gtg witness log

in #witness-category6 years ago

gtg (as in Gandalf the Grey) was born in block 2794856 at 2016-06-30 17:22:21 (UTC) by Proof of Work and started generating blocks as a miner-witness, two weeks later also as a runner-up witness.

I failed to sign 42 blocks on time.

I know stuff, I do things.

Yes, this witness log will be a bit different (see the bottom of the page for the usual boring update)

Full HD video rendered exclusively for my witness updates

What do I do as a witness?

Not much(*) .
I look after the security and reliability of the Steem platform.
I keep an eye on steem development.
I sign blocks.
That’s what witnesses do.

What I do as a Steem user?

Whatever I can.

I’m not sure if you understand the difference, so let me tell you about the future and what the “D” in DPoS means.


At the time I’m writing this post, STEEM is worth almost $3.141592…
Some people are happy that this is way more than $0.01, others are crying that it’s far from $6.
Still others can’t wait to see it rise to $10.

None of these things actually matter at this point. Prices are determined mostly by those who have no idea about Steem as a platform, and even if they did, that wouldn’t change the fact that Steem is still far from what it will be in the future.

And it is going to be AWESOME thanks to YOU!

(Or maybe not, and that will be your fault, too!)

D stands for Decentralized.

used to describe organizations or their activities which are not controlled from one central place, but happen in many different places:
The management structure is highly decentralized.
decentralized decision-making
- Cambridge Dictionary

We, the steemians

The future of the platform is in your hands. It depends on what you will do or neglect to do.
If you think about a Steem-related issue, and your thoughts start with: They should… you are missing the point.
It’s we should, or else we are doomed.
Of course, we have different roles but our goal is pretty much the same.

What can YOU do?

More or less what I do (except for boring witness suff ;-) ):

  • Create high quality, original content.
    If you can.
    If you suck are bad at creating content, don’t worry. Most users are no Shakespeares or Matejkos. Moving here from FaceBoo!(tm) won’t automatically earn you the Nobel Prize in Literature.
  • Curate (vote for) high quality, original content
    Even the best content is worthless if no one notices it.
  • Vote for what you really like.
    Follow successful professional curators. If you don't know any, take a look at @curie or @ocd.
  • Support science (it’s brought us where we are)
  • Support art
    It sounds good, it looks good. Kings and queens did that.
  • Support local, non-English communities
    Start with the languages you know (pl: Tygodnik Kuratorski)
    Help those whose language you’ve always wanted to learn ( #japanese, Kudos for recently added translation!)
    And those who’re talking about something and you have no idea what that is, but you know they are responsible curators who will help you vote for the most valuable content ( #fr, shout-out to @roxane)
  • Vote for witnesses
    I’ve been writing about that over and over again, and that’s because it is important.
    I’ll write more about that soon in a vote for witnesses rant.

    When you elect a clown, you can expect a circus

  • If you are a user of an exchange
    • that doesn’t support Steem - open a support ticket and ask them to list STEEM
      (yes it’s that simple.. If hundreds of users do that)
    • that supports Steem - pay attention if it is operational.
      When they have issues with their wallet, open a support ticket and complain.
      Witnesses and developers on Steem are more than happy to help
  • Engage with the community
    • Do not use chat channels as a link drop boxes.
      Even channels that are for post promotion shouldn’t be treated as places where you only post links and ignore what other users write.
      Otherwise no one will bother to look there, because everyone will be just pasting links mindlessly.
  • Treat your fellow Steemian as you would like to be treated
  • Power up!
  • Steem On!

If you don't know how to behave, be on your best behavior

OK, let’s move on to the quick, boring update

Price feeds

Please pay attention to your price feeds. Poloniex is still out of the equation because of recurring issues with their wallet. I keep my fingers crossed for their speedy(*) recovery.

