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RE: Whale Power Tag or @bullionstackers in "Population Estimate Usage"

B) Whale Power Tag Followers / User - Upvotes and Reply Below
So I know who you are.


Proud to be a user and supporter

takk min venn
Du vil alltid ha min støtte 👍✅💯@ppagoda

Takk sir Bullion

Supporter and user as well.

Support whale Power Tag and User

#whalepower user, but for a long time for my posts did not vote:(

You hardly come to our channel and give us the support.
Looks like a one way traffic...
We are focus on the community interaction.
All for One - One for All@ratel

Sorry, did not quite understand. Which channel? How can I help?

Still learning , going to use

I'm both... ^_^
@bullionstackers follower and #whalepower user... :)

Hello @bullionstackers. I am a whale power tag user

I use the tag, and i appreciate the whalepower support you're giving to other Steemit users!

I'm a user and apperciate all the support you help us newbies here! Keep steeming on :)

BTW, I don't upvote all the resteem on my feed. only the one I like

definitely following all 3 of you @bullionstackers @neoxian and @paul-gillbanks and have upvoted this also welcomed @sea-otter to Steemit with a nice message a resteem and a upvote - thanks for all that you guys do here. Using #whalepower on all my posts lately and going forward. peace @cryptoted

B) Whale power Tag Followers/User