Weekend-engagement topic week 46: Your first... [win hive for your comment]

Countdown terminated on Apr 26, 2021, 5:07 AM

There's a first time for everything they say and most of us have had many first's or first times. The thing with a first time is that it is also the last time...I mean, the first time you experience a first time is the last time you will experience that first time as once experienced as a first time it can never be called a first time again...So a first time is also a last time but possibly not the last time that thing is experienced. It just makes sense.

Welcome to week 46 of the #weekend-engagement topic - Its time to have some fun.

If you're not familiar with the concept you have to respond to the topic below in the comments of this post. Then stay around and engage with some of the others who also comment - That's the purpose of the concept to be honest - Engagement.

On Monday I'll transfer hive to some of you who engage below. Sounds pretty easy right? It's not a competition, simply a chance to get engaged with a few other hivers, have some fun and win a little hive for your efforts.

Weekend-engagement topic week 46

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The topic: Tell us about one of your first's and explain your answer

It could be your first pet, car, holiday, record or CD. First job, first fight, push bike, the first time you had sex, your first partner, day at school, first time you broke a bone, went in a plane, first house, first operation, live concert or book you read. It could be your first kiss even! Maybe your first social media, computer, phone, cup of coffee, your first child, first crypto purchase, first boat, first drone or camera, first divorce, first epiphany, failure or success, first time you spoke in public, had to fire someone, first time you got fired...First hive post? Just make it your first something and explain your choice and you're good to go! Add a photo if you like too.

Read this bit so you know what to do. ☝️

My first...

The first time I met my niece @smallsteps is my choice.

She lives in Finland and I live in Australia so about as far away from each other as we could get but in 2018 I went there to meet her. My brother @tarazkp picked me up at the airport and drove me to his house where I met the little cutie - She was two years old and the cutest little thing I'd ever seen!

We became good friends, had many chats, koala bear hugs and kisses. I also taught her how to be more Australian...She says, g'day mate, pretty well albeit with a Finnish accent. We hung out for a while and then when it was time for me to leave a week later...I was a bit of a mess to be honest.

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That was almost three years ago and I was due to go back last year but the pandemic prevented it. Still, we video chat all the time and she still says, love you love you heaps and blows me a kiss every time. I miss her so much, but will never forget that first meeting, the first hug...The way she clung to me so tight like a little koala.

That's the topic for this week folks. You have until late Sunday night your time to get your response into the comments below and I hope you'll engage with it this week as it'll be good to see you around over the weekend. Have a great weekend if you engage or not.

Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind

Discord: galenkp#9209

My Friday tracks - The first album I ever bought: Van Halen, 1984

Flower image is my own taken at Gardens by the Bay, Singapore.

Countdown terminated on Apr 26, 2021, 5:07 AM

All i wanna write about my first gf. Her name was Nishat. I like her from my primary school life. But i never talk to her. btw, she was my classmate. when we set foot in the college, that was the first time that i talked to her. slowly we got into a relationship. it was a great journey. our relationship lasted for 7 years. then boom. we separated, she moved on. i got depressed. still i miss her a lot.

First love huh? A nice story of your journey together and I'm sure you had seven wonderful years with Nishat. Sometimes our paths run parallel, converge for a time and then diverge...It doesn't negate the journey and what we had right? It's ok to miss her too.

Thanks for joining in, your first time here on the #weekwnd-engagement topic I think. You were the first to comment so I gave you a larger upvote. 😉


thanks bro. i am trying to move on. but still i miss her. love to think about her. ❤

Yeah, it'll be hard for a time but things will work out.

First loves are always quite hard and they always hold a special part in our lives. My current partner was my first love. Then we left and got back together not long after. So I can understand the always thinking about the first love.

I hope you heal my friend.

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what can i do with this engage token? i am new here. dont know about this.

Awww...life happened.

That's the thing...Life happens sometimes and we just have to move on, be thankful for the good times I guess right?

That's right!

this is life. sometime gives us good moments and sometimes worst. but we have to accept. dont have any other option.

I believe that first love always leaves indelible traces, it is a very important experience in our lives 😍

first love always leaves indelible traces

This is a nice way to put it.

I think we all remember our first love, don't we? Do you remember it? 😊🥰

I do for sure.

But I call whomever I fall for a first love as that love is a first between the two of us. You know?

Good point! Then all relationships are your first love 😍

yes. its almost 3 years that we broke up. still i miss her. still i love to think about ger. love to read old conversation.

I still remember my first boyfriend very fondly, unfortunately we lost contact and I haven't heard from him in a long time.

First Love is always something special and unforgettable!!! 7 years such a good and long relationship !!! Sorry to hear that you both not together now but I think it better to let someone go if her heart is not there for you anymore :) Life is to move forward. Hope you are both still good friend.

I think it better to let someone go if her heart is not there for you anymore...Life is to move forward.

This is exactly right...We have to move on with our lives, to find new paths to follow, and chase happiness no matter what has befallen us in the past.

I couldn't agree more. People do terrible damage to themselves and others when they try to stay in a relationship that the other person no longer wants.

So many do this...Not so smart I guess, but that big step forward can be so difficult to take.

I've always liked the saying 'The hardest step forward is the one that breaks the chain.'

'The hardest step forward is the one that breaks the chain.'

This is gold.


trying to move on. its almost 3 years.

Ahh sorry to hear that. Hopefully one day you can look back at your time together, take the lessons and and the value it added to you as a person and put it into your future

This is well said mate. Respectful and quite right indeed.

thank u for ur support. ❤

I agree. Well said.

El primer amor siempre se recuerda como algo muy especial. Es un relacion de primer vez en muchas cosas..Pero la vida, es asi, aprendemos para luego comprender el para que?

Good story to break into the weekend engagement community and topic! Sounds like a good love story, except it ended. The good part about it though is you got to experience love, some people never get that chance. It makes you a better and smarter person I think!

Not to be too 'Debbie Downer' about it, but all love stories eventually end.

Hahah yeah death is the one thing we all can't escape!

There's always the old movie quote "If it didn't end badly it wouldn't end."

One of my favorites!

I'm sorry to hear this ... but I'm sure that in all those years you've learned a lot from her. We must always be grateful for experiences and accept that life goes on ❤️.

sure. it was a great journey for me.

I don't think you ever forget your first love. You will move on, but, you will nostalgically think of her from time to time. Embrace the love for what it was, and then move on. For you. For her.

Good luck!

trying to move on. its true that i still miss her a lot. bt its not painful to think about her.

That is awesome.

true.. first love will always be first love and we can almost never forget that person.. I'm still in touch with my first gf and she was/is still the best thing that happened to me.. Not saying I'm not happy with my fiance.. I am happy.. But the memories of first love will always be different.. Those butterflies can never be felt again..

yp. nothing can be compared with the feelings of first love, first person.

Life goes on, first love butterfly feelings, a very real experience to go through.

With time that leaves, second time maybe not quite as intense, when you meet the one you going to live with forever, many times the feeling will occur again.

Realm of never been too sure! 🙃

true. nothing can compare with the feelings of first love.

There remains the nice memory of a pleasant trip, this also counts. That they have separated may seem like a loss, but it is not comparable to the value of having known each other and having had 7 years of good times. That you miss her is not bad. She may still miss you too

yp..it was really a great journey for me. still i miss her. bt dont know about her.

Oh wow, that was beautiful
Well until you guys got separated of course.

But hey man, how you holding up?

actually i dont know. cant make a new relationship atm. trying to make myself busy with my job, work etc.

Well, that makes sense. I feel you should allow yourself love and be loved again.

The separation can be quite disorientating but, you cant find what you seek in your job, etc.

You should try to go out there.


How touching. The bond is strong and one day you all will sit together and talk about that time. Keep up online and look forward to the day when you hug her again. No matter how long, she will not be less happy to see you, that you can be sure about 💚.
The first time I realized how engaged you are, how much effort that is and how time consuming in a way, how much effort a lot of people put into this blockchain I was impressed and it made me feel like I stumbled upon a good thing here 🙂yah I know it sounds cheesy but mehhhh what shall I say ;)

My niece is a such an awesome little person...So smart, cheeky too. A great hugger, which she get's from me because I'm the worlds best hugger, and just an all-round super-cool little kid. We'll get back together and will have some more adventures...I have some more Australian words to teach her too...Probably none of them very good ones!

Your first is realising how engaged I was? That's actually pretty cool. I mean, it sort of means I inspired you to push on, to get engaged yourself, which you have, and that's really cool. A lot of effort goes into this, I don't just mean from my perspective but others too...It's great that you see it and that you feel comfortable here...You are doing great.


🤔 Did I just replied to my comment instead of yours lol? I'm confused 😂

Lol...Nah you got it right.

I looked for a wallet transfer but didn't see it. Either that or it hasn't cleared yet.. How much do you give for one of those comments?

100 hive.

Ok so I should be able to charge about 50 then. lol!

At least...Ask for more than you want though. 75 I'd say.


Well played sir.

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You are an uncle, uncles aren't supposed to teach the good ones lol. So all good ;). Thx :)

G has an esthetic wave to it, know what I mean?#gooduncle. I think the upside down

Motions hand simulating driving over speed bumps

It's a stylish upside down G, I have to admit.