(*) ( LoLLoLLoLLoLLoL )

API endpoint

I’ve been asked (again) to extend the life of the original non-appbase endpoint ( until May.
Since there’s a variety of other public nodes that you can choose from, I’m OK with that.

Ongoing tests with the new endpoint are really promising.

Upgrades, bug fixing, cleaning, more upgrades, bug fixing because of upgrades.


We will soon have one million users!

If you believe I can be of value to Steem, please vote for me (gtg) as a witness on Steemit's Witnesses List or set (gtg) as a proxy that will vote for witnesses for you.
Your vote does matter!
You can contact me directly on, as Gandalf

There are 2 pages

Big KUDOS for supporting #steemSTEM @gtg!
And polish community of course :) Thank you!

Thank you :-)

FR shout out @roxane ?

To support this kind of content --> ?

How can you expect me to support someone who is supposed to curate quality posts but publishes shitposts on a daily basis?! This does not look very consistent to me.

There are so many people who invest themselves at the 100% level for the #fr community, in the shadow, and who receive almost nothing in return!

I'm not saying this to offend you or @roxane, but just to get things said.

Thank you for your attention!

Well, that's not my favorit kind of post, and usually I'm not voting for posts like that but I appreciate her involvement in translation efforts and spreading info about Steem. Examples: video with @andrarchy, or an interview with @terrybrock. Also I used to use to browse through Présentation des nouveaux francophones.
Anyway, I'm not talking about her content but #fr content in general that I was able to see thanks to her.
Of course professional manual curators are always welcome so if you have an exceptional #fr content let me know on

Well unfortunately I can't reach you on Steemit.Chat because the conversation is locked when someone tries to send you a private message.

And of course I also appreciate the work @roxane has done so far, especially on Steem's understanding but especially on how to behave to succeed on Steem. It's excellent work and it's one of the reasons why I'm sad when I see shitposts publications from him.

When we have visibility on Steemit, a little power and we give advice, we have to set an example. Because newcomers will surely be tempted to publish similar content hoping to earn as much as she does. So it's mainly a problem of influence for me.

But we completely agree, the interviews and the work around Steem is very appreciated by the old ones because for us it avoids us repeating the same thing each time and for the new ones because they acquire a good understanding of Steem in a short time by consulting his explanatory videos.

I will leave you to talk with @lemouth, who is well aware of what is happening in the Francophone community and I think you already know him well. He still spends as much time promoting quality French content (and more). As for me I am reachable on via username @amelie, do not hesitate to contact me whenever you want.

Thank you for your answer, for your work as a witness and see you soon!

Thank you :-)

elle a fait mieux, c'est vrai, mais bon, parfois on n'a pas trop le temps et on veut quand même soutenir le moral de la communauté ...

Oh good! I'm back just in time to curate this post. For all Steemians, do listen to our wise witness. For the magic truly comes from all of us participating. Unlike the wizard of oz, it's not just one man pulling the levers, it's all of us doing one or two extra things from @gtg's "What can you do list?" above that helps the whole. 💕💕💕

100% vote for supporting #steemSTEM . Voted you weeks back. :)

Thank you :-)

Upvote and resteem. I support your mission.

Thank you :-)

One question for my STEEM education: what does it happen when a witness misses to sign some blocks? Are transaction on the blockchain not valid anymore?

Next scheduled witness takes over pending transactions and signs the block.

Someday I hope I can be a witness too brother! But it will be a tough/long way, I guess.
And I do not fully understand everything about witnesses right now, but I will, soon enough. The tech stuff is not exactly my favorite zone haha. I will have to be better in regards to that - keyword: awareness.

Loved the article, made me smile.
Moreover this passage:

When you elect a clown, you can expect a circus

Somehow it reminded me of Trump (no offense my friends). :D

You have my vote, of course!

Have a great day! (:

Thanks for breaking dem down. You are certainly a witness to trust. Am voting for you as a witness

Thank you :-)

Loved it "gtg (as in Gandalf the Grey) was born in block 2794856"

I really liked that idea (i.e. account creation by Proof of Work).

