Hey! My favourite thing lately has been frogs! I know sounds crazy. Why frogs. Well just recently I've become based in South Carolina. Its hot, humid and rainy a lot lately and one novelty im not used to wherever I've lived before in the past is the plethora of frogs everywhere.
These two guys are called Carolina squirrel tree frogs and i think they are tye cutest things. Here two of them are hanging out behind a light near our garage hoping to snag a quick meal or two.
Here you can see the two frogs eyeing a moth. The one on the right made his moving a second later and caught it.
Frogs are everywhere here and there are many different types. Brick red frogs, green climbing frogs, bullfrogs and toads. I think its baby season here because i also see tonnes of baby frogs hopping everywhere that are the size of your thumbnail. Enough that you gotta watch where you walk.
So in the stressful and painful time of coronavirus these little guys everywhere have brought me a little bit of joy. My favourite thing is listening to the chorus of tree frogs ribbitting during the late evenings while i sit on the porch and read a book. Its peaceful.
I like that you have found some joy and a reason to smile probably too, in something so simple. The natural world is full of wonder if only we stop to see it. These little guys are cute and frogs can be that way in general I think. They are quite fascinating little things and very colourful too.
I think my favourite frog is Kermit...He's green, funny and knows how to talk...The three essential traits any good frog would like to have. I'm not sure about his taste in women though...Miss piggy seems a bit ill-suited...
Thanks for joining in this week, I think maybe your first time? I appreciate it and hope you will come back next week.
Yep its my first time but i like the idea. Helps build a better community. And the whole reason im here on hive is to socialize and make friends. Post about stuff i like and support posts i think are good.
Yeah Kermit had bad taste in miss piggy she seems semi self obsessed. I think Kermit would be great to hang out with and have a few beers.
Hey mate, yeah that's why I started this 11 weeks ago. I've been here for three years and built my account and profile, based on engagement and commenting. It helped me attract friendships and relationships and with some decent posts as well has given me a lot more enjoyment.
I'm not one to go in for competitions and things, but I feel this sort of thing gives people a chance to see a wide variety of people all in once place and drop comments to open relationships. Some are serious, some are funny, zany or ridiculous (like me) so people can see for themselves by scrolling and interact as they see fit. I hope more will jump on board as I feel it could have some value.
Miss piggy had big boobs, for a Muppet, so maybe that's what Kermy was attracted to? Who doesn't like a nice rack?
Yeah i liked me some boobs. Cant deny that. I think what you're doing us s great idea. Im glad i initially came across your posts. Every interaction has been worthwhile.
I have found that i enjoy commenting and the engagement with other members more than me actually posting. Although i enjoy the posting bit. But conversation is more enjoyable
Ah glorious boobs, the best invention ever. Thanks evolution.
If I didn't get comments on my posts I would be totally deflated...I mean I get more disappointed with no comments than I do with a low reward. A long time ago I made the reward the enjoyment and interaction figuring the rewards would come of their own accord. They did here and there and over time I managed to build some great relationships, some of whom I converse with on Discord a little. Although, having said that, I prefer to keep most of my commenting on the chain, not off.
I've got discord but am a noob. Don't really know how to search or reach people on it. I too used to get annoyed if i didnt get a reward for my posts. And i did dome posts that took weeks of research. I was like all that effort to produce something I thought people would value and enjoy and crickets. Then i realized i dont care about the rewards. I cared more about the comments and interaction through them. I've been on hive since its beginning more or less and steem before it went to shit due to sun. But i still consider myself a noob here. And in the end i found the most enjoyment out of the social aspect. Which is what i think hive should focus on as its greatest strength.
I'm a Discord noob too, meaning I have little clue how it works. I don't go into chat rooms though, just keep it to a few people who can help when I need it or I have closer relationships with. My thing is galenkp#9209
With your posts...Yeah, same here. When I realised that it's best to just write for me, not others, it took the pressure off so now, if you look at my posts, there's all sorts of things there...Mainly life stuff although some other things also. I enjoy writing so will have a go at anything.
You may be experiencing PTC-19D. There is nothing cute about frogs. Run for help. There may still be time to save you 🤣
Ha! Probably am. But these froggies are cute.
How can you say frogs aren't cute? Look at this little rascally guy! Click the video...He's a good singer too!
I once had a tree frog living in my bathroom in the tropics... they jump high!
Yeah the little guy startled me when he jumped suddenly. I thought initially he gad freaked because i had gotten too close then i realized he wasnt concerned about me but was trying to get closer to a moth he was after. Id think it would be pretty awesome to have one chilling in my bathroom. In hawaii i stayed for a month once and had a pair of geckos living on my bedroom ceiling. They're cute but nousy at night.
I witnessed a gecko Mexican-standoff, at @tarazkp's house as it turns out...Funniest thing ever.
What ended up happening?
They postured about for a while, like the US and China, and then decided to Mexican standoff for a while longer...This was up at the cornice of the wall and ceiling, so one tried to make his way a little lower, but the other blocked him. They Mexican standoffed (not a word I know) some more then one turned around in defeat and went the other way...Back where he came from...The funny thing is the other one did the same. Weird.
Lucky they didn't have nuclear capabilities or...well, we'll know what happens at some stage in the future I guess, when the US and China tee off.
Im picturing it it my head with the one gecko moving to block the other guy. Pretty funny. I woulda laughed at the whole situation if i were there witnessing it.
I wonder what the standoff was about. "There's onky one lady gecko in this house and i already got dibs on her. Now take off mate before you see what my ferocious gecko fu can really do. Both geckos spend the rest of the night barking at each other sending gecko insults back and forth.
Lol, yeah I for sure think it was over the hottie with the big eyes...She sort of looked like Amanda Seyfried.