I'll see them again in a couple of months. It's the reason I took the vaccine as soon as I did, so I could travel.

Turns out my brother and I really do like one another. He was here in October and I just can't wait to see all of them again.

I don't know about my teensy part on the (make it this) blockchain but I think you really did stumble into a good thing here. I'm really glad you are here.

Hey nice to hear that a travel might be in sight. How great it is going to be :). From where to where is it going to take place?

It's a pretty direct 1500 miles from Yuma (me) to Spokane, Wa (them). I'll do some sight seeing coming and going...


Where does your brother live Tom? Older, younger? How many siblings you got?

If you've already told me just pretend you haven't, please.

Spokane, Wa. Or Kennewick, Wa. Or Wenatchee, Wa. Or Omak Wa. Ahahahaha. I found both sets of siblings (and kept my others) for a total of plus 8 for the year 2020.

I've actually met my father's other kids, and none of us knew. 4 boys and an adopted sister in that clan, 1 brother two sisters from my mother and a brother and sister that I grew up with (adoptive).

I'm going to see at least two of my father's kids this summer, the first time since we found out. He (my father) was a college senior football player and my mother was a junior in October 1950. He finished his season and joined the Marines to go to Korea (he graduated when he came back) and never knew he had another child. There is some indication that my mother thought he may have been killed there. But we don't know at all.

I agree, what a story. I have at least 5 half siblings besides my twin sis, but no contact. My dad left us when we were 3 or so. Oh well.

It's gonna be a nice road trip, something to look forward too :).

Stories like that hurt my heart. My (adoptice) brother has just now found his father's family. 23 and Me was unambiguous about it, and he's met them. He and his brother look a lot alike, but their two youngest (sons) could use the same photo on their id. It's really something.

His mother doesn't want to see him, doesn't want to have her 'indiscretion' revisited but his brother and sister from their father KNEW there was another brother out and about.

For the record: My brother just spent his first St. Patrick's Day as a hooligan Irishman. At the age of 66. :)

Cheers old Irish I'd say then :). Good that he followed up with meeting them.

What a story! Your dad died not knowing he had him? If that's what you're saying how incredible for everyone involved. Like a Chris Hansen special.

Kennewick. We just buried a good friend of mine from Kennewick Christmas before last. Man he was a cool dude, too, young. 50.

It's complicated. My adoptive brother lives there (on Canal Blvd, btw) and one of my father brothers. It's also where my father retired to and died.

It's really amazing. My father was superintendent of schools at my High School while I was there. He signed my diploma! My brother and my brother were in the same grade in school until High School when they moved on. The two were pretty good friends and have also contacted one another since they have a common brother.

Ahahahahahaha. That shit makes me laugh!

Thanks for sharing this. Nice Sunday read.

Cheesy? I was thinking more like brown nosing but I don't what they call brownie points in Germany and then there's the whole cultural thing and, well, I guess I didn't have to elaborate so much and could've just left it at cheesy with a question mark.

Why so mean?

If by mean you mean not funny I need to work on new material.

Or I need to work on my reading between the line ;)

I was concerned. Wasn't sure if maybe your account got hijacked or something. I was about to send the troops out like:

'Who is this and what have you done with Anna?!'

Good to know lol, I guess I was just reading it wrong. Oh well, it happens lol. I'm going to break the law now and meet with people 😱 Outside, with distance but I will still become a criminal soon lol. Happy times we live in lol.

Bummer. Where's the first time?😏

Hidden in the comment ;)

Cheesy again. 😅

But I figured it out now.
I realized how much it means to me when someone comments and engages with my post even when they seldom upvote. Its the best part of me.

I used to say, there's few better things than human interaction 😁

First time for everything, next time around is second time, never to be repeated, first lifetime events.

I totally relate to the excitement in meeting Little Steps, reminded me of how I felt with my niece taking her first steps years ago, I shouted for the whole family to come see...

Later my first son, then the second two years four days apart, like chalk to cheese in character, another first!

Hand rearing wild birds, the first was a sparrow (Mossie) who would come home every night... till she met a male who swept her off, only to return and show her two babies what it looked like inside the home, off she went again, always a first!

Life is filled with many first time events, remember losing your first tooth! Straying with an answer you looking for.... OK an hour later it dawned on me a one and only lifetime event.

Swimming at the Orient Beach, East London at about 12 years old with my best friend another excellent swimmer. We always swam together training or at school gala's, provincial events so back line swimming never bothered us.

Dolphins appeared one day and wallah swimming with them, a highlight for both of us. They played around with us for about half and hour before they moved along, going about their business in the deep blue.

Most definitely a once in a lifetime, sending adrenaline levels sky high!

Oohhh! the first steps of babies are exciting for those who see it, I don't have children but I have followed the growing process of each one of them. It is wonderful and fascinating.

First time swimming with dolphins!!! Something glaumorous and rare.

Watching your children grow a big reminder how much older you getting LOL...

Dolphins playing around us was absolutely a once off, great memory from early years.

Hahahahahaha no, let's not talk about old age, I'm still adjusting to being called ma'am.

I bristle when somebody calls me sir. I have a standard answer "I'm no officer, I worked for a living."

Now that there hasn't been a draft for 50 years most young people have no idea about how the military functions. So now it's just words for a young person to wonder about.

It is quite impressive that our generation is unaware of so many past concepts, so important and so full of value.

I value your opinion!

I still prefer people to use first name, however we live most will refer to you as Auntie or Mrs. very few use ma'am, more likely madam.

like chalk to cheese in character

:time out: 'Id like to ask the author for clarity on this one, please.' :time in:

Long version or short version @dandays?

Is this a trick question?

This feels like a set up

I've never seen that one, Chalk to cheese. Interesting slangs and languages, plus the stuff we make up ourselves, good times! But that chalky cheesy is a new one to me.

Squeaky Cheese maybe, chalky cheesy possibly, both cheezy...

Oh dear an old saying.... showing the age once again?

When you say that two people are like 'chalk and cheese', you are suggesting that the two are very different from each other; they have nothing in common. (John Gower's Middle English text Confessio Amantis, 1390) - A Phrase...


I love these things. Or when someone sends me to the dictionary.. the best!

Helped over the hump did it? 😄

And No I don't date back to 1390 hahaha.... So don't go there!

Swimming with dolphins would count as a very legit first time and I think it would be so cool! I think in your case it was cooler than cool [a temperature/state of being that I'm not even sure existed prior to your dolphin comment] because it was in the natural environment. What a very cooler than cool thing.

I'd like to swim with dolphins but I'm not the best swimmer in the world...I mean I can do it but not so well. It's the floating I have an issue with...I can't float. Lol.

Like you say, there are so many first's in life and we need to embrace them. I guess some go begging though as we may not appreciate them fully appreciate them at the time.


Moments with no camera, embedded into your memory how efficient they are in water and most definitely have a good sense of humour! They sure showed us a thing or two about catching a wave and body surfing.

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The first steps are a truly epic moment. I remember when my kids started walking, Gael did it a year and a half ago and I still remember the look on his face when he looked at me as if to say "I'm ready", it will stay with me forever.

I have never been so close to a dolphin, but I imagine it must be a magical and unforgettable experience 😍

Children are special when growing up, repeat the darnedest things too.

Any animals in the wild affording you some time makes one feel truly privileged.

It is true, it is a privilege to be in contact with them 😍

Wow. So much around children. Being one and then being with them. A month ago I volunteered for a community project where a lot of people showed up (Covid Shots). There was a young mother that wasn't in line for shots but was there in support of older family (grandma and grandpa would be my guess). Anyway she had a child just the right age that she was walking around in the shade holding the little girls hands above her. I'll bet that little girl is walking on her own by now...

That story with the dolphins is just cool beyond all words. And you had your bff there to backstop the story! Just about as cool as can be on several levels.

Thanks Joan!

Children are reminders of our growing older, the future generation to carry on, love how hungry they are for knowledge using all their senses, the funniest is speech, out the mouths of babes...

In a million years I could not have wished for a better friendship during growing up, we both had a passion for swimming, animals, cycling, dancing and did much together, safe in each others company. We still keep contact, although he know lives on another continent, happily married to his long time partner.


Today is my FIRST time... being a babysitter and spare mother to my ex-husband's son by his next wife. 😳 Please forgive me if I consume rather too much coffee this morning!!

After divorcing my Thai husband when my now 16 year old daughter was 4 years old, we had some rough years. Thailand doesn't mandate child support and he was not in a position to give it. Eventually he remarried a Hmong woman and they had another child together. Their little boy, Phet (his name means "Diamond" in Thai) is now 6 years old. And my daughter Ploi (means "Sparkling Jewel" in Thai) has rarely even spent a full day with him.

Welcome Covid, economic devastation to the Thai working classes, and little Phet has been living with his Thai aunt down in Sukothai for 6 months to enable his father to begin working as a Grab driver and his mother to work as a cleaner. It didn't go well.

But the years have passed, the irritation with Ploi's father has eased to occasional eye rolling and annoyance and he made 3 visits to his daughter this last year alone. Big steps forward.

Last week he stopped by with the little boy in tow, on a Sunday. He admitted to me that it's better for the boy to be in Chiang Mai, where he has love and discipline. But acknowledged how very hard t is to schlep him around all day in the heat on a Sunday when his wife is at work. It's 41C out there today. They can't afford to not work - he stays with his mom on Saturdays on her only day off, but Sundays are tough.

