I think with this one, I’ll go with something a little different. I’ve been mulling it on the brain since checking the post out, there’s so many firsts out there but it’s hard to narrow it down to one sometimes!
I’ll go with my first firearm I owned. It was an interesting thing to have. I had my gun license for a few years already but I didn’t own a gun which was a bit annoying but I didn’t have much money for them. I got my license on a whim with a friend of mine, and actually an affluent person we worked with had helped us a little bit. We went to a safety course at a well-off fish and game club so we got a pretty good experience, some beautiful scenery and you got to shoot two guns, a .22 rifle and a 9mm. The .22 was one I had shot before but the 9mm was new so that was cool. My friend and I both finished and got our license. He went out and bought something soon after getting his but I forget what he got, we ended up stop hanging out for various reasons so we’ve lost touch.
Fast forward a few years and I drove past this place in an area where we often go because of the shops and I saw there was a gun store. I never noticed it until then so I knew I wanted to stop in! It was kind of like a candy store for me because I had wanted to own one for a long time but now here I was, trying to buy one. Thankfully it was a small store and not many people in it so I could spend time taking to the owner and getting a feel for what I wanted. The price was also a good factor in it as well.
I had held a few of the guns he had in stock, the .45’s, a few 9mm but this other one stuck out to me because it had just come in and he didn’t want it sitting there so he priced it to sell. It was a smith and Wesson 9mm model 908. I was sold and it hefted the way I imagined it would, not light but not heavy. I had to wait for the background check to go through but I had made the step to ensuring I would be more protected than the average citizen would be if needed. Never hope to use them in defense for sure but it’s there and important. I came back a few days later and it was mine! I bought some ammo, a cleaning kit and a carrying case from him and I was a proud owner of a nice 9mm from that day forward. Only fired the thing about 50 times since that day which pains me but we have to deal with those types of things at certain points. Just glad that I am the owner of what is increasingly trying to be removed from the hands of people throughout the world. Every new gun owner we can make out there is one person that stands in the way of tyranny.
This is a good first and you've talked about it responsibly whish all firearms owners should be doing. Well done.
I think most are like that to be honest - Being in a position to have to use a firearm in that way wouldn't be a good thing for most people and there's often bad repercussions for doing so. Let's hope you never have to do it.
Please tell me this is 50 times and not 50 rounds! I have a suspicion it's the latter though...Bro, You need to get to the range!