I've never understood how poloniex can't keep a wallet it incompetence? Or something else?

There are two ways to explain that:

  • One is more popular: rant on Poloniex which is justified to some extent, but doesn't make sense to repeat that here
  • Second contain less drama but most probably more facts in it:
    • Currently, when demand for everything that's related to digital assets is constantly increasing, the shortage of human resources is a common issue (skilled + trustworthy).
    • They underestimated Steem. It's the most active blockchain of all times and the software requires a bit more skills than just repeating config for another ERC20 token or bitcoin clone.

Of course, both witnesses and developers are making their efforts to improve UX for service providers, and guide them when requested. (And spam them with "I can help you, really" even when not requested ;-) )

Good on that bottom point. They clearly need help and are not doing themselves or the platform favors with the frequent down time. :)

Thank you for sharing @gtg ., This is very important information for me to be more consistent in the steemit platform.
Yes @gtg , I am trying to choose you as a witness. and I pose a question, if I choose you as a proxy roughly what is the great effect for my blog ???

There's no direct impact on your blog at all. It's like voting for for members of the parliament. While it doesn't cause visible effect on your grocery store income, it can have long term impact (security, reliability).

O so it turns out ...
So what if I do not have to choose any proxy whether it will have a bad effect on my blog account?

No. Not directly. Effectively you just let others chose for you.
You can be either one of those responsible and conscious Steem users, or one of those who have no idea how the platform works and doesn't care about its reliability and security.

Thank you @gtg for explanation ,, i start to understand clearly now ....

As long as you always have a towel with you than you can fail to sign 42 blocks ;p

So many are in such a rush to see the price spike to new highs. I’m still trying enjoy things before they get to crazy. I think most of will look back and just be amazed where this journey ended up taking us. So much opportunity and some seem to want skip over the best parts of it!

Still others can’t wait to see it rise to $10.

Me being one of those people lol...

Thanks for the constant update. Keep on going!

Dear joythewanderer,
I am pretty sure that it will, this year. I have not made a proper ta on it until now but I definitely will. I am in cheerful spirits concerning Steem.
Yours truly,
Gandalf The White

Just a friendly note that I'm not affiliated with @gandalfthewhite.

We are and we are not. These accounts are not affiliated but you are Gandalf The Grey and I am Gandalf The White. Why did not you take my name anyway? You are on Steemit since years. I was pretty stoked that my name was not already taken.

Btw. "you make it look" as if I am a bad guy but I am not (that is not nice but I understand your concern my friend), and neither are you, I believe, are you?
I was serious, I am a trader since about five years and pretty successful, so I know what I am talking about, usually. I know how to ta. I do not need Steemit for anything, I just love to support a better version than Facebook, Twitter,... and blockchain etc. in general. I only want to help people achieve financial freedom.

That was not a proper ta as I wrote but I can tell at the first glance that it definitely is bullish and has the potential to reach new ath.

Cheers my friend!

Btw. "you make it look" as if I am a bad guy

That's not my intent, just clarifying to avoid confusion, and trust me, there's never enough clarifying, explaining, etc. here :-)

Why did not you take my name anyway?

I'm not that greedy ;-) but I'm happy that I got @gandalf (it was already taken, that's why I started with @gtg... now I have both and I don't need more). I think I need to start using it more extensively for non-witness related posts.

Alright, I am sorry though; I just felt a bit unfairly treated haha - because I am not begging for votes or attention haha. I just wanted to tell this person that there is a lot of bullish potential in this coin/graph.
You are right, there definitely is never enough clarifying. (;

Haha, I was not trying to point out that you are greedy - I was simply wondering. "Gandalf" is great, that is true, @gtg too. Alright.
So, thx for the clarification. ;D

Have a nice day, @gandalf!

Me being one of those people lol...