And so I volunteered. Bring him here. We can look after him every Sunday. Great for Ploi to get to know her little brother before she heads off to university in 15 month time. And great for him to have connection with his big Sis and learn a little English.

And so here we are. A spare mother for the day to the child my ex husband had with someone else. After years and years of acrimony and upset, we have come full circle to a place of peace. Where the children's needs come first.

BIG FIRST for me today! And him, I think. Lots of coffee being consumed.... 😆



Grateful for the growth and the blessings.

This is a great first and shows how far a person can move outside of their comfort zone. I was going to write something like, I don't think I could do this, but I guess I won't know what I can and cannot do until I'm faced with the situation and have to truly ponder it for a resolution. I always find something of value in your comments and sense a feeling of calm, intelligence and confidence in you. It's nice, so thank you.

Also, Phet...Judging by that legit house design next to him on the table and which I assume he drew...Architecture could be in his future!


I honestly NEVER dreamed I would be in this position either, nor that I could muster this much grace. Ultimately CALM is the magic word. It's not the child's fault his father made shitty choices (I mean seriously, giving ME up for a younger, prettier model???!!! 😆) and if I detach from our past and see only a curious boy with a cute smile, it's no longer personal.

Phet may well have a future in architecture... LOL. He's having a FIRST too - having only his dad's old phone t play with, he's never used a touch-screen nor played great computer games. I've asked Ploi to choose non-violent games that need skill and also use some English language. LOL 😊

I think men are more biologically hard-wired to worry about the children they physically created - sort of an evolutionary hangover. Women arguably have a more natural inclusive nurturing pattern - witness a cat who will happily suckle an orphan kitten along with her own.. I'm holding that thought when I get irritated today. LOL But so far so good - my daughter is a champ is doing a stunning job.

Hugs and happy Sunday to you. x


giving ME up for a younger, prettier model

Crazy right?

When you get irritated it will completely fine and understandable...An when you do I'm pretty sure you'll not take it out on the lad. You're a good sort.

Happy weekend...Long one here for ANZAC day.

I forgot all about ANZAC Day!! 😲 Must be time to dust off an old Eric Bogle tune... And the band played Waltzing Matilda..

Enjoy the BBQ if you're having one. 41C here and we're taking the little dude out for a surprise to buy him an ice-cream and a pair of new running shoes - definitely he's growing fast and we want him to feel that he's special and important to his Big Sis, even if the last year hasn't been easy or happy. Wanting to make sure he feels welcome.

Enjoy the moments and KNOW you can always stretch to be inclusive, loving & forgiving. Cos if I can, anyone can. LOL. 😆

I forgot all about ANZAC Day!


Enjoy the moments and KNOW you can always stretch to be inclusive, loving & forgiving

I'll be forgiving...*You're forgiven for forgetting ANZAC Day.

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As difficult as that situation is, I'm proud that you made it about the child and what he can gain instead of the disagreement between the adults. It's a tough situation for sure, I've seen the interactions between divorced parents and it's tense. At the end of the day though, I think the child will be far better off spending the time with someone as good a person as you and your daughter are! Those experiences can have a lasting positive impression in a world full of negative ones. Thank you for doing that for him!

That is just a stunning first. It's so easy to remain angry and feel betrayed and so hard to put a kids needs first. That is seriously impressive.

That bother and sister look like they are doing pretty good together. I'm sure that you have made a generational push here that will be felt in your family for years.

Well, your niece wins the cutest kid on the innerwebs award every year. I can certainly see how meeting her might be a memorable first.

I'm just sitting here thinking of firsts. Damn, I've had a few that are memorable or worth remembering. Dragged over the seat of a '58 Chev by a girl that didn't weigh 100 lbs? Yep. Sitting on the back of Eddie Jasman's Indian? Ohhhhh, still gives me goosebumps. First album? Surfin' Safari with this on it:

I've got 70 years worth. That's like two thirds of forever. I almost wrote a tribute right here to my first hunting dog. But I can't, it's gotta be my first time meeting my brother and sisters. It's only been a year, but I still can't believe that we found each other and the raw emotion when we had our meeting. Our first meeting.

I thought after 68 years that it wasn't ever going to happen, and then it what seems like an instant, I have people that I look like. Amazing. I think it would be beyond my belief IF IT HADN'T HAPPENED TO ME.

Wonderful first times, even more so that family reunion, how good that you were able to have that blessing in your life ✨

Thanks. After 50 years of searching it was really something to find them. All of them!

What a beautiful story! 😍

An amazing story and I tember reading about it Sir Tom.
That was surely in my mind one very great experience. I also have 5 half bothers floating around somewhere, but I don't think that we will ever look for each other, as there were bad blood when the six of us buried my estranged father.

Your happy event is simply amazing, especially after such a long time.
Happy for you.

I understand the separation and the need for separation sometimes, but never having known it is an amazing thing later in life.

Oh yes, it must have been a shocking surprise, especially as so much time has elapsed.
Glad for you that it happened Sir Tom.

I remember your posts when meeting the family, it turned out fine, can only imagine the bundle of nerves before meeting them all.

No small family to meet after so many years not even being aware they were out there @bigtom13

I was almost out of my mind by the time the meet up actually happened but within about a half an hour I knew it was just fine. Really amazing!

There is something about family even if you never met previously. It was great when you got to meet them all, since that is in no ways a small number to meet all together.

Oh wow! Amazing and what a trip. 68 years I can't imagine what it's been like and how it must have felt. I'm so happy for you and your family.

Thank you. Me too. It was just utterly amazing.

A pretty legit first here Tom. I guess you'd have a bucket load of them to share but this one is pretty momentous and the right choice I'd say. I can't imagine what it would be like but I remember reading about it and how happy you were.

Legit first.


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I was diggin the comedy skit, especially the 2/3 part and dang man, that gave me goosebumps! So uh.. did the TOP drop?

Then you got real-real. That's really cool sir. How exciting, I just asked about your siblings on the other one but this was too cool to pass up.

Your niece is very cute. Now she must be a big girl :) I hope you can see her again soon ❤️.

Regarding first times, I want to tell you about the first time I had sleep paralysis. For those who don't know, sleep paralysis occurs when your body is asleep but your mind is not, so you are awake but trapped in your immobile body. In this period, which lasts a few minutes but seems like a long time, your brain begins to hallucinate with panic. It is terrifying.

Well, my first sleep paralysis was during my graduate trip. I remember I was about to fall asleep, when I suddenly realized that I couldn't move. I tried to scream and couldn't. But I was seeing everything around me. I was even saw "someone" standing at the foot of my bed. It was a paralysis-nightmare 😫. It was horrible, horrible. When my body woke up, my heart was beating a thousand times an hour. I woke up all my friends. Nobody understood anything 😂.

To this day I still have these paralyzes frequently, especially in times of big stress when I cannot sleep peacefully. BUT, over the years I managed to control it. I realize that I'm having a paralysis so I stay calm until my body wake up and can move. I no longer let myself be scared if I see horrible things like in nightmares. It is very strange how all this works.

Wow, this sounds terrible! I've not heard of this thing but can imagine it is frightening, especially the first time it happens. You should write a post about it if you have not already. I think it'd be interesting to read.


Yes, last night while I was writing this comment I thought it would be nice to make a post. Soon I will. Thank you ❤️.

You're welcome, I'll look out for it.

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Oh my! I'm so sorry for what you're experiencing and I couldn't think of anything worse especially seeing someone at the end of your bed and not being able to do anything. Such a vulnerable position. It's good that you have gotten a hold of it and it no longer freaks you out anymore.

And that's one of the quietest things I ever saw ... hahahahaha. There are worse.

That's a very interesting first! I've had symptoms very similar to this while attempting to push myself into an out-of-body experience, though my reaction to them was obviously very different, since I had been trying to make it happen.

Have you ever tried moving your 'free' consciousness around while this was happening?

I recently saw a series in which they did those "astral travel" and I thought: ok, this is very similar to the sleep paralysis that I have. But I have never tried to "get out of my body." It's just like I'm awake in my bed, I can see around me, but I can't leave this place, I never tried either. Next time I'll try it :-D.

I hope it works out for you, let me know if you want any tips!

If I've read anything similar, they didn't describe it as well as you just did. It does sound like a nightmare. It's been awhile but I used to get weird seizure things, not what you describe though. How often does it happen?

The last paralysis I had 4 days ago. But the one before that happened several months ago. Lately I sleep late and I don't sleep well. Maybe that's why this also happens to me.

Oh wow so this happens a couple times a year, I'm glad you're able to anticipate them at least. Sounds scary.

Wow, that must be really hard to go through. I remember when I was 8 years old something similar happened to me, I don't know if it was sleep paralysis, but I remember being asleep and suddenly opening my eyes, I saw the figure of a sinister man next to my bed and I wanted to run away but I couldn't move, or scream. It was terrible, I could only close my eyes and pray. Then the feeling passed and when I opened my eyes, the figure was no longer there.

Fortunately I have not had another experience like that, but I remember it as if it had happened yesterday.

Sorry to hear so ... in Vietnam, we have a small tip that you can leave something like a blunt knife under your mattress, I don't know why but that helps a lot when I was a child 🙈

I'm going to drop a deuce on this one with a definite downer, my First Big Disappointment.

