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RE: AI Can Find Pedophilia Online // Wikileaks 90GB Documents About Germany Spying with NSA

in #wikileaks8 years ago

So...some software developer has been spending all his days analyzing child pornography? That's got to be a job you don't talk to the wife about when you get home. I've often wondered how Google manages to keep inappropriate images out of its image search. Surely it is automated.


It's not a secret that the people who claim to hate gay people the most are the most deeply in the closet.

No one bothers to focus on gay people, unless you have some reason to think about gay people more than a normal straight person. A straight person is just confident about their straight sexuality, and doesn't care if another person is gay. A gay person who hates gay people and is in the closet might express hatred for gay people, as if to distance himself from it. "I hate gay people the most, so there's no way I can be gay."

Same with this, I'd expect. The only reason you'd pretend to be so vigilant about finding it is because you want to see it yourself. No one else would even look for it. It's not something a normal person even thinks about. The only reason you'd make make hunting that stuff a "career" is if you have some reason to think about it more than a normal person would. Otherwise, most people get normal jobs doing normal things.

No sane person builds an AI that's designed to find this stuff. It's just not reasonable.