I don't want to use their systems and have opted out of everything i can live without. i am pretty sure you could get 10,000 people to opt out of the banking system and the banks wouldn't care even a little. the only reason i have an account is so i can pay my bills of which are all electronic here, i either use their systems or i can't pay my utilities or rent, my landlord doesn't want the system to change, he is rich through the system (i know, maybe i can move in with you).
where were you 30 years ago, 20 years ago, 10 years ago when i was fully embroiled within the struggle. I have done my share of organizing, protesting, meetings, flyers and so much other bullshit that hasn't made even a tiny dent in the controlling oligarchs. have you organized your neighbors into groups, protested the oligarchs, printed and distributed flyers in your neighborhood, etc - what about your family members, have they all dropped out and tuned out...
the only thing i got for my trouble was my name on every list and multiple incarcerations while people like you pose like an anarchist professing a couple of people dropping their bank accounts are going to slop the oligarchs. you will need 10,000,000 to opt out to make a difference - and don't tell me it starts with just me.. i have paid my dues way beyond what most people would even consider and think about this, are they going to come and pick you up when shtf... i know where i am going.
quite frankly, if the only thing you are doing is opting out of the banking systems and complaining online then you have already accepted your totalitarian overlords.
I can't get 10 people to agree on lunch, much less on how to rule the world. I have taken my lumps in life, and homeschooled my kids to be free men. That's what I was responsible for, not the views of my neighbors.
Nothing ties you to your present abode, except you. If you choose to live there, you accept the banks you are required to use--just like everyone else.
Until last year I was living in the woods. I know.
Choose your poison, and choke it down how you will.
I choose to feed and be fed by my neighbors, and ignore vampire squid promising hallucinatory venom to talk me into their embrace.
You can too.
when i woke up today it was -17C, a month ago it was -45C - i can't live in the woods for 6 months of the year and i am too old to even try.. at my age i should be retired.
quote " I can't get 10 people to agree on lunch, much less on how to rule the world."
enough said valued-customer