When I was a kid, I didn't sleep much. One year, on the eve of Easter, I figured since I was awake anyway, I'd listen for the Easter Bunny, to see if she (the easter bunny lays eggs, she's a girl 😂) needed any help setting up baskets and hiding eggs in my neighborhood.

If you don't know how that turned out, I won't spoil the surprise for you.

I think of this story a lot when I think of firsts, because that night is what really set me on the path that led to where I am today. I learned that the people I trusted the most had been lying to me my whole life, and that the only person I could really depend on was myself. Life has reinforced both of those observations over the years.

Of course, child me was hurt and angry. I was 5 or 6 years old, but I had a very adult understanding about a lot of things. I knew that going out and confronting those liars about their lies was just going to make things worse. I also knew that as far as lies go, this really wasn't worth fighting over. I knew that the only thing that had really changed was my awareness. I also knew that Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, and the Tooth Fairy weren't going to keep handing out freebies my whole life, so I better start learning how to get the things I wanted for myself.

What did I do? I spent the rest of the night playing with brain-teaser puzzles, reading Treasure Island, and waiting for the sun (and my little brothers with it) to come up. I enjoyed my chocolate, flew my kite, and kept my new knowledge to myself. I learned that I could keep secrets, too, and there was no sense in derailing the gravy train.

People say we learn the most from our failures. I'd like to nominate disappointment for the #1 teacher position.

This is a pretty poignant first for sure! Thanks for sharing.

I remember particular ah ha moments as a kid and to this day am thankful for them. I like your last line...Disappointment can be a very great teacher indeed. Nicely said.


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And I'd like to disappoint you with the #1 disappointing comment. It's better than getting deuced though, I thought you were deucing us.

He comes up with cool stuff huh? I don't know how he does it, I woulda ran outta topics by week 2n1/2.

For sure the bunny's a she. And what are saying about Santa?

I know a few people who have never needed a dentist in their life, ever. I'm not one of them. Pura, never, perfect teeth. So I make annual visits, you know, and each time I'm greeted by the tooth fairy just before they charge my co-pay.

Not to further disappoint, but that wasn't the #1 disappointing comment... overall. It was #1 for this post, hands down. Somebody on a different post commented with a video that wouldn't load, that was the #1 all-time(today) disappointment.

He does come up with cool stuff. I bet you could probably do it too, but if you want to be a slacker... I'm not here to judge. Well, sometimes that's exactly what I come here (to Hive) for, but I'm not judging you about that, right now, I PROMISE.

All I'll say about Santa is that he hasn't swung by in more than a few years. I might not have been good, but I was definitely better than I was as a child.

Bold move, calling your dentist a fairy. In this age of PC speak, few have the courage for that kind of language. When I was a child, the tooth fairy left money for me, but for the lousy dime that cheapskate left, I would have rather kept the tooth.

Ok hold on how did this turn into me being a slacker again?

If it's only been a few years since he's swung by let's give the slacker a break. I mean, with Covid and all.

I can't believe I did that! Fairy. And this is blockchain, I'm dust.

It's cold and wet here today, changes pretty regularly. About every 15 minutes. But it's been on a steady ugly all day today. When it's like this here I assume it's up where you are too?

The changes in weather every 15 minutes are the same. Other than that, it depends on the overall weather pattern. It usually comes more from the West, so yesterday in Michigan is my weather today. When it does come up from the south, I'm about a day behind Tennessee, and looking at my forecast... cold, wet, and steady ugly tomorrow.

It was never really about you being a slacker, it was really about you selling yourself short. But, now that you didn't bother to read between the lines, maybe it's back to you being a slacker...


Read between the lines.. Drive between the lines.. Straight and narrow line.. Ok I have issues I get it!

I think with this one, I’ll go with something a little different. I’ve been mulling it on the brain since checking the post out, there’s so many firsts out there but it’s hard to narrow it down to one sometimes!

I’ll go with my first firearm I owned. It was an interesting thing to have. I had my gun license for a few years already but I didn’t own a gun which was a bit annoying but I didn’t have much money for them. I got my license on a whim with a friend of mine, and actually an affluent person we worked with had helped us a little bit. We went to a safety course at a well-off fish and game club so we got a pretty good experience, some beautiful scenery and you got to shoot two guns, a .22 rifle and a 9mm. The .22 was one I had shot before but the 9mm was new so that was cool. My friend and I both finished and got our license. He went out and bought something soon after getting his but I forget what he got, we ended up stop hanging out for various reasons so we’ve lost touch.
Fast forward a few years and I drove past this place in an area where we often go because of the shops and I saw there was a gun store. I never noticed it until then so I knew I wanted to stop in! It was kind of like a candy store for me because I had wanted to own one for a long time but now here I was, trying to buy one. Thankfully it was a small store and not many people in it so I could spend time taking to the owner and getting a feel for what I wanted. The price was also a good factor in it as well.
I had held a few of the guns he had in stock, the .45’s, a few 9mm but this other one stuck out to me because it had just come in and he didn’t want it sitting there so he priced it to sell. It was a smith and Wesson 9mm model 908. I was sold and it hefted the way I imagined it would, not light but not heavy. I had to wait for the background check to go through but I had made the step to ensuring I would be more protected than the average citizen would be if needed. Never hope to use them in defense for sure but it’s there and important. I came back a few days later and it was mine! I bought some ammo, a cleaning kit and a carrying case from him and I was a proud owner of a nice 9mm from that day forward. Only fired the thing about 50 times since that day which pains me but we have to deal with those types of things at certain points. Just glad that I am the owner of what is increasingly trying to be removed from the hands of people throughout the world. Every new gun owner we can make out there is one person that stands in the way of tyranny.

This is a good first and you've talked about it responsibly whish all firearms owners should be doing. Well done.

hope to use them in defense

I think most are like that to be honest - Being in a position to have to use a firearm in that way wouldn't be a good thing for most people and there's often bad repercussions for doing so. Let's hope you never have to do it.

Only fired the thing about 50 times since that day

Please tell me this is 50 times and not 50 rounds! I have a suspicion it's the latter though...Bro, You need to get to the range!


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The first time I shared my art @nftshowroom was a really fun & satisfying experience. I had researched NFT Art marketplaces and when I read about how I could do this within the Hive blockchain it was a great moment as it connects me with the community here and people interested in art on that marketplace.

This is a great first and yeah, a really cool way to get connected on the blockchain. Nice work, and thanks for joining in this week.


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Thanks so much!

So sweet! I like the way you express your love to her and hopefully you will see her again soon 💛

This is My first time...
The shot below reminded me the first of first times that I drove a scooter up hill on my own, even with someone behind and also first times I have been to Ban Giooc Waterfall which is ranked as one of the 4th among the biggest border waterfall in the world and also the most impressive nature I have ever been. Love it! Highly recommend you to go if you visit Vietnam 💚


What a beauty! Very beautiful scenery 😍 and an excellent experience 🤗.

Yes doing something at the first times is always challenging and when we achieve it, it will great 😍

Wow...Fantastic sis, you drove the whole way up to the north and carried someone behind 😦
I was lucky to be there last year and it was extremely stunning: gorgeous waterfall & mountains surroundings. Really want to come back here again. 💝
Làm em liên tưởng tới 2 câu thơ:
Khi ta ở chỉ là nơi đất ở. Khi ta đi, đất đã hóa tâm hồn!

Không biết dịch qua Tiếng Anh răng? hehee

Haha, c cũng hok biết dịc răng lun. Ôi sự tích chinh phục đèo Mã Phục trên con honda wave, oy chạy về trong đêm chỉ có mỗi container 😄 Chắc một lần luôn, ngầu lắm ;))) C cũng muốn chở lại nhưng chắc phải kiếm tài đã 😆

Beautiful shot!

What kind of "scooter" are we talking here? Cause it might have a lot more horsepower if it can carry 2 people up a hill 👀

Honda wave 115cc 😄 I could't believe that we still survived. Thank you for your compliment 🐎🌻

Hey there...Thanks for sharing a couple of firsts...

Riding a scooter or motorbike for the first time can be interesting. I remember my first time on a motor bike...It didn't end well.

That waterfall looks legit though...And you look pretty happy to be there. I've been to Vietnam but didn't make it to this awesome location...Maybe next time though huh?


Opppt I hope it was not too bad for you 🙈
Ban Giooc is so gorgeous and don't miss Pac Bo as well. I was there around October, the weather was so nice during day time and a bit cool in the evening.

I'm not sure when I'll be able to travel there but that's for the tips...I hope to make it soon!

Next year for sure the border will be opened. Hope to see you around Vietnam 🛵

I'll be around eventually.

Yes, am looking forward 🤗

Engagement.. charts..

Way to hold it down mate!

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Such a beautiful place ❤️.

Yes it is. How amazing to see whole Ban Giooc waterfall with drone! Water is also very pure turquoise 💎

Oh wow! That looks quite impressive and so much beauty. I'll have to add this to my to visit list.

Thank you & shot me a text when you come, I can share you some tips to travel around my country 😻

I keep finding content about Vietnam, each time I want to visit that much more. All of you describe it as a paradise. I tried clicking the link but it didn't work. Do you have another one?