You are not alone ;-)

Hope SMT comes soon, then Steem price might be skyrocketing.

I prefer them to be perfect than too soon :-)

That's logical. Just joined their telegram. Hope to hear more updates.

Thank god we have a Gandalf in steem blockchain with awesome posts and activities and great support to the community:)
Goodluck @gtg

we need more posts like this @gtg! The lack of communication is one of the problems of Steem and posts as the one that you just published relight the enthusiasm among the people! Thank you for your technical contribution, thank you for your strategic role, thank you for listening and understanding the needs of users, you are one of the pearls​ of this platform.

Thank you for kind words :-)

Your work looks interesting or maybe I think about it because I'm not the one who does it but I also support you in your initiative to support the Steemit community that should matter to us all because it really belongs to everyone.

I voted you a while ago @gtg ;)

Greetings from Venezuela.

Thank you :-)

I'm happy when I can read a new post yours xD. I have like 4 months in steemit and I follow you since then, I think we're lucky to have you, for real.

Thanks for the good things you do for steem.

Thank you :-)

Congratulations @gtg!

If you think about a Steem-related issue, and your thoughts start with: They should… you are missing the point.
It’s we should, or else we are doomed.

Very true, if more people focused on

Create high quality, original content.

Or at least

Curate (vote for) high quality, original content
Even the best content is worthless if no one notices it.
Vote for what you really like.

The trending page would be much more diverse and users would be a lot more motivated, the reward pool more fair, and most of the current nonsense would cease. ❤

Good job @gtg (and good educative post), thank you :)

Thanks for this educative post @gtg.
I have carefully read your guidelines and i'll tey as much as possible to contribute positively to the growth of the steemit network.
And i will sure vote for @gtg as witness

Thank you. Please note that the platform is Steem (where Steemit is important but only a part of it). While voting for witnesses I encourage you to vote for more than just me. You can vote for up to 30 and change your vote at any time.

You doing wonderfully well, your contributions to steemit is highly appreciated looking at in steemit community made me have confident in this platform, thank you @gtg.

Thank you :-) One small note for the record: even though Steemit plays a huge role here Steem is something more than Steemit. So most likely, when you are refering to the platform or community, it is Steem. Because that includes variety of other parts of our ecosystem, like Busy, Utopian, DTube, etc.

Voted as a witness! On the other hand I think we have to focus and talk to new users about the importance of "power up" for the growth of a community, and that lone wolves do not work if you do not work as a team and think about the common good.

Thank you :-)

Im not sure, I´m just approving Gandalf as witness cause I don´t want middle earth to fall :P

Hi gtg,

Looks like you are very knowledgeable in Steem Blockchain....Very useful for me to read thru this.
Honestly, I know I am going to read 2x and watch the video to understand everything you have explained in here.

Video is just for pleasing eyes and ears when the post itself is too boring, but I hope that some tips in post might be actually helpful ;-)

I still think you write very well and should continue to do so. Thanks for the update. :)

"Support art. It sounds good, it looks good. Kings and queens did that." hahahahhaah! Great advice!

Your post cracked me up. You are way to humble as a witness! hehehe.

I always wondered just what witnesses did. I imagine there are a lot of blocks, thats a lot of signing? I'm trying to grasp this thing and posts like this help.
I'm convinced steemit is going to be big, really big. Not only that but the blockchain technology can be adapted for all sorts of cool things.
You have my vote and follow. Not that it's worth much at the moment, but it will be and I can thank you people behind the scenes...I'll go ahead and do that now, since I know it will happen- thank you gtg!

Than you :-)
When you will have enough confidence, please take a look and and try to find some more witnesses to vote for. Currently you are only voting for @swelker101 so you have 29 more potential witnesses to vote for.

