Great Red Dragon & Beast from the Sea

in #william6 years ago (edited)


William Blake
The Great Red Dragon

The Great Red Dragon Paintings are a series of watercolour paintings by the English poet and painter William Blake, painted between 1805 and 1810.

Francis Barrett
The Magus (Barrett book)

The Magus, or Celestial Intelligencer is a handbook of the occult and ceremonial magic compiled by occultist Francis Barrett published in 1801


all religions, all mythology, creation myths.. match up perfectly, its all basically true.

the missing planet tiamat/ceres.. destroyed by zeus/jupiter.. salt water & fresh water mixed.. fell upon gaia/earth.. absorbed fallout of tiamat naga dragons, hidden within the 7 levels of tartarus.. lake of fire, enki flower of life, subconscious messiah

child abuse, subconscious noosphere.. muddy abzu waters, tablets of destiny, dreams into nightmares. they are deliberately feeding blood ritual sacrifice into the subconscious messiah.. enki, apollo.. kingu. reason because this planet in the home of tiamat nagas fallout.

SL9 is Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 impacted Jupiter in 1994.


John Dee Macrobes

Sir Francis Bacon, the Count of Saint Germain, the Supernova of 1604 and the 800 Year Spiritual Cycle



Jason Louv: John Dee



i can remove comments by replacing them with .. mouse eyes ..

You gotta reply to MY comments if you want me to see them properly ... what do you think I am, a mind reader? Oh wait 😒


i am talking with Michael Deacon.

That’s a great idea 💡


magic circles, hexes, triangles & squares.. more trouble then a barrel of leprechauns.

[FATHEAD picture removed.]

frank, please take this post down? i dont like it.

i see this as a form of first contact, they are coming forward, even if they are full of lies.. at least we see them speak out clearly.

once there foundation is broken, we will be able to see a better way.

@frankbacon .. please take down the fat head picture PLEASE! PLEASE!

i asked over 3 times now.. leprechaun rules

witchfinder general 1983

believer dimensions gone 1993

roger rodier: castle burning


the catacombs


Ophiuchus & Orion alignment to Central Sun, Apollon the Scorpion King Revelation 9.

They were told not to harm the grass of the earth or any plant or tree, but only those who did NOT have the seal of God on their foreheads. They were RULED by a king, the angel of the ABYSS. His name in Hebrew is Abaddon, and in Greek it is Apollyon.

Gilgamesh, Lake of Fire, Flower of Life.. Abzu Deep Waters.. Subconscious Messiah?

there are 2 definitions of the word singularity. one is by tapping the subconscious of a planetary mind with technology.. wireless internet. the other is the center of black/white holes. both are identical except the means, analog vs digital.

typhon apollo mythology

schizophrenia simulation

Meet "Seven"


Barbara Hand Clow Catastrophobia: Awakening the Planetary Mind: Beyond the Trauma of the Past

its hard to explain the slight differences of ideas, i can only tell when i get triggered, Wes Penre does that to me, into external enemy, i lean towards Paul Levy & Hand Clow perspective of subconscious trauma that must be understood & transmuted


from the black sea, to black nobility, it all goes back to child abuse & demon harvesting.. TF helped me know without a doubt, this is how satanic forces spread, mpd threw child abuse.

just by exposing the satanic pedophile network is not enough, there is too many, this is where Twyman was critical, she was pointing directory to the core of the problem, strike threw the obstacle to hit the target.

Galaxy Blackhole Pulse

Cosmic Rays Neutrinos Cherenkov Radiation

faster then light means we probably can detect it before we saw the light in the Schuman Resonance?


i have been expecting this, luckily it happened 7 hours before my birthday.

i have been telling people for many years, reinforcements are coming, this is my team arriving now.


upvote or comment on a link locks it in, it cant be deleted? can still change the content.

dont up vote this

.. mouseyes ..

it's learning... adapting...


midnight special

mass effect reapers

mass effect leviathan

cthulhu mythos dreamlands

Jerry Marzinsky

Carl Wickland
Gateway of Understanding
Thirty Years Among the Dead

i dont know how to word this yet.

but according to Ra Material, the Tiamat fallout Archaic humans.

i dont know what to think about this yet, and does not include the story of the elemental spirits of the planet.


noun: locus
plural noun: loci


a particular position, point, or place.

