The latest neo-conservative warmonger to join the Trump Administration does not bode well for the people of Iran.
On Thursday Donald Trump announced that John Bolton, a former official in George W. Bush’s administration and former ambassador to the UN, would be his new National Security Advisor. Bolton is a warhawk who called for the invasion of Iraq in search of non-existent weapons of mass destruction and has for years called for the invasion of Iran.
I am pleased to announce that, effective 4/9/18, @AmbJohnBolton will be my new National Security Advisor. I am very thankful for the service of General H.R. McMaster who has done an outstanding job & will always remain my friend. There will be an official contact handover on 4/9.
March 22, 2018Middle East Eye collected a number of quotes from Bolton over the years that indicate his plans for Iran and other nations viewed as a threat to national security of the U.S. government. And by that I mean the people who secretly wield control of corporate and state power. In 2009, Bolton said that regime change is “ultimately, the only thing that will stop Iran from getting nuclear weapons.” As recent as 2015 Bolton call for a U.S./Israel joint bombing campaign.“Such action should be combined with vigorous American support for Iran’s opposition, aimed at regime change in Tehran.”
Meanwhile, Senator Rand Paul questioned the appointment. “It concerns me that Trump would put someone in charge who is unhinged as far as believing in absolute and total intervention,” Paul stated. Bolton’s appointment was also criticized by Trita Parsi, leader of the National Iranian American Council.
People, let this be very clear: The appointment of Bolton is essentially a declaration of war with Iran.
With Pompeo and Bolton, Trump is assembling a WAR CABINET. If we want peace, Pompeo MUST be blocked in the Senate. A vote for him is a vote for war. 22, 2018 — Trita Parsi (@tparsi)
Further, it seems that Bolton and former Mayor of New York Rudy Giuliani have already promised the regime change would be happening within the next year. “Just eight months ago, at a Paris gathering, Bolton told members of the Iranian exile group, known as the Mujahedeen Khalq, MEK, or People’s Mujahedeen, that the Trump administration should embrace their goal of immediate regime change in Iran and recognize their group as a ‘viable’ alternative,” The Intercept reports.
“The behavior and the objectives of the regime are not going to change and, therefore, the only solution is to change the regime itself,” newly appointed National Security Advisor John Bolton told the crowd. The Intercept also noted that Iranian expatriate journalist Bahman Kalbasi reported that Bolton ended his talk by promising, “And that’s why, before 2019, we here will celebrate in Tehran!”
At a recent celebration of the Persian New Year, Rudy Giuliani promised the audience that “if anything, John Bolton has become more determined that there needs to be regime change in Iran, that the nuclear agreement needs to be burned, and that you need to be in charge of that country.” Disturbingly, Giuliani reportedly led the crowd in a chant of “regime change!”.
It should also be noted that Bolton is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, an organization whose members have influenced the state of geopolitics for the last few generations. Bolton was also a member of the neo-conservative, warhawk think tank, “Project for the New American Century,” which was enthusiastically promoting the lie about Saddam Hussein possessing weapons of mass destruction.
In 2000, PNAC released a report titled Rebuilding America’s Defenses which outlined a strategy of regime change in Iraq and beyond. Under a section titled “Creating Tomorrow’s Dominant Force,” the think tank wrote the following controversial line:
"Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor."
Less than a year later, 10 of the 18 men who signed the paper became members of the Bush administration. The attacks of 9/11 would come soon after and the neocons had their “catastrophic and catalyzing event” and an excuse to invade Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, and soon possibly, Iran. The men included Bush’s Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz, Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage, John Bolton, Zalmay Khalilzad, the White House liaison to the Iraqi opposition; William Kristol, editor of the conservative Weekly Standard magazine, and Richard Perle, chairman of the advisory Defense Science Board.
In addition to the well-known Pearl Harbor quote, the paper goes on to describe the eventual outcome of the initial regime change. “Thus, this report advocates a two-stage process of change – transition and transformation – over the coming decades.” If the last 15 years of war, violence, and death in the Middle East have been the “transition” phase, John Bolton and Trump may be preparing to shift gears and move into the “transformation” phase – beginning with the invasion of Iran. However, based on PNAC’s track record, they might be looking for a new catastrophic event to generate support for intervention in Iran.
So much for draining the swamp…
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So what's the justification now? 6-D Chess?
I'm sure we're up to 7D now.
Oh sure, ad maiora semper!
Great to see the that sanity has returned, and the Neocons have wrested back power from the Neolibs. Now the Greater Israel project can finally get back on track. But before we fulfill John "Insane" McCain's wet dream of "Bomb bomb bomb, Bomb bomb Iran", we need to finish off Syria first.
