Moving out of home and into one's own apartment or house can be a little daunting but it's also something that can build a lot of character and teach one to stand on one's own two feet.
Depression can be a very challenging thing to deal with but if one can step it forward and emerge from it one is often a better version I think. Adversity brings opportunity.
Thanks for your comment. Much appreciated.
Nah... I always miss out on your #weekend-engagement topic so I thought of checking your blog today. Glad that I did, since it was such a nostalgia to reminise on those memories and reflect for even just quite a short time.
Feel free to check my blog anytime between Friday and Sunday as there'll be a weekend-engagement post topic there. You're welcome anytime.
I would defiinitely do that whenever I would get the chance. You weeken-engagement topics are always crowded with opinions from different users, and I always liked seeing that. Thanks as always!
You're welcome and thanks for joining in.