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Which one to choose? Bamberger Rauchbier or Samuel Adams Wicked Hazy IPA? Or both? Answer in comments.

I think the IPA would be good, but the correct answer is both haha


We got a lot of vegetables again.
Potatoes, cauliflower, Kohlrabi, Schnitzel with chanterelles, onions, bacon and parsley mix.

Potatoes, cauliflower, Kohlrabi, Schnitzel with chanterelles, onions, bacon and parsley mix. #food #yum #vegetables #veggies #plebs #cooking #cooking #growyourownfood

Looks great and healthy too.

Besides that Schnitzel, it was probably very healthy.

You hitting the carbs there!

Yeah, we have so many potatoes but the vegetable carbs are okay. Cauliflower has nearly zero carbs.

Need to get back to it myself.

A magic night! This moon photo looks like a painting somehow.
Sitting quiet, watching moon and stars is something I really love ❤️
Good night from Austria

Thanks for sending your moon to me last night! I played around with taking photos with my phone
I'll be waiting for this beautiful moon to arrive!

Wave Media

Whenever I see the moon before sleep it makes me aware of our planet turning around and the moon soon will reach you, while sun returns Here ❤️

Reminds me of a funny/sad story of an employee that I once had who didn't realize that the Sun and the Moon were not the same thing. She thought the moon was just what the sun looked like at night time or something, I guess. I explained otherwise to her, but I'm not sure she totally believed me! It made me realize how unaware some people are.

Really? Thats hard to believe 🤔
Hope your cherry tomatoes will make a lot of fruits out of the blossoms

Is it already nighttime? Did the day just start?

Yes better take care to use your time and this weekend will be over ;-)

Amazing photo. I don't know why but it reminded me winter nights.... Good night. Sleep well ❤️

Had a beautiful nightly visitor at my window! Catched it with a jar and brought it back to the garden. Roundabout 5-6 cm, not so smal as usual.

It jumped on my hand wich is a funny feeling with those little legs holding the skin.

That's monster!

Imagine it being our size 😲

Thats so cool, an austriac cricket, love it!

Hehe this was the selfie you wanted 😅

Its a wonderful creature and was totaly relaxed in the jar, cleaning its legs

Noooo, dont cheat on me, you still own me a selfie! :3

That's a big one!

Ja sehr. Hatte mich erschrocken als es auf die Hand hüpfte, überrascht weil man bei der Größe schon richtig die Pfoten spürt mit Mini Krallen die kitzeln und es doch schon ein bisschen Gewicht hat.
Aber war super interessant.

Thanks for sponsoring MelindaPoints for participating @acgalarza 's Live Talk Live on Wednesday sent to @palomap3 @sacra97 @ph1102 @manclar @foxkoit @intishar @werkseber @mypathtofire and @nanixxx

Dont forget to do your homework until next week :-)

Muchísimas gracias @beeber


How is my answer in spanish?
Bienvenido amica
Maybe? @sacra97

Thanks for the points! Still procrastinating the post... 😃

Youre welcome 🙂
Yes its still a difficult topic, I think purpose maybe comes when thinking about how ones ideal live could be

I was thinking a lot about this... and "purpose" is too big a word, and the answer what we "think" it is, is more like a dedication...
Or again, I too much overthink the question... 😃

Was thinking about the meaning of the english word porpuse seems to be more or different what the gernan translation basicly means.

Thank you so much, dear! ♥️

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I sent 1.0 HUG
(1/3)Dear @palomap3, you just got hugged. on behalf of @beeber.

View of the Italian Alps. Happy Sunday.

Wave Media

Wow, stunning views, is it cold out there?

It was lovely views and fine 20°

Ecencials how is your weekend going on?) Photo from my sister's birthday 🎂
This is how we cook shashlik at home))

Wave Media

Weekend is going smooth. I am just getting lazy with each hour of weekend 😄😃

Yumm. Havent had them for a long time. Still need a simple original mild Ajvar recipe from @seckorama 😁

Thank you))
It isn't good of him if he were shared this recipe I would eat shashlik with Ajvar yesterday 😁😁😁

Where do you find simple mild Ajvar? I prefer Lutenica 😋
But this looks very good @xuvi

Thank you.
For me you know I love canning everything at home))

Pinsa with cream cheese, chanterelles, bacon and parsley and fresh tomato salad.

Pinsa with cream cheese, chanterelles, bacon and parsley #food #yum #cook #cooking

Tomato salad
Tomato salad

solche Fotos haben nach 22h post-verbot noch nicht gewusst ? ;-)

Wohl nur in Österreich, hier gelten andere Gesetze. 😁 Und jetzt schau dir die Bilder noch mal ganz genau an, damit du auch scheeeen Hunger bekommst.

Ooohhhh böse böse

Why are ducks good at playing limbo?
Because they can get down.

Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of beeber

ENTER @WIN.HIVE'S DAILY DRAW AND WIN HIVE!@chaosmagic23, I sent you an

I love my laptop

Wave Media

I love how you designed it.

