The moon, like the Coriolis has selective affect on water. Lakes are completely unaffected by the moon, as are lakes completely unaffected by the supposed Coriolis forces.
According to there is a 5 cm difference in the great lakes due to true tidal forces.
It's not "selective", it's just about size and mass. All the water in the great lakes is like a drop compared to all the water in the world oceans.
Distance is also very much relevant. The water doesn't grow or shrink, the sea is rising somewhere while it's ebbing somewhere else. Tides are there because the moons gravity force on the water is different at different places on the earth. It's not so much of a difference at different points of the great lakes. Same goes with the Coreolis effect. Of course it acts on rivers as well, but what do you expect from a small force acting on a river? The force pulling it down to the sea is much stronger.
Any astronomy teacher teaching that the moon is disappearing into space should find another job, even if it was 18 years ago. The moon is getting clsoer to the earth over time, and this has been known for at least a century if not three.