So this is my morning.
While my battery is charging I’m off to get a wheelbarrow. The cart we have isn’t really up to the task for getting rid of some of this crud.
So this is my morning.
While my battery is charging I’m off to get a wheelbarrow. The cart we have isn’t really up to the task for getting rid of some of this crud.
Why isn’t Waves letting me do multiple photos anymore?
Did it even allow it? I’m sure it did.
Very efficient morning. 🌞 enjoy!
I got the wheelbarrow as you can see. That allowed me quick load and dump of a bunch of bricks we had stored. It also made short work of carting crud from the top of the mound.
Once I did the weed eating I charged the battery again then stuck it in the mower and mowed the weed eater mess.
Looks good now.