It is also showing that you love hive. As there are so many stickers of hive.

i love hive

Nice! That's a great sticker collection! I want Ecency stickers!

I need ecency sticker too😅

And this is why we think Charlie is broken!

Wave Media

He's a growing boy


He looks comfortable and content 😌

He's still broken. 🤣

Looks like a soft cushie bed!

But it was probably hotter than lying on the patio. Compost heats up!

A few slices short of a loaf, our Charlie?


@seckorama won 1000 points @pravesh0 won 2000 points @acgalarza won 3000 points

Who will post the 4000th WAVE and win 4000 POINTS?

Find link to contest details in comments!

Wave Media

Nice, how close are we anyway?

The last Hive Buzz notice I saw was a few days ago and it was for 3250 Waves.

Can I get guidance on what this wave is? I am seeing a new feature in the ecency. Actually I was not here from last month.

Waves are short form content., much the same as writing a comment. It's an easy way to engage with each other without writing a full blog post. You earn comment points for Waving.

Thank you dear fellow for the information ☺️

My welcome to waves...a test picture....😎

Wave Media

Sehr schönes Foto 🙂 von Korsika.

That's a really nice photo, fairplay.

thank you for my first waves compliment...🔥

It's well deserved, keep up the good work

Found a big caterpillar in the garden. Could be a hawkmoth.

Wave Media

Happy Sunday!😊
Let's go to the city... the day is gray but the sea view always amazing.
#sea #photography #ecency #waves

Wave Media

Domingo de olas perrunas.
Consintiendo a Shury.
Feliz Domingo a Todos.

Doggy wave Sunday.
Pampering Shury.
Happy Sunday to all.

#spanish #waves #pets #sunday

Wave Media

Felliz domingo de doges :)

Domingo de baño y acicalamiento... ;)

Tengo antojo de comer algún tipo de carne, pero no hay liquidez financiera para hacerlo.

Algo así como un pollo en salsa con papas , una ensalada rusa y un jugo de lechosa.

#spanish #food

Estos waves son como los Threads?

si, pero mas ligeros y organizados.

Si eso me pareció, porque el de Leo se me tilda mucho

yo prefiero de lejos a las waves, es mas organizadito y cool, es como una piña colada, mientras que leo es Whisky ja ja ja.

Great having waves on mobile. Just stopped to admire the views of Chiemsee.

Wave Media

Dort ist der schönste Autobahn Parkplatz der Welt 🙂

Ich liebe es sehr <3

Chiemsee is very nice. I have been there once for a couple of days. Enjoy your stay!

Thanks, we were just passing through this time, but it is a great place for sure.

Looking good 👍🌊 no waves behind 😊

No waves. 😅 It was all calm and plenty of sail boats ⛵

Some call it squash

Maybe, I don't know. I know just that it's edible 😋

Yes, it's edible

This pretty cool, Ecency waves is a nice new addition to the app. Now my mind goo doesn't need a dedicated post.

It will soon become addiction 😄

I can actually see that happening haha

Doing tomato salsa
#mobile #waves #ketchup

Wave Media

Yummy 😋 share recipe…

Uff, not sure if I could. I take just this photo for #waves. Maybe for the next round. 😋

I visited Hive Engine today, just to make a couple of transactions. You can imagine my surprise when I checked the estimated value of my tokens :

Wave Media

Wow! But do they have the liquidity? I mean, I'd like to see those numbers myself but better yet with liquidity

They do, but their price was enormously inflated. Normally, they are worth a fraction of what shown.
It was some kind of glitch. After refreshing the site, all went back to normal.

That reminds me of the time there was a glitch on the value of steem/hive and suddenly everyone was worth billions and trillions 🤣🤣🤣

Un obsequio que me dieron en el parque. Más fino!

Wave Media

Have a great day everybody and stay safe and healthy always.I am surprise with this new update and here is me updating #waves on ecency.

Wave Media

A sweet weekend :)

Wave Media

This is first edible sweet thing which I am seeing after getting up

Good morning! Have a great Sunday :)

Hej, Polsko! Ktoś zagląda na waves? I jak to wszystko ma się do theards?


We need more polish community members to use waves 🌊

So this is for short post. Nice concept.

If every "post" in waves is a comment and we see everyone that is "waving" I wonder hot it will scale to show relevant content from/to thousands, hopefully millions of people, finding relevant content is still one of the best ways to retain users 1/2

But scalability issues are good issues to have. If we reach a point where we have an issue of too much and not very relevant content on Ecency waves it means Hive is doing well as a social network platform, and that is great! 2/2

Have you checked out our New Orleans web3 event? Tickets are NFTs themselves. See you 1 to 4 October.

Happy Father's day! What a fun photo!

Thank you! Yes! I love this picture

Have a good one! Big up the Australia crew!

Thank you! Yes! I love this picture

Happy father's day.

Time to make some waves! 🌊

Wave Media

And waves are flowing

Episode #285: Delving into an extraordinary experiment today—I used a Chinese rice pot filled with water as a canvas for projecting captivating shadows onto a vibrant green cloth.

