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RE: Ecency waves Aug 19

in #waves2 months ago

You're right on many aspects, buddy. However, I don't think Hive and FB is a good comparison. Reddit would be a more equal comparison since Hive basically works like Reddit.
We just need the proper communities and it will flourish (also easier onboarding).

If you have ideas for communities or even how a Hive website (interface) should work, write about it. And use tag #hivexpand

This could give ideas for growth and connect the right people. Personally I would do something like that, and even check the tag every now and then.


Hive (communities) and Facebook groups are a proper comparison. The latter shows how a properly working social network is functioning. The main difference is that there are real content consumers in Facebook groups, even in very small Facebook groups.

Honestly the monetary aspect is ruining the Hive blockchain. Most people are so focused on it that they literally do not even care about the content.

I do see what you’re saying here, and I tend to agree that the monetary aspect has its way of creating disproportionate power distribution as well as many people focusing on the wrong aspects.

I think it’s up to us as individuals to prioritize creating quality content and genuine engagement over doing whatever they think will yield results.

Something I’ve noticed, and my good friend @theringmaster has definitely grasped, is that engagement begets engagement. The more you sincerely view and comment on other people’s work, the more people will come and see what you’re up to. It’s not always perfect and we don’t catch everything, but I’ve had a long history of continued engagement with some really cool creators like @honeydue, @galenkp, @cmplxty, @dandays, @wannabescrapper, @oldsoulnewb, and so many more who I genuinely think of as my on-chain friends. We don’t comment on everything produced by one another, but we stay in touch and comment on the things that make us laugh, or think, or inspire us, or stir up a memory.

…I think a paradigm shift is needed, but it will only occur on the level of individuals like you and me. We have to choose to use the Blockchain differently if we want the Blockchain to be different, and I feel like this is something all the big time users have already taken to heart. If you produce quality content for yourself, the rest will follow…but conversely, if you’re producing content with the expectation of earning a paycheck, you’ll likely mis the mark and produce something no one really wants. Hive is a place for creating from the heart, for the heart.

Also, just for the record, I do have a passionate hatred of FB, so we may just be cut from different cloth. Stay well my friend, I hope your luck turns around.

nailed it brother you're absolutely right on this one

Thanks brother, I appreciate your work, your reply, and your continued effort towards making the blockchain an awesome social environment!

wow man, thanks so much man, I feel so motivated by these words

I see where you're going, but since the FB is working properly, and as we would expect a social media to be like, comparing the two can give a skew result.
I see why you want to compare them, but sadly, Hive is not there. Might never be, due to the police forces on here, but who knows.

Again, if you have ideas just post about them. It can be anything from community to how sign up should work etc etc