Ban Giooc waterfall? Hmmm, I did wrong I think. For more info about this attraction, you can check here@dandays ơi, Thank you for sharing your love to Vietnam 🇻🇳 Oh you couldn't open the link of

Oh gorgeous! The second link works.

Beautiful place. It would make a first impression on me too.

Great! I hope you can get there next year when borders are opened 🤞🤗

Is that what you think? You think this time next year borders will be open again and travel will resume?

I hope you're right.

Yes, Vietnam plan to open for tourists from safe countries in September this year and should be normal next year when covid get controlled

You had quite the experience.

Yes, I did. Thank you 🤗

Ah, you're welcome. You might have succeeded in making me add that to my bucket list

That's my reward 😍

Please Share more photographs if you have them 😁

Yeah definitely keep you updated with my daily photos. My phone is full of shots 😆

In our life, we have so many first times
I remember vividly the first time I did a public speaking presentation at university. When I was a freshman, I had a fear of speaking in public.
My major was English at school, that means I did a lot of talks, presentations. I was so nervous 😒at all the time, how to make eye-contact with others, how to use body language and avoid staring at the screen.Thanks @trangbaby for letting me know this interesting topic.


My first presentation was "Marketing research about a product". I was very well-prepared for every slide of PowerPoint, designing banner, visit cards, ...
I felt very anxious and depressed about the day after when I spoke in front of large groups of people. 😌 My heart beated very fast, my face turned into red,..
Fortunately, my presentation was so successful even though it was not completely perfect.
Until now, I must say that I'm totally confident when talking in public.😋😋
I think a fear of public speaking is a common phobia with many people like me.

"Practice makes perfect."

I was gonna ask which is you in the photo, right or left, but quickly realized this is a public platform and I'm overwhelmed by all these flying things in my abdomen.

Public speaking is something that makes so many people uncomfortable and for those people the first time is always the most difficult. I think it get's easier over time although some people never get over the fear.

I think is the first time you've come by the #weekend-engagement topic so welcome aboard!


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Public speaking is a skill not many poses and it's hard to develop, you need to learn to read the crowd and engage every single person no matter the size. I love public speaking but alot of people call me a freak. I'm also able to walk upto anyone and start a conversation. I'm even able to engage with someone on a personal level with in the first few seconds and few words that are spoken. Males me extremely effective at my job.

Your fears are common but as you practise more and learn you will become great at it.

haha, I understand your feelings at the first times em, but you did good job! you learnt day by day and true that "practice makes perfect" 💛

I loved your story, what a beautiful first time 😍.

A bit of a scary memory came to me. A few years ago when I had to go to my first legal Audience to defend my case (I'm a lawyer) I felt like dying, my body wasn't strong enough to contain the tide of nerves running through me, I was panicking about getting on the stand in front of the judges and incidentally having my office colleagues judging me for my work. The day before I was so nervous that I felt sick to my stomach and couldn't even leave the bathroom. I asked myself over and over again why I had chosen the profession that put me in such a difficult situation.

Fortunately, at the time of the Audience I was able to contain myself and state my case well, but when I left my legs were shaking and I had to run back home and lie down on the bed because I was really exhausted.

I will never forget that first time because I felt everything that fear can do to us when we let it dominate us, from then on I learned not to generate those levels of tension and expectation and before that kind of challenges I always asked myself: What is the worst that can happen if I am wrong?

Thank you for this very interesting question this weekend!

Blessings to the princess ✨.

Are you a Civil attorney and is there a legal loop hole you can advise me client/attorney privilege on how to permanently cut ties with the IRS?

I'm playing. No I'm not. No, really, I'm not being serious. Totally really serious!

Hahahahaha, I don't work in that area of taxation, it's always good to have an advisor to help ease those burdens 😅😂

It's very nice reading your sharing of the first time. I see myself here but in different cases.
When we were young, we often got tension or being over nervous at the first time doing something we think it's important. Yeah, totally agree: fear just makes us down if we let it dominate us so be 💪💪💪.
If we do wrong, we do it again (😆🙂 joking)

It is true! Those things we considered important could be overwhelming.
Totally agree, it's ok if we make a mistake, we learn, correct and repeat if we have the chance, but when we are young we don't see it this way, at least I didn't 🤗

Gha!!! I've been there... I mean not with the legs shaking but the sick feeling in your stomach..
It's horrible up till now it has NEVER been as bad as the worst case scenario I made up in my head. And I do mean NEVER 😁

Hahahaha, our imagination can be very creative and in these cases make us suffer 😅 I thought I would be speechless and unable to say a single word, and I would lose the job and the case 🙊.

I'd say this would be a very nerve-wracking time! All that effort and study you'd done brought you to this moment when you first had to go to court...Seems like you dealt with it very well though, got the job done, and I'm sure you're feeling much more relaxed these days when you go to court.

Fear can be paralysing whether it's fear of heights, public speaking, loss, on the battlefield or even in the court room.

Thanks for joining in!


Fortunately I overcame the fear in my next Audiences, but I no longer work in that area of litigation, too much pressure for my liking 😅

Ah ok, well I'm sure things progressed just as they were supposed to and you gained from your experiences. :)

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How brave you were, I would have run away 😂😂😂

Hahaha, I was about to run but my legs were not strong enough to run and I had no choice but to go ahead, hahaha 😅😂

They say when you address a crowd which you are not used to, imagine them all sitting naked out there and look directly ahead 😁

Glad you got through the day, now it is easier and part of what you do, public speaking anywhere is not a place many feel at home.

I applied that strategy years later😅, although I found it more comfortable to imagine that they were all children 😂.

Certainly public speaking can be very challenging, for me it was a scary experience back then and today I can see it as a great learning, although I still get a little nervous about that situation

I do it if I have to, although would never say I felt completely comfortable...

I have the same feeling 🤗

Somehow I see myself in you, but easier task with the first time doing presentation to call investors 😆 After that I met a mentor, she told me that everybody is the same you as a soul. The soul is always pure and equal... they will not eat you 😄

Excellent advice from your mentor, certainly at the time I saw myself as weak and small in front of those judges, I didn't see them as "equals" at all.

But now that I see it, it seems obvious and I'm sure they wouldn't eat me, hahaha 😅

Haha, that's true! They are also soul 😄 I am glad that you got more powerful now, we always learn and improve day by day. Stay Safe wherever you are 💕

Thank you! Blessings ✨🤗

Ha, I'm always late to the party, but I never miss the party because @galenkp always throws the best party.

For a second there you made my brain hurt, nice try. 😅

That photograph of you hugging your niece is so heartwarming. I remember when I first met my niece. I was far away in school, and my sister had just delivered. Nobody told me anything as I having exams, until I was done. I was surprised, like how and when did it all happened. Nevertheless, There was something to look forward to now. I imagined me with her taking a walk, me getting for her, her first book, me taking her to the library. She's 4 now, and she's doing perfect.

There's so much first times in my head, some I barely remember, like when I first read a good book and it changed my life, etc. But there's one first time that is very fresh up there.

I was concluding my industrial training. A sort of practical training for students in the university in there field. I was supposed to go to this very tall building, called elephant house to do some paperwork. I went with my colleagues. Unfortunately, we were going to the 15th or so floor, I don't like height, but thats not the problem, There was a fucking elevator and I never was in one. Immediately i went it, everything become whirly. I was with some goals and for heavens sake I felt I had to be cool. Luckily there was a hand rail that I grab onto. It took forever, I just put my palm over my face because I was loosing it. 😂

not late bro, just fashionably not on time!

It's all good though, there's still 24 hours to run.

You have a niece the same age as mine...Pretty cool. I'm a proud uncle and miss @smallsteps all the time. I guess not unlike you!

So...Elevators. I'm afraid I can't recall the first time I was in one as I would have been very young but yeah, they can be a bit dodgy for sure, especially the really tall buildings although I went in an elevator in Venice that was pretty dodgy and it only went three floors! It was barely big enough for two people and a suitcase and I wasn't sure it was going to make it al the way up. It did though.

Thanks for joining in Mr. Late to the party!


She is so cute your niece. Growing up to be a fine young woman hungry for knowledge. I am already. She has her own library. 😍

Ah men, the elevator experience was something. That was when I learned the word vertigo.

I would gladly take my title,☺ but alas good sir, I wont be late next Friday. 😁


Late, not late...Doesn't matter as long as you join in.

You're the best.

Looking forward to what you'd come up with this friday.😊

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My first shoot experience.. Throwback to 2014 when I was living in Mumbai and decided to learn photography and take it up as a profession.. I was learning under Viraj Sir and we had happened to go to one of his shoots and assist him..


I was using a Nikon D3330 with a 18-55mm base lens.. Just happened to see my sir standing near a mirror and checking out some pictures on his camera.. I loved the frame and so clicked this picture..


He loved the picture a lot and so after shoot while waiting for our taxi he gave me a pose so that I could click another picture of him.. This still is one of my favourite pictures as I was just learning about photography those days and feel that I did a good job with the pictures..


What do you guys feel??

What a great first to share with us! 2014...So quite a few years ago which means you're probably really good behind the camera now, or at least far more comfortable.

It's great to look back our early days of doing a thing, the learning process. I think it helps us appreciate the journey to the current state of being, level of skill etc.

Great shot you have there, using natural light off the street. Nice work.


