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RE: Ecency waves Feb 11

in #waveslast month (edited)

I spent seven minutes per day on Facebook in the previous week on average, but this week 1 hour 5 mins.

I watched a few videos, and I read a few posts, but this still sounds a lot.

I know that nowadays I spend hours on YouTube, but usually not on Facebook.


I never go to facebook anymore and don’t miss it actually

I regularly use it.

Especially the Facebook groups. Because people there always actually care. It does not matter there if you write comments under other people's posts, or not.

No one is asking nonsense things, like "how many comments have you wrote under other people's posts".

Because this does not matter on a properly working social network.

Oh I’m glad I saw you here again. I lost the wave where we were talking about it. We had an event on this topic where everyone agrees (most part) on what you said. Maybe you could join in next time?

I posted multiple Waves about this topic in the past, but currently I also do not have the links of these discussions.

And nowadays I rather use in the little time I spend online what is properly working.

While I regularly use Facebook, generally I still spend very little time on it.

I also have not checked Discord either in the recent few weeks.

Nowadays I spend most of the time offline, in the nature.

I did the same a few years ago, so it isn’t a bad decision at all.