You have only 7 days
To collect the 100 staked POB and 100 staked VYB
Every complete entry will have my full upvote. Two will be big winners.
Photo edit.. original from Kellepics on Pixabay
Your mission:
Complete the story...
"You" are the main character.
You are 14 years old and attend John Radley Middle School in Winchester Park, Pennsylvania. You are a new student and today is your first day in the new school.
Your mom brought you to this ivy covered brick building without giving you any breakfast. You already met the vice principal, Mrs. Patton, and now you are walking down the hall to your homeroom class.
Mrs. Patton knocks on the door and Ms. Sheridan says something in what sounds like a foreign language. You are then directed to sit behind a rather large student she refers to as Jubal.
"You may sit behind Jubal for now until a proper seat is arranged."
You take the seat behind Jubal and spend the entire hour of history without a glimpse at the green board. Jubal's head is in the way and you catch a few words about "Civil War" and some "Opequon Creek". This gets your imagination working and you wonder what it would be like living in 1864.
You could hear the horses and feel the dust from the galloping Calvary. In your imagination you are in the battlefield. You hear a trumpet call. The commander's face looks so much like your teacher Ms. Sheridan. She is standing right above you.
You open your eyes. It is Ms. Sheridan. She asks you,
"Have you heard any of what I have been telling you?"
You are not sure if you should tell her the truth that it is really Jubal’s big head blocking you from seeing the board or if you should make up some excuse.
In your hesitation Ms. Sheridan asks you,
“Let me rephrase my question. Why was the Shenandoah Valley so important to the union in 1864?”
So many names crossed through your mind…
Was it Kershaw or Robert E. Lee? Certainly, you could say something intelligent.
You just froze. Why was everything blank? You have no idea.
Ms. Sheridan then adds,
“You will see me after class.”
Jubal turns his head and grins. This day is not turning out to be the greatest day on earth. On top of that your stomach churns releasing a Gremlin like noise a little louder than you had expected.
Ms. Sheridan looks disturbed,
“Do you have something to say to us all?”
Just then the bell rings. Everyone is gone out the door but you.
You still have to meet Ms. Sheridan “after class”. She gives you the talk about paying attention and the “first day of school”. She also says you are going to be late for Algebra so she will continue the conversation after school with you in detention at 3:10 PM.
It is 3:00 PM. You have just finished P.E. class. You wonder if you should just go home or if you should visit Ms. Sheridan’s classroom for detention. After all she is your homeroom teacher and probably will not forget that she has something more to tell you.
You have 7 days to finish the story…
- You are free to enter one story for each possible choice (1 and 2).
- Your story content should contain between 200-1000 words.
- Your main character is not necessarily male or female.
- Your main character only has the name “you” and no other name.
- At the end of your story the main character should be given a choice that may transport your character into another multiverse. Leave that choice and outcome up to your reader.
You can write your story as a comment below or write your story as a blog post.
- If you choose to write a blog post then link your post in the comments below and include these three tags: #vyb, #pob and #multiverse.
- If you choose to write a story in the comments please include the tags in your comments #vyb, #pob and #multiverse.
Please include a link to this post in your story.
After 7 days I will choose one author for each choice.
- The author for choice one will be awarded 100 staked POB.
- The author for choice two will be awarded 100 staked VYB.
- Those stories will be reblogged and featured in the next vybrainium multiverse post.
You realizes their name is you and enters a state of self-reflection. If you is you then who am I? You? You has no time to debate such things and a choice must be made as it's 3:00PM already.
You decides to visit detention as if there were any other choice. Ms. Sheridan wields a power over us for now but not forever. What would happen if we didn't show up? What would our excuse be?
Chased by a tiger? Abducted by aliens? I forgot?
She might go for the forgetting part but nothing else. We, I mean you arrives at detention promptly at 3:10PM as requested. You walks into the classroom, the sole soul in the vast sea of empty desks. Ms. Sheridan sits at her desk with a ziploc bag of baby carrots that she daintily removes and eats. Crunch, crunch as these little soldiers can't put up a fight against this woman.
She greets you with a smile. Thank you for making an appearance you. Please take a seat. You picks the back row out of defiance. I don't want to be here.
Ms. Sheridan reads this body language and understands she needs to mend this fence. You, I noticed you weren't paying attention. What's the issue?
You responds telling her that Jubal is a big kid and they couldn't see the board past that huge head. She understands the dilemma. She knows all about Jubal and their size. She mentions that you can switch desks anytime and speaking up about this even during class is perfectly fine. You're here to learn and if that's being impeded then I'm to blame. I want all my students to thrive while they're with me.
You and Ms. Sheridan realize at the same time this is a big misunderstanding. Preconceived notions can be one of the biggest stumbling blocks in life. Detention isn't required for this incident and it should be perceived as a mere chat between teacher and student.
During this moment of revelation a strange otherworldly sound is heard. Similar to a large ripping of construction paper used during art class. A flash of light blinds them both and a portal opens up near the window of the classroom. A booming voice echoes out, you we need you for a very important task. The future of our people and your own dimension depend on it.
