That makes sense now. I bet I wasn't the only one who was curious !LUV.
Thank you for sharing and I think this is a unique thing with only VYB. I have also heard your explanation of the way the reward system is used in post rewards. This is a very important point and when the time comes that the community needs a fork allowing a downvote it will be possible. Personally I want to see how it will play out. I want to give people a chance to be heard who would normally have been downvoted for their unpopular opinions. I do not hope for spam and tag abuse or uncontrolled bullying due to a missing downvote. I'm thankful the community at the moment has reasonable watch guards.
This is something a chain fork cannot handle. I am torn to pieces when I see hundreds of thousands of beautiful people suddenly under the power of a dictator with no way to escape. There is not a day in my life that goes by without hearing the plight of these people. If I start writing about the mess these rulers made I can never stop writing.
I am certain a block chain record of events, laws and issuance of funds can bring about transparency. This is a good step. Personally I am under the authority of these "leaders" of the world because I knew there is a greater law over them. It is not my part to dethrone them but an end will come. When there is a beginning there is also an end. All dominion, authority and power will be destroyed.
Thank you for your vision in blockchain and in Proofofbrain. Your hope is contagious.
You make many of us smile.
(On a side note, growing up in Chicago I met a lot of people from Lithuania. They were amazing and the Lithuanian kids in our neighborhood always did well in school.)
(3/5) gave you
Very interesting story behind your user name, and somehow i always guess it will have to come from Alpha.
I don't know how this became a duplicate comment. I think the front end will have a few issues for a while.
(2/5) gave you