I didn't realize I could vote for more than one, I just voted for you. I recognize a couple on the list, but none that took the time to reply or vote for me, except you and Shane. I'm sure they're some good people that I just haven't interacted with yet, just don't want to vote blind.
I take this kinda serious, I think it's a great platform and some good people here, I have much to learn though.

The future of the platform is in your hands. It depends on what you will do or neglect to do.

This is one of the things I like most about Steemit. We create the future of this platform. It's built with the content of people around the world, offering up their interests, opinions, inspirations, and vulnerabilities. We give each other opportunities to laugh, cry, create, and think, and can curate the posts that are most appealing to our individual tastes. We each have witness votes (can't wait for that vote-for-witnesses rant), and can influence who steers the ship. Of course, those with more stake do have more weight.

Speaking of witnesses and rants, I'm excited about the next witness chat on the Steemit Ramble discord with @shadowspub, starting at 11am EDT on May 19th. It would be fantastic to see you there!

I think 90% of witnesses use your seed node. When i started my "witness
career" i was trying to follow the "footsteps" of someone like you. Now i have to say thank you because i'm going into correct direction!!!

Do you still store the entire blockchain in your homes?
If so, for how long do you think you will be able to keep it?

Population*Average spam per user=the size of the blockchain (roughly)
With both Population and Average Spam Per user monotonically increase over time, the end result increases quicker than each.
If each increases in a linear fashion, the end result increases quadratically.
Moore's law, which was unsustainable claimed linear improvement of technology over time.
Since it was unsustainable, you will need more hard drives and the real estate space for them, assuming linear growth of the blockchain, which means slower than reality.

Most important question for a witness:
Why did not you "hard fork" to delete zeartul, bellyrub, bellyrubbank in time, and returned their stolen property to their victims?

You got a 13.33% upvote from @proffit courtesy of @stimialiti!

You got a 11.11% upvote from @luckyvotes courtesy of @stimialiti!

I've never had the blockchain in my home but it is still sustainable to run a consensus node on a consumer grade PC (like the workstation I'm using to write it).
Non-linear growth is an issue, but your equation is wrong, we have bandwidth constraints (which should be more strict IMHO).

Most important question for a witness:
Why did not you "hard fork" to delete zeartul, bellyrub, bellyrubbank in time, and returned their stolen property to their victims?

That's not related to the witnesses at all. If you chose to send someone your STEEM, or SBD then it's up to you. You have the right to be wrong.

Steem has a firm commitment to property rights, no hard forking change that reduces a user’s existing account balance of Steem, Steem Dollars, or Steem Power will be allowed. These balances may only be changed as the result of an operation signed by the account holder(s).
- Steem Constitution (Draft) by @dan

It would be great for us that want to vote for you to give a bit more info on what you do for other steemit users in specific projects you do etc. Teamsteem even had a post where they show how much they spread their upvotes around, who they support etc. . Just as a reference :D

You can look for such info in my posts within this category. Usually, contributions that witnesses do for the platform are not as sexy as your example. Also, of you read my post carefully I don't think that upvoting is something that witnesses do. They do that as users. Otherwise it would be a sort of a vote buying.

Sure.. i guess you can see it that way. But id rather give those that do that a benefit of the doubt. Rather then saying that they are buying votes i want to believe that its rather an honest intention of them trying to give back to the community. Pharesim as an example maybe...
In a system like steemit where the wealth is completely accumulated in the hands of the few, we are absolutely dependent on whale and witness support (many times they are one and the same like in your case)...
I for one wouldnt even be here if it wasnt for one whale, and that still is not close enough to make what i do profitable.

So maybe it would be better to look at it as motivating factor, spreading your votes, keeping people from quiting, especially those that can deliver quality to the platform. At the end of the day, if you arent able to monetize what you do, you will leave....

Yes, they vote, I vote too. But we do that as users, not witnesses.
No. I'm not a whale. I've never powered down.
Steem doesn't promise a minimal wage.
Platform is still at very early stage, so if there are people who want to leave now, then good bye and good luck.
Of course I get your points I just see clear differences in roles here.
All users are responsible for upvoting high quality, original content. My post was exactly about that.