I will get caught up with Shadow Hunters Contest entries later today!

you need an assistant, an artificial intelligence to help you with so many tasks ha ha ha ha ha (and leave you time to eat oatmeal cookies with coffee) :D

Today was supposed to be one of the most amazing days in his life but time wasn't by his side. His mouth opened agape and his eyes strained as he swallowed the scream that was waiting to..
#fiction #theinkwellprompt #pob #pimp #ecency #dreemerforlife

Este fin de semana en Puerto Ordaz se estara realizando Jornada de Esterilización de animales. Luego estaremos en Guri. Todo por el bienestar animal

Wave Media

So today I participated in shadow hunter contest. I really enjoyed when I was dropping words on the page.
You can check that post here!

My whole day is super lazy. I am lazy like buffalo. I want to have my productive day.

It's already night and I was getting hungry. I opener freezer but there was nothing to eat except grapes. So I washed grapes and ate. That's what we call midnight craving 😜😂

#night #waves

Wave Media

They are good for you! Great photo!

Sweet grape🥰

Hola, wavers.
Me encanta ver nuevas caras por aquí. 😍
Esperando con muchas ganas la actualización para surfear desde la app.
#waves #spanish

ese update va a estar genial, yo ando en espera de adquiir un tlf con mas espacio para poder instalar la app de ecency y el discord.

te queria preguntar si es posible "curar" los comentarios de waves sin problema (no se si el bot los vota o no)?

Uff La app de Ecency no ocupa mucho pero Discord es un agujero negro de consumo de memoria. 😵‍💫
Sí, puedes curar las olas sin ningún inconveniente, si no estoy equivocada tienen algún sistema para que el bot no siga estos votos. 😉

ah buenisimo saberlo, que no le habia dado upvote a ningun wave por miedo a eso.

!GIF paloma

Ios will be available very soon!

I can’t wait!! 😁

(5/10) sent LUV. | connect | community | HiveWiki | NFT | <>< daily@melinda010100, @palomap3

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Made with LUV by crrdlx

Greetings, today releasing the new update of ecency for Android, The waves came to move my day to day.

Saludos, hoy estrenando la nueva actualización de ecency para Android, Las olas llegaron para mover mi día a día.

A story about the 2nd world war, interesting, made in a live program on ecency,

Could the soldier deliver the message to the general?

I can only see a portion of your video. Sent to devs to find a solution.

Wave Media

How strange, the first time I see someone with that type of error. I hope the devs manage to fix it, too bad, my video is so good =(

In any case, I appreciate that you were able to see a portion, but I'm very sorry that you couldn't read the translation, so I'm translating the story for you to read and not be left without knowing what it's about.

August 14, 1941
was the day a coin was thrown into the air,
the one that decided my destiny
and that I kept in the inner pocket of my backpack.
I had lost the bet
and now I had to move through enemy territory
to take the message to the 2nd artillery battalion.
The Germans were gaining more and more territory
and I was getting more and more scared, locked up in my thoughts,
while mortars fell around me,
between screams, blood and devastation,
two kilometers that became infinite.

August 15, 1941,
in the distance I heard the nurse's voice saying,
don't let go of your hand, that old coin was the only thing holding you with all its strength.
And then I opened my eyes.
I had managed to deliver the message to General Joalheal.
This has been the story I made during the dynamics of the ecencyal days. Did you like it?

Thanks! I wanted to know what it was about!
Other videos are showing the same way, not just yours. Our brilliant devs will find a fix!

They sure can do it. I guess they are trying to adjust the code so that videos in portrait format can look good.

You have to be a little patient =)

Waves ecency! Every day is an opportunity to learn and enjoy Hive's web3!

Everyday Is like journey and it's like a new page in the book of life. In which we write and learn.

Just checking how waves work. Do let me know 😁

Works great!!

Viewing your wave, clear and cool 😎

Any one know if it's possible to upload videos with the ecency app yet ?

Not yet! It's at the top of the list of new features being added.

The tenkminnows project is looking for people to support

Esto está cada vez mejor, Ecency no deja de sorprenderme.

I invite you to read a new article that I have posted. It's about Investments. The link is in the first comment.

My first time using Ecency Waves. Still figuring out.

It's easy to Wave! It's just like commenting. Remember to Engage with others!

Wave Media

In dramas, movies and web series shadows plays an integral role. Different type of shadows explain words related to the character. Like if they want to show a gothic character then you will see a person's giant shadow is approaching in weak light.

Esperando por la nuevas olas y el aporte que hacemos desde esta esquina.
Llena de recuerdos de un viaje 1983. Teleférico Mérida

#waves #spanish

The rewards for the FreeCompliments Community for August are out! Come see how we rewarded participation in the community. #waves


Join in on the fun and smiles, make someone’s day better, and you can also get rewarded. The power of doing good now comes with more personal benefits thanks to the innovations of Web 3.0! Plus, see previews into upcoming updates.


Here are August’s rewards – make sure you’re in for September’s rewards! #freecompliments


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