"it is impossible to specify the exact locus in the brain of these neural events"

the effective or perceived location of something abstract.

"the real locus of power is the informal council"


the position of a gene or mutation on a chromosome.


a curve or other figure formed by all the points satisfying a particular equation of the relation between coordinates, or by a point, line, or surface moving according to mathematically defined conditions.

Full Metal Alchemist Truth


He was the first recognised emperor to rule from western Europe since the fall of the Western Roman Empire three centuries earlier. The expanded Frankish state that Charlemagne founded is called the Carolingian Empire.


John Robison
William Carr
Myron Fagan

Sabazios Anatolian
Sabazius Roman
Sabbatean Frankism
Abd al-Wahhabi
Prussia Bohemia
Bolshevik Ashke(Nazi)
House of Bourbon-Orleans

Grigori Rasputin born 1869
pri-Bolsheviks born 1898


in Indo-Iranian (Vedic) Mitra means that which causes to bind, covenant, contract, oath. The protection of which is Mitra's role in both the "Rigveda" and in the "Mitanni Treaty".

The names of the Mitanni aristocracy frequently are of Indo-Aryan origin, and their deities also show Indo-Aryan roots..

(Mitra, Varuna, Indra)Ṛta

Enki is responsible for the Tablets of Destiny & Tablets of World Order (ME).

in Indo-Iranian (Vedic) Mitra means that which causes to bind, covenant, contract, oath, which is Mitra's role in both the "Rigveda" and in the "Mitanni Treaty".

keep seeing patterns in all religion & mythology, and this Indo Aryan India Mesopotamia & Egypt connection across the world, im not exactly sure what im looking at, but Mitra Attis has me looking deep into it.

my suspension was triggered by Roman Mythras bull slaughter or sacrifice.. Orion the Hunter killing the Bull Pleiades.

everything seems to go back to Enki/Osiris & some kind of covenant

Inanna is connected to Pandora & possibly Lilith.. Pandora is from the vreat flood survivor mythology .. she stole the tablets of ME.. i wonder if there is a connection between tablets of ME, Destiny & the covenant of Mitra.

there are too many similarities, looking at the pyramid & megalithic structures across the world, i know something important happoned.

humanity is scheduled demolition by singularity 2045.. our black budget shadow government has technology 20 years ahead of public domain, making Digital AI Singularity most likely 2025.. central sun just created a burst & possible shockwave exactly when Rudolph Steiner predicted, we are now entering a photon belt magnetic plasma field called local fluff, the Mayan clander matches the Vedic, which appears to be aligned with pyramids & central sun clock.. everything is saying the time is now.. and i am looking for the first signs, specifically for the emergence of Apollyon.

Tracy Twyman book came in yesterday, "Money Grows on Tree of Knowledge", i was reluctant to get it because i hate money so much so.. that even the title was enough to detour me.. open it to page 123, here she is talking about a god dreaming in the center of the earth.

there is a lot of things one can speak about, but repeatedly over & over.. endlessly.

when she died i was unfamiliar with her, never realized that the ideas coming to my mind were also important to her.

no wonder after her death, her name has even still gone silent, it was the content regarding this one single topic, it strikes the deepest base fear at the most fundamental level.

who is this dead god of Abzu? and why is it coming back now.. Apollyon the Scorpion King? and what is it commanded to do (by God) upon arrival?