Thank you.. Yes, much more comfortable now.. But more into weddings these days.. Learning process is always on.. It's never ending :P

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Beautiful shot, do you have much work out there now on display? This a great first shot.

Thank you.. Not much work.. Keep sharing everything i shoot on my blog!!

haha, I had almost the same experience like you with camera, only that I didn't put myself in learning it seriously🙈 The first shoot had emotional touch, 7 years already, I believed you are much more confident and professional now :)

Thank you.. You should think about learning more

Oh bro, you did very well. I remember my first DSLR shoot too. It was with a friend I had just physically met as we've known each other online for a while.

I think I have the photos on my drive, call locate it now.

Great click man.

Thank you.. Do share it

Sure. I will see if I can get my hands on them.

You always come up with interesting topics for the #weekend-engagement, @galenkp.

So for this one, maybe I could share my experience, the first time I left home and lived in an apartment. The story was 3 years ago, and I don't regret that decision same as how I think that it is not a wrong decision.

I was a freshly new graduate from college, and a part of me hesitates to go and apply for a job. That is the common path for a fresh grad to take, doesn't it? Not that I hate the idea but rather, I was drawn into the dream (with my friends) to build our own business from scratch. We wanted to challenge ourselves and we believed in the potential of our dreams. Well, it saddens me to say this but,... I thought we were. In the process, I felt like I was the only one who had that strong belief and resolution to aim for that goal. Probably, that is also because I was the leader in the group.

That venture failed because we weren't able to succesfully operate and execute the processes required to structurize the business. Some were unable to participate and that was epxlained after some talks. And with only two remaining to serve as backbone for that venture, me and my friend failed to realize that motivation to make the dream come true. It was promised that we'll serve to be the ones to fill in the gap until the others can join in, so we remained. And of course, since we failed, the other also had to leave and fulfill her role to her family.

It was part of the plan to utilize my apartment unit as a headquarters where we will get together and do the things we should do for the goal. But that never happened. And although it was unfortunate, I stayed there and continued living in that space. That also include the continuance of the workload needed for the business. Back then, my mind was set to do what I can, no matter how little the progress is. And mind you, I did not applied for a job.

I thought I would do fine since I know my capabilities and strengths. But I was not aware that depression was building inside me. Although I say I'm okay, my outputs doesn't seem to show it that way. I was clearly affected with what happened and with what I am seeing day after day. But amidst all that, I tried to stay positive and never lost hope. I know I was stubborn with my vision because I was not swayed no matter how the family discouraged me to continue on the path I chose. That hurted a lot, but I knew it was part of the consequences since I was being selfish for the first time. It was also the first time that I wanted to do something that challenging. I have never forgotten what I felt the first time I felt the beauty of that dream. It was all unsure and all I have was that strong belief that I can make that a reality.

Moving on today, I'm still trying to make that a reality. We resumed some activities and were able to talk about it once again. And although some things weren't in favor for us right now (since most of them have day jobs), atleast we've come to a mutual understanding that everyone still wants that dream to come true. And I am genuinely happy to know that.

Tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind.
I will be brave because I know I should be brave.Like what you always say @galenkp; I always kept my heart in check and made sure that I will still be brave to pursue what I believe. And that I will not change and be taken aback just because I was depressed from the situation back then. One of the ways that helped me do that was creating the blog for @adailydose. I can say it's my own form of writing the feelings that I haved supressed inside me for so long - but in an encrypted way. At least, little by little, it helped me relieve some of the burdens in my heart.

I should end it this way. I think, I'm writing too much for a comment. And now that I've checked and read what I've written here, it seems that I shared not only one first time.

Moving out of home and into one's own apartment or house can be a little daunting but it's also something that can build a lot of character and teach one to stand on one's own two feet.

Depression can be a very challenging thing to deal with but if one can step it forward and emerge from it one is often a better version I think. Adversity brings opportunity.

Thanks for your comment. Much appreciated.


Nah... I always miss out on your #weekend-engagement topic so I thought of checking your blog today. Glad that I did, since it was such a nostalgia to reminise on those memories and reflect for even just quite a short time.

Feel free to check my blog anytime between Friday and Sunday as there'll be a weekend-engagement post topic there. You're welcome anytime.

I would defiinitely do that whenever I would get the chance. You weeken-engagement topics are always crowded with opinions from different users, and I always liked seeing that. Thanks as always!

You're welcome and thanks for joining in.

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Thank you!

Whoa hey mate. Its a bit long I guess you can make a post on the weekend community hehee. I will come back to read later. Cheers 😍

That sounds fun, but I have to think of a good topic I guess. That actually was one of my plan before, but things aren't always in my favor so I haven't gotten my way to put out something for the #weekend-engagement.

The first time I woke up on a strange yacht in the middle of the Pacific and the first time I'd seen those three couples in my life! They knew me somehow. I peaked above deck.

That's the last time I drank.

Seven years this August

All those first's culminated in a very important last it seems...Nice work!


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That is one experience you won't ever forget

Haven't woke up in a strange place since!


Why are you not giving us more detail.

This sounds like an interesting experience😁

It's a lloooonng one. I began a piece about the last time I drank awhile actually, haven't opened it for I don't know how long. Not sure if I'll get back to it, I gotta be pretty vulnerable in that one.

Hey I didn't realize you were a photographer, that's cool! I think I like this one the most. Dudes in super loud pajamas at an intersection. Nice job.

Thats a tough call. Whenever you do decide, I will love to read.

Oh yes I am, I am grateful for looking through my blog😊.

I always follow your photography 🙌🏽

First time I was on hive I was alone and unaware, how to write, how to talk, how to enjoy my thoughts. I meet some friends, @theterminal to be exact, picked me up, taught me to talk, to expand, to write what I felt. Now I'm me, no longer alone, no longer unaware, now I write, now I talk, hear me roar.

Way to go guys. Its always satisfying to hear stories like yours. Takes time to get familiar but when you're, you become unstoppable.

I implore to also help people find their voice as yours has being found.

That's lovely sharing! I am really happy when you can enjoy your thoughts and share it out 💛

That's a good first. I think so many feel a little isolated on hive at first but it's good that there's a few great concepts to make people feel welcome.


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You made this topic in a perfect time. Just a few days I bought this:

My first wooden puzzle. And my first puzzle that was made in Lithuania. I have solved(or I am solving) puzzles from countries like Spain and Germany. But I did not expect lithuanians to make something like this... I am really glad that they did it.

Oh, wow, the sculpture is artistic and sophisticated. I guess there is a special meaning to this wooden puzzle~ A lion with wings symbol for strength or power ??
Amazing work from Lithuania. Thanks for sharing with us.

I like your interpretation of this puzzle.

Nice looking artwork...
Should I be thinking normal puzzels but with wooden pieces or should I be thinking complete contraptions with a certain way of putting it together or it won't work?

after completion it should look like this. they also made a frame especially for this puzzle. It comes with base, outline, plexiglass and the frame. Outline should be placed on the base, after solving a puzzle I need to add plexiglass and put everything inside of the frame.


You made this topic in a perfect time

I aim to please.

This is a pretty legit looking puzzle, and made in your home country? Even better.


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Well, since the story of my first was pretty early and is actually an unusual first which hardly has repeated a second time in all my entire long life. Please, allow me to share here next one of the pictures that I used when I publicly told to the world about this prodigious and unique experience.

My First

"Click on the image for further and in-deep details"

But as a short summary of what really was my most appreciated first time about something which also was my last time and that I can't forget it. Let's say that was when my little child's brain finally was able to fully understand a very intangible concept with majestic depth and imposing clarity for the first time after eight years of life having been unable to figure it out.

Excuse me if this short summary is not clear enough. But as I said before, this was a first prodigious and unique experience that cannot be described in few words. You must click to understand it!

Cheers!! :)

We experience all kinds of firsts in life some we barely notice or put much thought into and some very profound...It seems this one is the latter for you. Thanks for joining in the topic this week.


It seems this one is the latter for you.

Yeah, that may well be true. :)

I had a school teacher who looked like Yoda. She was my Year 12 Classical Studies teacher...Seriously, just like Yoda!

I see! I bet the resemblance surely was just because her pointy ears. LoL

It was that, and everything else too...I swear she was Yoda!

Hahaha, I reckon that you have been a very lucky G-dog. :)

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Five years? You're a blockchain OG!

Hahahaha yeah. A blockchain OG indeed. But all that thanks to the fact that I am a life's OF. too. };)

Haaa!! I had no idea where I was going with OF. Good one. ✔️


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Hello, Mr. Kp. I hope you are well…🤗

I confess that your first time made me very sentimental, I hope with all my heart that all this ends soon and you can return to Finland to see your beautiful niece to give her many kisses and koala hugs.😁

My first time ... Although I have been singing since I can remember, hehehe, at family gatherings, friends' birthdays, etc. The first time I sang on stage was when I was 5 years old. 😍 I remember it was a Mother's Day and I was very excited to sing to everyone, but especially to my mother and my grandmother who were present in the audience... It was a very beautiful experience and thank God I have already had other times on stage, I hope many more will come.🎶


This was the song I sang (in Spanish, of course):

The first time performing on a stage would be a little nerve-wracking I'd say but it seems you had a really nice experience and have got back up there. You sing so well so I guess it's just a matter of getting lost in that aspect of it and just being.


