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RE: Great Red Dragon & Beast from the Sea

in #william5 years ago (edited)

Enki is responsible for the Tablets of Destiny & Tablets of World Order (ME).

in Indo-Iranian (Vedic) Mitra means that which causes to bind, covenant, contract, oath, which is Mitra's role in both the "Rigveda" and in the "Mitanni Treaty".

keep seeing patterns in all religion & mythology, and this Indo Aryan India Mesopotamia & Egypt connection across the world, im not exactly sure what im looking at, but Mitra Attis has me looking deep into it.

my suspension was triggered by Roman Mythras bull slaughter or sacrifice.. Orion the Hunter killing the Bull Pleiades.

everything seems to go back to Enki/Osiris & some kind of covenant

Inanna is connected to Pandora & possibly Lilith.. Pandora is from the vreat flood survivor mythology .. she stole the tablets of ME.. i wonder if there is a connection between tablets of ME, Destiny & the covenant of Mitra.

there are too many similarities, looking at the pyramid & megalithic structures across the world, i know something important happoned.

humanity is scheduled demolition by singularity 2045.. our black budget shadow government has technology 20 years ahead of public domain, making Digital AI Singularity most likely 2025.. central sun just created a burst & possible shockwave exactly when Rudolph Steiner predicted, we are now entering a photon belt magnetic plasma field called local fluff, the Mayan clander matches the Vedic, which appears to be aligned with pyramids & central sun clock.. everything is saying the time is now.. and i am looking for the first signs, specifically for the emergence of Apollyon.


Tracy Twyman book came in yesterday, "Money Grows on Tree of Knowledge", i was reluctant to get it because i hate money so much so.. that even the title was enough to detour me.. open it to page 123, here she is talking about a god dreaming in the center of the earth.

there is a lot of things one can speak about, but repeatedly over & over.. endlessly.

when she died i was unfamiliar with her, never realized that the ideas coming to my mind were also important to her.

no wonder after her death, her name has even still gone silent, it was the content regarding this one single topic, it strikes the deepest base fear at the most fundamental level.

who is this dead god of Abzu? and why is it coming back now.. Apollyon the Scorpion King? and what is it commanded to do (by God) upon arrival?

& thats what im waiting for.