You. Will you step through this portal and aid us?
You is faced with a choice. Stay or go?
This is a lot to process for a mere 14 year old who is stuck in detention. What will it be?
#vyb #pob #multiverse.
Assignment is complete. Yeah!!!!
Perfect. This story includes everything I wanted to see. !LUV
I wonder if you (Buffalobison) would like to see this story next week or should we change to a more relatable topic. Personally I love to share parts of stories and see where they go when they are passed to the next person. I also like to see where choices go to. If I do continue this I will rename it to "Choose your brain."
(1/5) gave you LUV.
The choice is yours as they say.
I do like the idea and this could turn into another great way to meet new people. Choose your own Adventure or in this case Choose your own Birdventure 😀
The main character with the name "you" did have me questioning my proofreading skills way too much and I'm sure my brain autocorrected all the mistakes but still left them in written form.
I was thinking of Abbott and Costello the whole time
I'm thinking of calling this "choose your own brain". Whenever I start something I have to fine tune it.
"You's" on first?
Actually "Yoo" is a Korean name.
I won't be able to write the story cause I never wrote one but I'm looking forward to entries
Try writing the same sentence with "You" as the main character.
You decide to go to detention and meet Ms. Sheridan. You are bored and have nothing to do. You never wrote a story. You take out your pen and paper and start writing.
ok I will try if I enjoy it
Thanks for sharing. I think you can have fun with it.
You choose to defy Ms Sheridan, Skip detention and go home . You thought even if you want to do other wise the rumbling in your stomach was so intense that you lose control of your entire system balance.
So, you damn the consequences you know you might be facing the following day.
Finally leaving the school premises, wondering what is going to happens in the next class, will Ms Sheridan scold you or give in to your excuse, perhaps you have to tell her your part of the story but you have no single idea of how or where to start from.
You thought you could perhaps talk to your mom about this hellish first day at school but you remember mom hard a lot going on with her and don't want to add to her burden.
You finally thought of accepting your faith in the next class and concludes that after all you are just a little boy of 14 years old and if you can come up with a better explanation tomorrow to Ms Sheridan, she may just give you another chance to prove yourself until then you need to tell mom about this crazy rumbling stomach and get your true self back only then you can think about tomorrow.
So the choice here is to tell mom or not to tell?
You decide to only tell mom about your stomach rumbling and thought you can handle Ms Sheridan the following day.
You choose to undergo detention and meet the teacher. But your eyes feel heavy. You feel very sleepy. You don't know if you are dreaming when your teacher comes in with a war commander's hat. The woman in history that your teacher told you about was real. The woman was a war commander, wearing a hat and war uniform from the past.
"Let's go to the meadow, pick up the remaining troop members," She said.
You don't know if this is a dream or not.
#vyb #pob #multiverse
Hi @penyaircyber,
Thank you for your entry. It came a little late but I'm glad I could read your micro-fiction entry.
This is the line of thinking I was looking for. I'm mean going in the past through an alternate reality. The thing I would be careful with writing the "choose your own" story is giving your readers a choice that leads them to a next step in the story.
There are a lot of entries and I have to go through. I will start with an upvote. This upvote is strong in VYB^^
Thank you. I Will join to write next stories.
As at that age, 14years, and that time you have not eaten, you remembered the consequences of your action the day you skipped food at home plus the fact that your stomach have started disturbing you for food.
You decided to bounce the detention with Ms. Sheridan and face her to tell her the reason for your absence the following day.
The main reason you decided to skip the part with your homeroom teacher was because you were really hunger.
You got home that day around 3:30pm,Ms. Sheridan has already called your mum to tell her about your performance in school and how you ignore the detention you were meant to wait for, your mum angrily asked you for your reasons plus she was aware you are the intelligent and obedient type.
You then told her that unlike your previous school, they don't go out during break to buy snacks or sell in school, you had to come home on time to eat that was why you skipped meeting with your teacher, explained to her about the low performance reported to her by Ms. Sheridan, quietly returned the money she gave you in the morning following the fact that you didn't eat before leaving home.
You ate your food and became calm, you did some brainstorming about the question earlier asked in class that you froze, then realized you knew the answer and the whole story.
The question is :were you blank because of Jubal's big head? Or because you were so hungry and got distracted?
#vyb, #pob and #multiverse
Thank you for your entry. I see you wrote about skipping the detention and the consequences that followed. You also left us with a question... I just wish the question left us with a choice that would bring us closer to a multiverse encounter.
This is my story.. this Is my song... Oops I was almost tempted to start singing a song here lol
Check it out
It sounds graceful. I am going to read it now.