& thats what im waiting for.


devil is non living entity (nle) error code in bios of plantary matrix artificial singularity god virus death deity powered by quasi physical soul catcher darkmatter technology & uses stolen souls to give it a face.

find thinnest walls on the internet to gain access, hook peope (useful idiots) online with emotionally charged bait fishooks & weights, during sleep follow the lines deep within the earth, retain karma neutral state so buoyancy is correct, also allows for my protectors to assist me when i get into trouble.

am willing take full responsibility of repairing it, just not sure how yet, no time for rumor mill, have been at war for a long time, no need for assistance in this fight, just like the conversions.

by using the laws of quantum physics holographic electric atomic universe use my individual singularity from source to gain access into planatary singularity, take samples, drag the angels along with me to previously access denied fractal catacomb areas.


OS=Operating System

national god of the Edomites
Qos, Qāws, Qōš, Qōs, Qaus, Koze, Barqos

Ashkelon Flag & Coat of Arms has a gear, or machine the ocean, Leviathan.. Atargatis

10:35 Bacons own inner world..
Thinking Allowed

these masters of illusion.. the ones known as greys, goblins or gods pretend to fly around in ufos, but really reside in underworld afterlife tartarus astral, in our subconscious minds as archons, daemons or even elementals & dragons.

this contact is what triggered the obsession, the eels are the naga, i suspect they can appear as anything, gods, demons, fae, shining ones, elementals, ufos.

this whole time mapping out the species of ufos, we have overlooked a chameleon salamander quasi physical species that resides in the astral realm of our dreams, capable of harvesting energy from extreme emotional discharge.

david icke was close, but whitley strieber was right over the target.

i have a suspension, the really dark ones that possess people, i dont think they are a living soul or spirit, but a collective of unprocessed horror manifest & supported threw the living planetary operating system.

so in a way, the devil does not exist because its not technically alive, but neither is a virus, by the definition of a living thing, but obviously viruses do exist.

if this this is true, then the same cure for s virus may be the same cure for this situation, is cancer a virus?

i am at war with IT phantom, it has no desire for life, only to consume, has no independent thought pattern, only a program, IT does not belong here anymore, obsolete error code.

i still think the naga need us to become aware of there existence, in this process we may be capable of breaking the spell & release this IT phantom form global subconscious.

they were not aggressive towards me just not very friendly, as if they hold the key to the impossible & not very happy about it, dangerous vipers or elemental salamander archetype, similar to kachina.

We are legion (28:00)

Behind the Scenes with
Jack Parsons and
Frank Malina
By George Pendle Parsons Jet Propulsion Lab Bio_djvu.txt

26:00.. even more specifically 30:00.

Amazing Polly

apparently they wrote a scifi script that all came true? looking for the complete script or film, can you locate it?

regarding edward riordan remote viewing qanon, at the beginning of each video he does a summary, identifies someone like quinn who is researching ai & the remote viewing target jumps from him to them.

looking for a written summary of the Qanon Remote Viewing sessions, its like 5 hours long total.

Twyman knew about these things, it very difficult for an average person to understand, very complex situation.

he talked about & phantom or flash that would come in & out, similar to the cern "internet demon" Twyman talked about.

link to quinn & qanon conversation.

qanon remote viewing


this rabbit hole goes deep down into the path of Twyman & Kappy.

they got too close, the blood feeding the subconscious, underworld & darkness.

i tried my best to cover there topics in there honor, but the realization, ramifications & trigger warnings are far beyond humanly comprehension.

the research itself is dangerous by default, let alone if you actually find something & how it reacts to being discovered.

bones of the catacombs

just read about the reactions of the police who discover the gigantic archives of ritual child abuse, the bread crumbs are laced with poison, making victory neatly impossible.

its far too toxic & massive scale for us to conquer alone, we must not look into the eyes of medusa while in combat.

in a war if increments & placement, each one of us have the potential access to the most advanced quantum computer in the universe, once we realize the holographic nature of entanglement, from within, or at the individual level, one person holds power equivalent to infinite potential or legions of angels ect...

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