And it would have been done by now, it not for those pesky Russians. But what about the Russians ? Well don't worry, as page 60 of the PNAC doctrine "Rebuilding America's Defenses" has that covered.
"And advanced forms of biological warfare that can "target" specific genotypes may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool."
See, there was a reason why we were collecting all those Russian biological samples, and why we specifically didn't want any Ukrainian ones.
Now, lets move our capital to it's rightful home in Jerusalem and get cracking.
John Bolton is an enemy of humanity & a criminal. Thank you @dbroz for talking about this horrible person & what his appointment means.
With Pomp……
Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.
the american people allow their selected leadership to instigate war after war.. it really is as simple as that.
How do you think they could have stopped it? Wave placards at passing limousines? Online petitions?
Revolutionary war?
WTF do you think we actually have to say about it? The globalist transnationals have been installing puppet governments around the world, and the USA is just another one. Do you think voting somehow controls these people? If you do, have a look at the DNC kerfluffle of recent debut. Hillary just bought the DNC, and the nomination.
Criminals do what they want, and do it as profitably as possible. This means that fooling people into thinking they're free is the present course, as it's far cheaper, and generates a more productive workforce, than open enslavement.
You and I, we agree that American leadership has been a serial tragedy as long as I have lived under it (Kennedy was still alive when I was born). Tell me what we can do to change it.
The only thing we might be able to do is make it obsolete, with 3D printing, cryptocurrency, mesh networks, and such technologies that enable people to bypass banks, corporate markets, and communications. I don't have a lot of hope however, because the pathocracy might be evil, but they're not stupid. They wanna keep their toys - that we all pay for - and so are going to find ways to keep us paying for them.
they are expecting a war, you win by not fighting.
the only way to stop the globalists which do run every single government on the planet is to stop participating in their systems.
first step is to stop everything - it would take 25% of the population to stop using their money, stop going to their jobs, stop buying everything, stop driving their automobiles, stop watching the news, stop using their social media surveillance systems...
just stop everything..
then just stay at home and don't go out unless you absolutely have too.
the 25% would quickly become 50% and 50% would become 90% - without people at work and without any currency being thrust into the system, the system would quickly come to a halt...after a week the politicians would beg, after month the system would implode, after three months every single aspect of life would become difficult but you must stay the course..
when they enforce their will through violence you gotta play like gandhi and just sit down quietly, peacefully and don't fight back. If you fight, they win.
after 6 months the citizens of each country would then have to say we don't want their government anymore, you don't use their systems to vote for change, you ignore them completely and use the majority to form a new governing authority based upon absolute and total transparency...
no more secrets.
now i know what you are thinking but understand people will have to accept the burden and the pain of change and that change will hurt exponentially but the change could be done without firing a single shot.
it is the only way, otherwise accept your totalitarian overlords.
I generally agree, but reckon we can not turn into recluses while we transact our business outside of their systems. I haven't had a bank account in most of a decade now, and am being the change I want to see, just as you advocate.
I got tired of waiting for everyone else, so I just acted unilaterally to start the change.
You got money in a bank?
the minute you start to use other systems and not the systems the government employs they will deem your systems illegal. staying at home being a recluse is inevitable.
i have a bank account and only use it to pay the system bills i am force to participate with...
for the record i fight against the system and have for a long time, i have been incarcerated multiple times for weeks at a time without charges because of my outspoken views on government corruption and i am on every damn list they have.. i know human rights just don't exist as i am walking talking proof. if and when change comes and the struggle becomes real i am sure you will find me either shot dead or jailed.
You say that, but I haven't had money in a bank since 2009.
Put your money where your mouth is.
give me a break... i keep less than a few hundred dollars in the bank which by the way is local credit union and not a national chain just to pay the few bills.. i have given my freedom up for the fight - do you have any idea what that entails.. i have put over 30 years into this fight and am no longer a young man. now i can't pass a security clearance limiting my choice of work, my incarcerations have me under constant surveillance and because of that i live foot to mouth..
and take a hard look around the country... sure looks like my fight has not made even a tiny bit of difference.. in fact i should give the fuck up cause the minority required to actually start change will not stand up and be counted...
just 50 years ago every single man, woman and child under the age of 30 knew the system was completely corrupted and rotten to the core, they protested in the streets and some cases in the millions, they faced down water cannons, held concerts, organized printed posters handed out leaflets...etc...etc........... a protest draws maybe a few hundred posers who think the exposure on social media will elevate them in some bullshit social circle.
an open totalitarian system of governance is going to happen and guess what, the majority will actually demand that fucking bullshit but it sure the fuck ain't because i didn't give enough.
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FOX News shows Bolton all the time with the word "expert" under his name. That's as far as Trump went when making this decision.
This is Bush 2.0!