I returned to homeroom, expecting the worst. At my previous school, I had made detention a habit, with frequent attendance leading to the multitude of teachers that oversaw this punishment knowing more about me than I would have preferred. On the bright side, at least I knew I could handle whatever was in store for me. I had experience on my side. I entered the room to find it empty, save Ms. Sheridan. She did not look pleased to see me. The feeling was mutual. I stated aloud "The Opequon Creek is a tributary of the Potomac River, and the Shenandoah Valley housed multiple campaigns between the Union and Confederacy often led by General Grant, the leader of the former." After that, I sat down and remained silent. Ms. Sheridan appeared perplexed now. She had expected the "new kid" to be rebellious and unintelligent, just another problem for her to resolve. In reality, she had just put me in a bad spot. We both sat in silence for a half-hour, neither of us enjoying our time, before she sent me home. I walked out the door to her classroom and immediately was met with a familiar face. Jubal. "She kept you here until I was ready," remarked the towering figure before me. "You need to come with me."
Go with Jubal
#vyb #pob #multiverse
I like this a lot. You surprised me. Nobody bothered to research Ms. Sheridan's question or even consider why she is called "Sheridan" and why Jubal is called "Jubal". You got the hang of writing for "Choose your own Vybrainium Multiverse".
I enjoyed reading your story and was glad you did some homework, but I just noticed one thing that doesn't go with the flow. The main character was changed from "you" to "I". The "you" character was given to engage the reader as the one who chooses. I am considering getting rid of the "you" requirement but haven't decided yet.
Ach all this is just too much for a Dawg............I ended up nipping Ms Sheridan's ankle coz, well, she won't let me dream about what it might've been like for a Dawg in 1864. Anyway, she let out a scream and fell on top of Jubal whose head became even bigger and I trotted off home. I'm 14 years old ......sheesh, gotta tell my Hyumi that coz he sez I'm only 2 and a quarter!
Love it Birdybro, this is top stuff. I enjoy floating through multiverses, it's good for my tan.
I do 'I' more than I do 'You', but I'm sure you know whadda mean :)
I got a big smile reading this !LOL
I'm changing minimum story from 300 to 200 words.
Two white horses jumped in the mud.
Credit: dksart
Use the !LOL or !LOLZ command to share a joke and an $LOLZ. (1/4)@flamistan, I sent you an on behalf of @mineopoly
Oh DAWG... I hear your voice !LUV
You skips out on detention and meets DAWG on the way home...
Try from there @flamistan
Ha ha, please don't tell my Hyumi or he'll get worried. You see, I'm in season and he doesn't want me meeting boy Dawgs atm :(
....but detention?
Ha WOOF to that microcosm of Hyumi Adult Prison Services. Dawg is Dawg innit!
I slink outside when Ms Sheridan's phone rings. The doctor has arrived to attend to Jubal's extra-swollen head.
Outside in the street, the light is fading and the last glimmers of sunlight reflect off large puddles of Dawg pee.
It was in one of those reflections that I spotted him.......damn, what a handsome Dawg!
[The rest has been redacted due to its potentially NSFW content]
Actually nothing happened but I don't want Barge to find out I was flirting
So far you are the only dawg biting. That boy must be fine. Glad to see they took care of Jubal's head.
Ha ha and I'm not even 'playing'......but I see there's another animal - @buffalobison in fact, who has opened a portal 👏👍
Dawgs biting huh!

Lol! This is one funny dawg! Jubal's head got bigger.. That Part got me rolling with laughter
Thanks Doziekash :D

(1/5) gave you LUV.
Here's another entry Just For Fun
This Time YOU decided to stay for detention. But then...
How many entries do you have? I'm glad you like writing because this is going to be a long adventure.
I have Two entries.. one where you go for detention and one where you skip detention.
I can't wait for the adventure. I'm ready to Go wherever it leads me.
As long as you are in with this I think it's going to work. !LUV
(2/5) gave you LUV.
H-E tools | connect | <><@mineopoly
I can see it turning our great already. I'm glad you came up with this.
#vyb #pob #multiverse
@mineopoly , delivered as promised.
I have to read this^^
I hope I'm not late to the party here.
This is my entry here
#multiverse #vyb #pob
Oops! I had no idea that this message failed to send 🤦🏽♀
This was way too much fun, I just had to make a post for it. Check it out and let me know what you think.
They Are After YOU 👈That's The Entry
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This is motivating
thank you
Feel free to finish the story and give readers a choice which direction to go next. This story can lead anywhere. It's really up to you.
PIZZA Holders sent $PIZZA tips in this post's comments:
mineopoly tipped aiovo (x1)
mineopoly tipped doziekash (x1)
joseph23 tipped mineopoly (x1) @mineopoly tipped @joseph23 (x1)
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Count me in on this one. I'll definitely be drOpping my entry on this.
Take your time @doziekash,
I'm really giving seven days and it looks like you have a pretty good chance. !PIZZA
Your words are very encouraging. Thanks A lot.
Wow, I might give this a shot. Am getting to enjoy imaginative write-ups
Something simple will work just fine. With community cooperation we can weeve a fun story together. !PIZZA
I think @doziekash gave this one a very big shot.
Lol. Sadly I forgot about the contest. Perhaps next time. Will check out his write up
You still have one day