Great to see the that sanity has returned, and the Neocons have wrested back power from the Neolibs. Now the Greater Israel project can finally get back on track. But before we fulfill John "Insane" McCain's wet dream of "Bomb bomb bomb, Bomb bomb Iran", we need to finish off Syria first.
And it would have been done by now, it not for those pesky Russians. But what about the Russians ? Well don't worry, as page 60 of the PNAC doctrine "Rebuilding America's Defenses" has that covered.
"And advanced forms of biological warfare that can "target" specific genotypes may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool."
See, there was a reason why we were collecting all those Russian biological samples, and why we specifically didn't want any Ukrainian ones.
Now, lets move our capital to it's rightful home in Jerusalem and get cracking.