I usually feel nervous before going on stage but after I'm already on it, there are no more nerves but the enjoyment of doing what I like.😍


Well, if that's you in that gif you certainly look good on stage. 🙂

Hahaha... Thank you, Mr. KP. 😜

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You're welcome...


I'm going to go with my first movie theatre experience. My dad took me to a classic old theatre called the Rivoli to watch The Empire Strikes Back. The theatre had faux towers and walkways on the side of the room. I remember thinking that Darth Vader was going to show up on the towers; I was freaking out.

I don't remember much about the movie, aside from being scared at the part with Yoda in the swamp. Afterward, we went to the local Burger King for dinner, and I remember getting a Star Wars glass (legit glass, too!). Such different days. I probably had greasy, buttery popcorn, lots of Coca-Cola, and then topped it off, no doubt, with fries, more soda, and lots of cheeseburgers. Different days, indeed!

Oh man, this is a very cool first time. It's kind of funny really as my dad took me to a similar sort of theatre here, *The Piccadilly, in North Adelaide, to see Star Wars back in 1978...I have good memories of it. Great first time comment bro!


Very cool -did you and your dad play lightsabers? I remember my mom and taping paper towel tubes together for us to run around the house with. They didn't last very long, I'm sure, but being young when those movies came out; our whole lives revolved around those films. Such a time!

Yep, I had a light sabre but played with my older brother. We had broom sticks painted up. Did the job...Hurt too if one was to cop a good smack with it. :)

I don't remember what my first film was, I'm sure it was a Disney film. But reading your experience you made me remember my first play, I went with my dad to see Peter Pan and I thought it was amazing at the time, I enjoyed it a lot and I remember every moment of that day.

Nice! I think the first play I saw was A Christmas Carol at the local community theatre. I remember it was a grade school field trip; that Ghost of Christmas Future freaked me out almost as much as Lord Vader!

Hahahaha, amazing when we were kids how we saw things with such innocence, everything seemed real 🤗

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😃Hi Weekenders! Sorry I’m just getting in on the fun. I always look forward to The Weekend.
Feels like I was out in the wilderness for days. The “wilderness experience” was actually my first but I’ll talk about something else. 😜
😆I actually had to re-read the first part of this post to “get it”. My tongue and mind got a bit twisted on “... the first time you experience a first time is the last time you’ll experience that first time...”.
There’re so many first experiences I could share. I’ll choose a quick one. The first time I had green tea was on a plane. I asked the flight attendant for sugar. I don’t remember his exact response but it was similar to, “You take sugar with green tea? That’s interesting!” I added sugar nonetheless. Didn’t enjoy that first cup and stayed away from green tea for a while. Now it’s one of my favorites but I really don’t want to see anyone adding sugar to theirs. It looks and feels so “wrong”. 😆

I got migraine too trying to understand his prelims. 😁😂

Well, now that you've said it, you've awoken my curiosity. i'd have to try green tea and sugar.

I got migraine too trying to understand his prelims.

Lol...Well, I have to keep y'all thinking right?

Lol! I loved it actually.

Haha! I hope your headache has gone now. I had to break those sentences in parts. Lol!

Haha! Let me know if you like it. 😆I just won't watch you put the sugar in. I can’t do it now because my first experience was a first experience that became a last experience and so my last experience... oops!! I should stop here. Please tell me your headache isn’t back.

Damn its back 😅.

But, how did it taste?

Uh-oh! I’m sorry.😆
You mean the taste of it with sugar? I didn’t like the taste of the green tea itself. The sugar didn’t matter. Lol
Now, I love it and close my eyes on many sips. Lol

Lol...Got lost in the wilderness of last week? Lucky you had your supplies!

So...Judgment from the flight attendant huh? Lol...That's funny.

I have also added sugar to green tea in the past but I don't add sugar to tea or coffee these days, not for over ten years. I'd rather add the sugar content by way of a donut.


first time using it. Something went wrong. 😆
Yeah, the flight attendant was like, "What's up with her?" 😂
I hardly add sugar to my tea as well. I hardly drink coffee. Sugar from your donuts, sugar from my fruits. I think I have a fruit addiction. I could change "think" to another word but let's leave it at that.Lol!! Yeah, I got stuck out there. @gvkanten was supposed to help rescue me with his drone but maybe it was his

Fruit is good for you...Better than donuts.

Is that SHADE?!?! Hahah how dare you!
I'll have you know that I'm current fighting my way to you! At least I got you safely to the shed! 🤣🤣🤣

😆Don’t get me wrong. I really appreciate you getting me to the shed safely. Thank you. Just that I hadn’t heard from you for a while. I really wanted to catch the next Weekend Engagement topic. I had to find another way out. Wait? You’re still out there? Shade? Who’s throwing shade? Come on, we had enough shade from those trees out there. 😜

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Thank you. 😃

Hahaha, it's really weird to drink green tea with sugar 🙈🧐😅

Lol! It is right? 😆

I can imagine the flight attendant with this look on her face at your question 👇🏻


😂😂 I got service with a smile but I can imagine him doing that when I wasn’t looking. 😂


Your GIF really made me crack up. 😂😂

Ps. Green tea is the only tea I buy... You get points for this!

And how many points do I get? untitled.gif

Among so many first times that I have accumulated in my 50 years, I want to tell you about my first time as a teacher, in 2009 with a group of children, between the ages of 8 and 9 years old, with whom I shared for 3 years, I became emotionally attached to them and vice versa, I felt that they were my children, I could know their weaknesses, strengths, fears, dreams and even their family problems, I had a group of 5 very affectionate girls who on each special date surprised me with expensive gifts, and daily with any present in our of their affection, the day of their graduation from sixth grade all cried and were saddened because it was the farewell and the beginning for them in another level of education, that was an experience that marked my life until now as a teacher.

Foto en la graduación de una de las niñas de este grupo.

This is a really nice first you've shared here. It's clear you take your role as a teacher very seriously and that the kids respond to it. My father was a high school teacher and felt the same about his students. He cared.

Thanks for sharing, great picture too.


Gracias amigo por leer, así es la profesión de maestro es muy linda, comprometida, es la profesión que nos une a otros seres de por vida

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Wonderful first time! Working with children is such a beautiful experience 😍

Así es amiga ,es algo único .gracias por leer

I've been around a while so I have collected several firsts. Letting my mind ponder it I have decided to use my first car.
It was a blue 1983 Chevrolet Chevette. I remember being so excited when I got it. I started driving to school occasionally then that gradually became all the time. It didn't have much get up and go, it struggled up hills, and I complained about it, but I still remember it fondly.

I'm surprised more people haven't said their first car actually. Seems your first car meant as much to you as mine did to me.

I got mine back in 1986, I was sixteen. It was a 1964 Beetle and was rough. I paid for it myself though and it did the job for a while. I drove to school in it too, dropped my two younger brothers at primary school. Seems a lifetime ago.


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What an absolutely ripper of a car and as a first one also! I bet it would be worth a little bit these days if you still had it.

I am sure there is a collector out there somewhere that would love to have it.

Your very first car was a Corvette?!

Are you any relation to the Royal Family or maybe the DuPont sisters or something?

A Corvette would have been pretty cool. A Chevette on the other hand was not. Although, being my first car it wasn't that bad.

L O L. I just now realized I misread that. Classic.

I wish I had thought back then to tell people that I drove a 'Vette but neglect to mention the first part of the word. :) Oh well, probably for the best actually.

First car driving, freedom of the road, great memories!

I haven't yet got that first 😄 but believe how excited you felt at that moment. So cool right?

I was pretty excited!

Cheers for that 🔥💮🥂

My first sermon no doubt.
It was an old white congregation that didn't like me, as we were teaching English language to refugees of all colors and faiths in their holy church hall.

I struggled severely with the resident pastor, as they would not allow a non-preacher to work in their church. So he won the battle and I went to the preacher college and qualified. A part of the qualification was the marks of my first sermon in front of that critical crowd.

It was a terrible experience and I was sure that they would tank me. All nervous at the start and forgetting the established rules of prayers and song before the sermon, I launched right in with the sermon and surprisingly I passed with flying colors.

What a day.

It seems like that would be a rather nerve-wracking thing to have to do...I guess public speaking in general can be for many people. It also seems like it worked out and the rest is history.


Oh yeah, many sermons later in my spare time at two churches and 6 old age homes and still, I remember that first one like yesterday.
You have a great topic here and smallsteps has certainly left her mark on your heart.

Ps. Since our relocation down here I have not done any more preaching and it seems that it has come to an end now. Just as well as Papillon requires our full attention in its new projects here.

Time moves on and leaves parts of us behind...I'm sure those parts you left, the preaching, have also left a mark upon others. Seems like a good thing.

I call them chapters in my book of life Galen.
One of the problems that I had with the bosses was that I never preached feel good stuff.
My interest was not to get money into the collection baskets, but rather to get the naked truth out there.
Church as I see it has become part of the commercial world and you don't tell people nice stories just to get them to give. Their souls are so much more important.
Thankfully I had a bit of a fan club and I think my messages got through to them, so that was all that counted.

More rewarding working with people on the ground, church the last time I went a gazillion years ago was more a statement in a variety of ways, some were still genuine but very few.

