Well, your niece wins the cutest kid on the innerwebs award every year. I can certainly see how meeting her might be a memorable first.
I'm just sitting here thinking of firsts. Damn, I've had a few that are memorable or worth remembering. Dragged over the seat of a '58 Chev by a girl that didn't weigh 100 lbs? Yep. Sitting on the back of Eddie Jasman's Indian? Ohhhhh, still gives me goosebumps. First album? Surfin' Safari with this on it:
I've got 70 years worth. That's like two thirds of forever. I almost wrote a tribute right here to my first hunting dog. But I can't, it's gotta be my first time meeting my brother and sisters. It's only been a year, but I still can't believe that we found each other and the raw emotion when we had our meeting. Our first meeting.
I thought after 68 years that it wasn't ever going to happen, and then it what seems like an instant, I have people that I look like. Amazing. I think it would be beyond my belief IF IT HADN'T HAPPENED TO ME.
Wonderful first times, even more so that family reunion, how good that you were able to have that blessing in your life ✨
Thanks. After 50 years of searching it was really something to find them. All of them!
What a beautiful story! 😍
An amazing story and I tember reading about it Sir Tom.
That was surely in my mind one very great experience. I also have 5 half bothers floating around somewhere, but I don't think that we will ever look for each other, as there were bad blood when the six of us buried my estranged father.
Your happy event is simply amazing, especially after such a long time.
Happy for you.
I understand the separation and the need for separation sometimes, but never having known it is an amazing thing later in life.
Oh yes, it must have been a shocking surprise, especially as so much time has elapsed.
Glad for you that it happened Sir Tom.
I remember your posts when meeting the family, it turned out fine, can only imagine the bundle of nerves before meeting them all.
No small family to meet after so many years not even being aware they were out there @bigtom13
I was almost out of my mind by the time the meet up actually happened but within about a half an hour I knew it was just fine. Really amazing!
There is something about family even if you never met previously. It was great when you got to meet them all, since that is in no ways a small number to meet all together.
Oh wow! Amazing and what a trip. 68 years I can't imagine what it's been like and how it must have felt. I'm so happy for you and your family.
Thank you. Me too. It was just utterly amazing.
A pretty legit first here Tom. I guess you'd have a bucket load of them to share but this one is pretty momentous and the right choice I'd say. I can't imagine what it would be like but I remember reading about it and how happy you were.
Legit first.
tokens.I was diggin the comedy skit, especially the 2/3 part and dang man, that gave me goosebumps! So uh.. did the TOP drop?
Then you got real-real. That's really cool sir. How exciting, I just asked about your siblings on the other one but this was too cool to pass up.