
Thanks for sending your moon to me last night! I played around with taking photos with my phone
I'll be waiting for this beautiful moon to arrive!

Wave Media

Whenever I see the moon before sleep it makes me aware of our planet turning around and the moon soon will reach you, while sun returns Here ❤️

Reminds me of a funny/sad story of an employee that I once had who didn't realize that the Sun and the Moon were not the same thing. She thought the moon was just what the sun looked like at night time or something, I guess. I explained otherwise to her, but I'm not sure she totally believed me! It made me realize how unaware some people are.

Really? Thats hard to believe 🤔
Hope your cherry tomatoes will make a lot of fruits out of the blossoms

Is it already nighttime? Did the day just start?

Yes better take care to use your time and this weekend will be over ;-)

Amazing photo. I don't know why but it reminded me winter nights.... Good night. Sleep well ❤️