
having the resources to make them is easy, that is, having to be able to buy the diet that is needed, but in my case it is impossible to do so, I have to eat what I have on hand.

And what do you have on hand? Do you eat vegetables? Protein? Starchy carbs? Sweets? What do you drink?

I live in Venezuela, my monthly budget is $40, of that amount I can only spend $10 on food, which is generally rice. I can't buy vegetables because they are very expensive, and if I do I can't pay the rent and the internet service.

For any other person who has more income it is easier, but being in a country with such a strong economic crisis and with an income of $40 a month as it is in my case, I have to feed myself only with what I can buy.

If I buy any vegetable, it will only last me 3 or 4 days to eat, and what will I eat the rest of the 23 days until I receive my income again?

It is painful and very difficult for me, but it is what it is.

Okay. Do you workout?

I can't exercise if I don't have the necessary food to replenish electrolytes and everything I need, plus I need special treatment because I'm diabetic.

I walk as much as I can and do squats, but I can't afford to expend more energy than I should if I need it to work for a living.