Coffee art has always baffled me.. I think it's one of those things that's in a sense completely useless, but so precious at the same time. The fleeting little joys of life and the beauty we find and make in the little details of life. ^^

Coffee art has always baffled me.. I think it's one of those things that's in a sense completely useless, but so precious at the same time. The fleeting little joys of life and the beauty we find and make in the little details of life. ^^
My barista puts a love heart on my coffee each morning...Oh hang on, that's my wife and there's no love heart, just a smile and a kiss good morning. #luckyman
.. cute
But I'm repeating myself. xD
It is, isn't it! When I'm alone, having coffee at a cafe, I probably wouldn't care about the art. But it's strange. A lot of times, just looking at the art will make me feel good. As you said,