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RE: Ecency waves Feb 01

in #waveslast month

I would recommend that if you aren't sure how to send HIVE tokens from your exchange to your Hive account, first try to send the minimum possible (such as only 1 HIVE if allowed), then send a bit more on every succeeding transaction until you finally figure out how to safely do so. 🧘‍♂️🤓 !INDEED


They all say 'need to check 'stuff' as soon as I say uk, they say no.

Have tried coinbase, kraken and a whole list of smaller ones, I'm sure there will be a way tho. Uk gov changed regulations, most (well so far all) will not or have not yet complied.
We have a loon for priminister, people here get arrested for praying.

I think that your only option as of now is to have a trustworthy friend or relative buy HIVE tokens on your behalf. 🤓 !INDEED

comes to mind is peer to peer something i've never done but, well, all learning.

Peer-to-peer is still done best when you personally know the person you are trading with, which I hope you find soon. 🤗🤓 !INDEED

Did try but same thing ,uk nope' I might contact one of the exchanges see if they gonna change this sometime.
But it's OK, still learning hive anyway.

I think, but not tried yet, that moving stuff within crypto land is OK, just from banks to exchanges.

If you have crypto from other blockchains, then you !INDEED might be able to use decentralized exchanges to buy HIVE. 😅🤓

Here's what I gather is the lowdown via talking to coinbase and binance.
If you're in the uk, you cannot make a new crypto account.
Seems to apply to them all, including p2p.
My problem is the ones I'm on don't do hive.
However, I might have found a swap one which I think might do the job.
Simple exchange, called something like that, if works will post.

Cheers, does seem you don't actually need to buy hive to use ecency etc. Which I didn't know at first, but I'm on a mission now!

Please tell me if you need to ask something regarding Hive, and I would try my best to answer! 🤗🤓 !INDEED

Is it necessary to buy hive? a seemingly impossible task if you're in the uk.