
Coconut octopus or horned octopus. Giant red was given already.

And we have a winner of the second @sbi share. It is a coconut octopus! Thanks for playing. The share will be sent later this week.

Really? Haha! Finally, I got an answer right. Thanks, insideoutlet!

Yep really a win for the start of the week! Congrats 😁

I was thinking Pacific Red Octopus, not 100% positive, my oceanography days are long past :(

@tryskele nope not that type of pus.. :D

hmmm will be interesting to see :D

Now shes going to get all complicated lol. Octopus is something I would never have guessed. Way to go @tryskele

Thanks. My dream as a kid was to be an oceanographer. I can't do chemistry so that dream got squashed. There we and I think still is a study center in Dana Point, California we would take field trips to (back when schools took field trips) There were tide pools nearby. I loved going there. So that is from memories. They feel soft too, not slimy like one would think or like other octopus species.

My knowledge of the ocean consist of some time at the beach😁
I don't think I will ever be inclined to feel an octopus. I did eat some squid once. Wasn't thrilled with that much either lol
You will probably be doing well with this contest there seems to be a water theme going on with the images.

We'll see. I'm not much into seafood. I have tried a few things, just not my thing.

Well that's understandable. Wouldn't want to consume your little friends I suppose.

Day octopus or Octopus cyanea?

Nope none of those.

Giant Pacific Octopus

@youhavewings nope it was a coconut octopus :D

East Pacific red octopus?
or Two-spot octopus? I googled it and found it on Monterey bay acquarium website. :-)

@evlachsblog Nice googling, we have a winner now :D

Hahaha... I thought the two-spot octopus looked similar to your image. I have to do better next time. :-)

You do good every week, so don't be too hard on yourself, the next one will be out very soon.

haha I googled photos of an octopus and said "nah, i t doesn't look similar" XD I need glasses,congrats @tryskele

My thoughts exactly. None of the images that showed up seemed to fit :)
Congratz to the winner

@ralk98 haha, that is the point lol, I had one week I forgot to do a reverse image check and google not only told them what it was but the exact image I used lol..