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RE: Donald Trump’s Appointment of John Bolton Means Regime Change is Coming to Iran

in #war7 years ago

the american people allow their selected leadership to instigate war after war.. it really is as simple as that.


How do you think they could have stopped it? Wave placards at passing limousines? Online petitions?

Revolutionary war?

WTF do you think we actually have to say about it? The globalist transnationals have been installing puppet governments around the world, and the USA is just another one. Do you think voting somehow controls these people? If you do, have a look at the DNC kerfluffle of recent debut. Hillary just bought the DNC, and the nomination.

Criminals do what they want, and do it as profitably as possible. This means that fooling people into thinking they're free is the present course, as it's far cheaper, and generates a more productive workforce, than open enslavement.

You and I, we agree that American leadership has been a serial tragedy as long as I have lived under it (Kennedy was still alive when I was born). Tell me what we can do to change it.

The only thing we might be able to do is make it obsolete, with 3D printing, cryptocurrency, mesh networks, and such technologies that enable people to bypass banks, corporate markets, and communications. I don't have a lot of hope however, because the pathocracy might be evil, but they're not stupid. They wanna keep their toys - that we all pay for - and so are going to find ways to keep us paying for them.

they are expecting a war, you win by not fighting.

the only way to stop the globalists which do run every single government on the planet is to stop participating in their systems.

first step is to stop everything - it would take 25% of the population to stop using their money, stop going to their jobs, stop buying everything, stop driving their automobiles, stop watching the news, stop using their social media surveillance systems...

just stop everything..

then just stay at home and don't go out unless you absolutely have too.

the 25% would quickly become 50% and 50% would become 90% - without people at work and without any currency being thrust into the system, the system would quickly come to a halt...after a week the politicians would beg, after month the system would implode, after three months every single aspect of life would become difficult but you must stay the course..

when they enforce their will through violence you gotta play like gandhi and just sit down quietly, peacefully and don't fight back. If you fight, they win.

after 6 months the citizens of each country would then have to say we don't want their government anymore, you don't use their systems to vote for change, you ignore them completely and use the majority to form a new governing authority based upon absolute and total transparency...

no more secrets.

now i know what you are thinking but understand people will have to accept the burden and the pain of change and that change will hurt exponentially but the change could be done without firing a single shot.

it is the only way, otherwise accept your totalitarian overlords.

I generally agree, but reckon we can not turn into recluses while we transact our business outside of their systems. I haven't had a bank account in most of a decade now, and am being the change I want to see, just as you advocate.

I got tired of waiting for everyone else, so I just acted unilaterally to start the change.

You got money in a bank?

the minute you start to use other systems and not the systems the government employs they will deem your systems illegal. staying at home being a recluse is inevitable.

i have a bank account and only use it to pay the system bills i am force to participate with...

for the record i fight against the system and have for a long time, i have been incarcerated multiple times for weeks at a time without charges because of my outspoken views on government corruption and i am on every damn list they have.. i know human rights just don't exist as i am walking talking proof. if and when change comes and the struggle becomes real i am sure you will find me either shot dead or jailed.

You say that, but I haven't had money in a bank since 2009.

Put your money where your mouth is.

give me a break... i keep less than a few hundred dollars in the bank which by the way is local credit union and not a national chain just to pay the few bills.. i have given my freedom up for the fight - do you have any idea what that entails.. i have put over 30 years into this fight and am no longer a young man. now i can't pass a security clearance limiting my choice of work, my incarcerations have me under constant surveillance and because of that i live foot to mouth..

and take a hard look around the country... sure looks like my fight has not made even a tiny bit of difference.. in fact i should give the fuck up cause the minority required to actually start change will not stand up and be counted...

just 50 years ago every single man, woman and child under the age of 30 knew the system was completely corrupted and rotten to the core, they protested in the streets and some cases in the millions, they faced down water cannons, held concerts, organized printed posters handed out leaflets...etc...etc........... a protest draws maybe a few hundred posers who think the exposure on social media will elevate them in some bullshit social circle.

an open totalitarian system of governance is going to happen and guess what, the majority will actually demand that fucking bullshit but it sure the fuck ain't because i didn't give enough.

Look, I'll give you all the breaks you want. I'm not the enemy you let hold your money.

People are heavily propagandized today by an enemedia orders of magnitude better funded and researched than it was fifty years ago.

While I speak the truth so that they will hear, I don't speak the truth for them. I speak the truth for me. I don't have a goal of toppling the world order. Like everyone else, I'm just trying not to get toppled.

I have to be honest and not feed the evil machine because I am me.

So, I took my money out of the banks. I used to be an accredited investor, and I gave that up too. I work for my neighbors for chocolate chip cookies and enough cash to pay for those essential services, which I pay in person in cash, not with a debit card.

It can be done.

The world isn't on your shoulders. You are. Contribute to what you believe in, and don't contribute to your enemies.

I know that technology is going to disrupt the coming planned Uber State, because the state depends on dependents, and technology is making independence a reality. Whether I'm wrong or right, I still have to live by my principles.

I don't feed the beast trying to eat me if I can avoid it, and I hope you can find a way to do that too.