I love coffee! I'm a coffee freak. But that's not what this picture is about. If there's something I like more than coffee, is making it myself. This is a picture taken a while ago. I have temporarily switched to black coffee for now, but I loved making my own cappuccino or lattes. They might not look as pretty as they do in the cafeterias, but trust me, they taste perfect. This picture was one of my failed attempts at perfecting the latte art. If you were wondering, it's still far from perfect :D

Little did you know that I have a talent for reading people's futures in coffee...Today's your lucky day...
I see great prosperity in your future. You will emerge from beneath a dark cloud of uncertainty in health and financial aspects and your life will become a glorious explosion of vibrant experiences. You will exit a time of restrictions and shortages into a of of abundance and freedom...
Oh hang on, that's the whole world after the corona virus buggers off!
Hahaha I was actually laughing as I read that! Let's coughee our way out of this Corona Pandemic! :D
Lol, I get it...coughee...Sounds like a good plan and one the World Health Organisation needs to know about...Probably better than a dodgy vaccine tested for 5 weeks by the Russians...
Coffee art has always baffled me.. I think it's one of those things that's in a sense completely useless, but so precious at the same time. The fleeting little joys of life and the beauty we find and make in the little details of life. ^^
My barista puts a love heart on my coffee each morning...Oh hang on, that's my wife and there's no love heart, just a smile and a kiss good morning. #luckyman
.. cute
But I'm repeating myself. xD
It is, isn't it! When I'm alone, having coffee at a cafe, I probably wouldn't care about the art. But it's strange. A lot of times, just looking at the art will make me feel good. As you said,
I love coffee! Why the switch to black?
Using the drip is easier to clean than the espresso section and the frothing wand. It's temporary though, I'll switch back once I'm done with a few exams I'm looking at right now :)
tokens.I believe you are onto something here! Rorschach test for coffee! You could charge $400 per cup and have couches to sit on in your shop!
$400 per cup! Hmm, buying couches won't be a problem if that works out :D :D
That froth has the most rare and a perfect example of the "old man nose" latte art. It must have taken a lot of work to get that good.
Yes, yes. Right. That's it, that is exactly what I was trying to get at, an old man's nose! :D
Nailed it!