We all born with good and bad, don't think placing your bum in a church excuses bad behaviour from Monday to Saturday... just saying! 😁

Hahaha, I fully understand what you mean Lady Joan.
Only a handful 😥

Blessings and !LUV

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That was a fun read @papillionchairty. On behalf of this platform, "congratulations! I'm not surprised one bit you passed with flying colors."

As Pura and I toured the globe, I often said 'we're changing opinions of Americans one person at a time.' You, sir, are changing opinions on a grander scale in front of a much larger crowd.

Thank you!

Thank you kindly and you certainly see things much deeper in life my friend.
One can never know who reads your post and I only hope that a person that faces a struggle, by "chance" happen to read one of my overcoming posts.
You and Pura are obviously also doing great things and so we are of the same heart.

Blessings to you guys and I hope that the new week will be kind to to you.

BEERHey @dandays, here is a little bit of from @papilloncharity for you. Enjoy it!

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Hi galenkp! Nice to see you again with a new topic!

Here is my first one. I have learned to swim last year first time in my life. Considering that I am in the 30+ age group, it was a big accomplishment for me. I have been given some shots trying to swim over the years without much success. Everyone was trying to tell me his/ her way of doing it and sometimes it was so annoying that I couldn’t relax in the water at all. I also thought to enroll in a swimming course which I never did. So, I met this guy at the seaside who was a swimming instructor for kids and he gave me a great tip. Given the fact that I had some float swimming armbands from a friend, he told me to deflate them more and more each time I give another shot on swimming. And fortunately, it worked! I still have a lot to learn, but it was the first time I enjoyed the seaside completely. I haven’t been a big fan of the sea, but after this experience of being able to swim, it all changed. I was more fearless now and I even made a lot of attempts to learn diving and truly enjoyed the water and the sea.

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What a great first! So many people cannot swim and are too afraid to learn so this is really cool that you took the initiative to do so. Great effort.

I can swim, not well, but enough...I have a malfunction though...I can't bloody float! Seriously. It's like my body thinks about it for a second and then...Nope, I'm sinking. It's rather embarrassing so don't tell anyone ok? 😉

Happy swimming, and have a great weekend!


Your secret's safe with me 🤐 Have a great weekend also!


Congratulations even if it took 30 years.

If it's any consolation, my uncle took me about 100 yards offshore at Silverwood Lake where I grew up. I must've been about six years old. He threw me out of the boat and said "sink or swim!"

I learned how to tread water real fast

Oh, yes. I heard about this method. It is good you got skills but might have been too brutal I guess... On the other hand, I was that kid who didn't see the seaside until I was 19 or something, so it might make sense also.

Really? It wasn't until you were 19 years old you saw an ocean for the first time? Incredible. Where did you grow up if you don't mind? I'd like to see it on a map.

I didn't see an ocean that time, I have seen the Black Sea...so living round here 😉 It is not about the place I guess...I mean, I have seaside in my country and I am also sure it wasn't about money, and especially for such a long time. I have lived with my grandparents who were comfortable and old enough to conceive such 'trips'.

Thank God for grandparents.

Great Mate! I have the same problem, my family/ friends and others have tried hard to teach me how to swim but still didn't work well 🙈 Lucky me is that I enjoy to be in water and can float 😄

Hihi! If you can float and you enjoy water there's still a chance I would say 😁

Haha, yes definitely. I still go to the beach every week to float 😆

What a nice experience! and a great demonstration that we can always learn, regardless of age 🤗

Yes, we are never too old to learn something new 🤗

Sweet. 🥰 Babies really do have this special power that makes them very irresistible.

This reminds me of the first time I had a baby cousin. I was 10 yrs old then. I remember discretely leaving our house at the middle of the day just to visit him. Though I couldn't really carry him in my arms, kissing those chubby cheeks and sniffing that familiar baby scent were more than enough. Ahh, those good old days. 🥰

I'd do those to my little niece every time when she was born 😂.

Now she is grown, 4 years I think. I'd make a bargain with her that, she gets candy, if she lets me kiss her cheeks. 😂

It's a special moment holding a baby that's related to you I guess. It was for me anyway, I think because I'll never have my own. Thanks for commenting.


Puppy breath is like biscuits....

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A very touching first time with your niece. Nieces and nephews are a real godsend. I have 4 and I love sharing with them and that genuineness they manifest.

The first time I want to tell you about is when I learned to ride a motorcycle and finally for the first time I was able to take a ride on it unsupervised. I had been practicing for almost a week and thank God I had not had a fall, but the motorcycle was big and I was still afraid of falling off it. My brother was very patient and trusting (by lending me his bike), until after 6 days I decided it was time to test what I had learned by doing a few laps on my own to feel that I had really made it.

It was sensational to experience the feeling of riding alone and free on a motorcycle.

They have been my favorite vehicle since I was 8 years old. My dad would take me for a ride every afternoon after work, even if it was a hard day at work; he would still take me for my ride. It was my favorite time of the day.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

It's pretty cool that you ride bikes. I also ride motorbikes and understand the attraction. It can be dangerous of course, but so much fun! What sort of bike do you have?


Yes, it can be dangerous, my brother is always attentive in guiding me to avoid accidents. For now I don't have a motorcycle of my own 😪 I usually use my brother's which is a bera 250 however, I hope at some point in my life to acquire a Yamaha 300cc. It would be great if I make it before 30 🤣🤣🤭.

I've always ridden sports bike, the most recent a Yamaha R1 (1000cc) - Gotta say, it was awesome!

Wooo, the word incredible must be too small for the description!!!! It's already on another level, like a dream!

Riding motorbikes offers a sense of freedom I think.

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I've never ridden a motorbike, I'm terrified of it. But I've ridden as a passenger about 5 times when I've had the urge to get somewhere fast and overcome traffic obstacles, I feel a lot of adrenaline when on a bike and I love the breeze on my face, although not so much the tousled hair 😅😂

Awesome you got the knack, my only time on an off road motorbike I ended up eating the ground... Bicycles I did for many years, no problem!

Ah first times, I think any first time you do between the ages of 15 - 18 are probably the best. Invigorating and testing the world around you. As I got older I chases many a first times in order to get that rush again and never was able to.

That was until becoming a dad for the first time, I can't explain it but it is same as you and your neice. It is your kin. The reason why you live to protect and to teach. Funnily enough I would have agreed with you in regards to first times not being a first time. But you will experience another first time when your brother has another child. It won't be Little steps but it will be the first time experiencing a second. I can't explain it but having another kid is just as powerful as the first time. I've never experienced anything like it.

Great weekend topic, it brought a smile to my face.

I'll never know what it feels like to be a dad, let alone a dad for the first time...From what I've been told it's pretty special

A good first you've shared this week.


Thank you, you had a great topic this week. Another first is going out for dinner with your partner alone since becoming parents. Now that's an under rated experience. Eating in peace

OMG! Very underrated! That first time can be an epic and unforgettable experience 😅

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Hey bud.


This might be a great place to enjoy great conversations and make acquittance.

"The thing with a first time is that it is also the last time...I mean, the first time you experience a first time is the last time you will experience that first time as once experienced as a first time it can never be called a first time again..."



All I can say about that is...

Camel Style...

Thazzzz a first... LMAO



Well wtf is it huh?! "WTF" or "HUH"... there's gif etiquette in the digital realm and by typing WTF prior to attaching a gif that clearly states HUH is not a first but a second.

GIF Etiquette...

Is that like a courtesy flush..?


This isn't fair. You responded to two different comments at the same time and I have no idea wtf I was saying on the other one....

Precisely the same as a courtesy flush, correct and, I must admit, I've never seen it demonstrated with a pussycat.


I still giggle when someone calls them a...


 Or a...


LIke that guy named "Richard" who prefers to be called...


Crazy World we livin' in @dandays just plain crazy I am tellin' ya...

I was at a yard sale once and the dude hitting on the chick was named Dick. "Nice to meet you dick, you're so sweet dick, yata yata dick dick dick dick."

When they exchanged numbers and she asked him his last name:


I hurt myself trying to hold in my laugh.

That shit right there is a side splitter...

So is this...

Splitter2 (3).jpg

I can't work out if this is your answer or not.


Ah good stuff! I’ll have to think of mine, there’s lots of firsts! I think a good life is having as many firsts as you can, that way you are well rounded.

What an awesome story with little small steps! That was probably such a treasure for you and her, as well as your brother to experience. I wish for the days that we could have that type of relationship with family but they dug their own graves with it.
The best thing is that you at least get to face time with her! That’s awesome for her, as well as for you too!

Yeah, we video chat most weeks and she's a little nutbag but funny. It's all we have right now and so we make the most of it.

Explain what you mean by they dug their own graves with it. Oh man!! My autocorrect had women instead of own, could you imagine?!

They dug their women graves with it.

Hahah women, own, whatever.

My family sucks so they barely know the little man, and haven't known him since he was 2 years old. Their loss for being scumbags.

Damn dude. Sorry I didn't pick up on that the first time. I rarely space it but apparently this am I didn't rip it before I signed in.

I think a good life is having as many firsts as you can, that way you are well rounded.

Wise words sire.

Thanks, I’m always looking to have another one! Except when it comes to eating bugs or organs lol. I’ll pass on those!

We all will pass on the organs part 😂.


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