Well youre there somewhat.
I wouldnt go so far as to say: "they should leave" because that way you might create a even field of low effort content. Higher quality takes monetary support. That has always been the case on any platform.
If you take a vlog for example and compare it to a music video you are adding on layers upon layers of additional effort.
Everything you do online is a balance of cost vs gain. And as much as i agree with you that we are responsible for upvoting quality content, a 100 minnows upvotes cant make your investment of time and money justifiable on their own.
What i do here is a future investment, based on my belief in the success of steem and SMTs.
Nice talking to you. You "bought" my vote, haha, a few months ago so it was just really me checking in to see what my "representatives" are up to. :D

Thank you, I'm glad to hear that :-)
As a user I'm of course trying, among others, to "empower" local communities. Currently #japan is on my table :-)
I think that there's enormous potential out there (well, I mean in here, because I'm in 東京 now)
Maybe I'm naive, or old fashion, or just crazy here, but I think that the Steem platform is a lot more than just money. IMHO, money is just a side effect that is nice to have :-)

Good luck!

Same to you. "Bows" 😊

Dear Gandalf the Grey,
I've noticed you approve @wackou as witness.

You might not be aware, but @wackou has officially resigned as witness

I know this is a lot to ask but am I allowed to dream that you might consider using the vote thus freed to approve @lux-witness instead ?

Either way, thank you very much, @gtg, for everything you do for the steem blockchain !

Thank you, I'm aware. I will be replacing this spot, but I move my votes very slowly. For the same reason I won't approve your witness, at least not that soon.
Nonetheless, good luck and have a great journey on Steem! :-)

As sad as it might make me sound, I am only just learning about witnesses and how to follow them. I had a Steemit friend explain how I go to the dropdown menu and find all of you. Sometimes I can be oblivious to all the ins and outs of Steemit, but I love it here and look forward to it each and everyday , so I am going to do my due diligence and begin to look at and support back our witnesses :)

Thank you :-)

@gtg Please help save lives,can you please delegate some steempowers to us to save humanity??thank you very much in advance...

no way, spammers lie
you are spamming with low effort comments all around just to upvote yourself

I am yet to fully understand how steemit works,i have tried my best to get upvotes but they are not forthcoming...i am not lying...please help

Please put me through and help me to understand how i can succeed on this platform and i promise to stop spamming...please assist me

@gtg thanks for this article, it was very usefull. explains basics about witnesses good enough - simply and not complicated. Do you mind to explain what is to sing blocks? I am quite new to blockchain technology and this is a bit of a 'black magic' to me :)

Whenever you post a comment, or vote, or do any other action on the blockchain, it's a transaction that is broadcasted to the Steem network. For example transaction that includes your comment can be viewed here:
This transaction has a signature, it is signed by you, so other network participants can be sure that it is you who wrote that comment. Signing is done by private-public keypair. Only you know the private one and use it to sign it, and your public key is... well... public. We can use it to verify such signature.
Later, such transaction is picked up by witness, who gathers all transactions flying around, verify them if they are valid and puts them together into a block. Witness signs such blocks in a similar way as you signed your transaction.
In that example your transaction was included into block 24409281 along with 37 other transactions, and all was signed by witness @cervantes, as you can see here:

@gtg i've seen screen with transactions already before but didn't understand is.

What you just said it's very simple in a way but still a bit complicated ☺️ (or should i say blockchain appears to be complicated , not the way of explaining. ).

i followed until you said that witnesses do the same by signing. but isn't it, that if I do any action on steemit, transcation creates 'itself' but then witnesses gather it all toghether to a block? then what is the similar way of signing it? sorry if I am asking a silly question! I wonder if there is maybe a video which shows clearly how these blocks get created? video which would be easy to understand for an amatour ;)

how is it with blocks, do blocks gather some specific information or just any, until the block is 'full' and then the next one 'opens up' ? from what i understand looking on this second link, all these transactions are not related. is that right?

