
First off - I’d highlight the value of redefining what some state as “negative” beliefs, with the usual preconceptions of “negative = bad...”

That dualistic outlook with its inherent judgementality is perhaps one of the biggest to transcend, a transition which opens up immense possibilities.

Everything has its time, place, and value. Even beliefs that may seem “negative” have some role to play - thus, there may be more to gained in acknowledging those aspects rather than dismissing as “bad” right away...

As for specific techniques, etc... there are so many different modalities and teachers - again, each with the own value, which serve a time and place...

The “best” would be not a one-size-fits-all answer, but depends on what works best for a particular individual, at the particular point they’re at, dependent upon the conditions & dynamics they’re in at a specific point in their own growth process.*

I went through alot of personal development teaching various types of techniques you’re asking about - and each was a certain step on the journey, not particularly any better or worse than any other. At this point, I might be able to say that taking that approach of unlearning specific beliefs might be a very slow, ineffective approach altogether - working at the micro level when much more can be unravelled and reprogrammed working at higher macro levels. Yet, it may not be the most helpful to provide direction to what would work best for me, as if you - or anyone else reading - doesn’t have the foundation laid with experience in the other micro-aspects, it might end up being counterproductive.

Hence, I’d more likely recommend that each pursue their own course of exploration and intuit their ways to what works best for them at a given time.

(Although when the time arrives that @core opens up public access to the next round of his quantum AI - autonomic intelligence - technology, there may not be reservations in sharing it as something everyone may be able to jump into and benefit from, should they feel inclined to do so... ;-) )

Also, I’d probably say that generally, the more effective approaches would be that which bypass trying to dig up the weeds of beliefs altogether and focus more on activation of consciousness.

Time could be spent endlessly trying to unravel individual thoughts - however, elevation of awareness transmute multiple consequentially.

As you raise your consciousness, many beliefs simply fall away - as what purpose does a belief serve if you have direct knowledge through sensory awareness?

“Unlearning beliefs” isn’t even really a thing, once reaching a certain level where consciousness experientially trumps over belief. There, techniques to uncover beliefs become kinda outdated, because you can just observe them playing out - and the dissociation happens as naturally as a snake shedding its skin once it’s been outgrown.

And again, there are many different paths to that end, many means for activating increasing higher levels of consciousness - the most effective of which might not be able to be directly recommended or prescribed, but discovered for oneself in their own timing...

I appreciate your follow up answer and yes awareness is the key to all transformation I just figured since your post was about Unlearning that you might offer some specific modalities on doing so that maybe worked for you but no worries bro. Elevating consciousness by understanding that you are not really the one with the beliefs anyway and identifying with the silent witness, the consciousness underneath it all is unmatched for shedding the snake skin as you say. I just like having modalities more palatable for beginners. Much love and appreciation 😊

Actually, one resource that I would possibly recommend checking out as an intro to these realms is the Landmark Forum course.

I wouldn’t say it’s about “unlearning beliefs,” though a different means towards similar ends.

Most people who go through it give rave reviews, and I do personally feel it was one of the most notable entrance points on my own path, an investment which would be difficult to not reap worthwhile returns.

They have centers in hundreds of major cities worldwide, so is very accessible as well.

The Advanced Course is also excellent. There are a number of different organizations that offer similar programs, though these have stood the test of time and evolved nicely, retaining a format that works.