Check out 3blue1brown's awesome video.

It is slightly different for steem because it doesn't rely on proof of work, but it is very similar.

hi @ajayyy thanks for attaching the link! i can see this is a really good video. i will watch it over weekend as i don't have much time during the week and my mind is exploading after work haha, but thanks a lot for sharing! hopefully my brain will take it on weekend! ;-)

Oh yes, a well made video would be really helpful here, but I don't recall if anything like that currently exist.

I will try again. When you are logged in on Steemit site, it means that you've used at least your private posting key. Browser holds it (this key is not sent to the server, it never leaves your computer, it's private after all) and uses it to sign transactions. So when you upvote something on the site, there's a transaction created on your computer, signed by your key and sent to the steemit servers, they are broadcasting it to the network, and the witness, who is about to create a block, collects all such transactions that are not yet included in blocks (up to the max size of a block) and verifies them and signs with the witness signing key. Such block is added to the blockchain permanently (assuming, that majority of other witnesses agree with its content, i.e. add their blocks on top of it)

So your signing is needed so the blockchain "knows" that it's you who are willing to send 1 STEEM to someone, but then signature of the witnesses is needed so the blockchain "knows" that such transaction is valid (i.e. that you actually had at least 1 STEEM etc.)

@gtg apprecaite your comment a lot. howeer i have to say the same as to colleague below, ill try to 'deal' with what you;ve put on weekend as when i have time for steemit during the week, my mind is not accepting this type of stuff! unfortunately :D but thanks, ill come back to it and then reply!

Nice, thank you.


I just found out, the witness is very meritorious here😴

I voted for you as a witness because you are someone who helps everyone a successful person. I wish everyone to vote for you
You really are like me here😍😍

Thanks for your vote, but it is long gone (you have unapproved me two weeks ago), today you are not even voting for this post (unlike your comment comment)
I think I'm having a cognitive dissonance here ;-)

I vote for you as a witness. I fully support for you. Yor are really great steemian. I appreciate your work. Wish you avery happy and bright future.

I vote for you as a witness.

No, you don't.

Thanks especially for writing about "vote for witnesses" ... Honestly i do not know about its importance, but would like to learn it. Hope to read your post soon @gtg

Let me ask a simple question what will the world would have been without people like @gtg ?

I Love this, its Encouraging, is informative and highly educative, please never give up, people like me are looking up to you, make US PROUD!

I have already voted for you...
When i was new here...i already saw you among the toppers...
Great journey brother. .

I have already voted for you...

Not sure about that, but for sure you are not voting for me currently. But what matters is that you are at least voting for some witnesses.

I have no complaints about Steemit. Maybe that is because I've never been able to successful generate cashflow on a daily basis and produce passive income. I think that if there was just 1% improvement to the system we're using here it would be worth celebrating like Germany beating Brazil 7-1. Thank you for all you do @gtg..

Here's a friendly warning! Please don't use the #steemstem tag for a post that's not about Science, Technology, Engineering or Mathematics. You might get downvoted by @gtg for tag abuse!

This post is rich in content and the information is quite useful. At least i know what witnesses do now.

i am a new person brother..please every person vote and follow me.i hope you are my good friends

Welcome to Steem :-)
Few tips for a newbie:

  • read much, much, much more than write
  • way better than asking for votes and follows is focusing on an original, high quality content, votes and follows will come organically, you just need a lot of work and patience and a little bit of luck
  • don't resteem that much because it's harder to spot your own content
  • posting unrelated comments that has nothing to do with a main post can be considered as spam, avoid that

Good luck :-)

ok...thanks,i can understand

the truth is very good information that you provide, you have a desire to share abysmal

I appreciate your hard work and your interesting and useful topic

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