v1.24.2 - or - Why am I a Witness?

in #witness-update4 years ago (edited)


Building Something

It's all for them, really. Anything I've ever done was and is with the hope that it will benefit my #children in the long run. My hope is, that they never have need for want. Meaning, they won't have to put up with the same struggles I did as a kid. Both my parents worked all the time, it sucked ass. I stayed hella busy enough with sports and academic extracurriculars that it didn't bother me as much, but it would have been nice if they came to my matches, games or events. Would have been nice if I could have gotten the wrestling and boxing shoes I wanted instead of what was affordable. Would have been nice if I was able to do things other kids could. Hell, I even started working at 15 just so I could.

My kids won't have to. That's the plan. I see #Hive as a major contributor to that by either being a source itself, or leading to other things that happen because Hive is here. Take for example, @fullalt.


microblogging and sharing module called #altyes that I personally love. We have released a badass gratuity extension called #hivetips and with our most recent update - #hivepatron. We have also issued an informative website encompassing all that is Hive called #hive101. And we aren't even close to done. Wait until you see what's coming next! Gonna blow your socks off your toes right out the tips of your shoes and stick to the wall!I've been doing what and when I can to help out this company. @jackmiller made me a founder alongside @inthenow and @guiltyparties. This is no walk in the park. We have major goals here, some of which have already materialized. We have released a


stillreal love in the Castle. We literally are the first family of Hive.The #community I started over 3 years ago is active, despite all the other ones popping up everywhere in the flux of the new features. Sure, we have our own 'community' page, and we are even doing a #contest now that harnesses the capabilities those communities have. But, what has kept us around is a few important things. We don't really care what you post about, as long as it is yours. There used to be a significant push toward 'quality', but as that in itself is so subjective, we just decided that you be you, and we'll love you for it. What we care about most, is that you are willing to help others. The whole pay-it-forward mentality. Lot of


Sure, I do other things. I've been helping to build many a great thing out here and support what I can. #hivehustlers is pretty dang cool, they've got a great vision and some swell fellaz involved over there like @thelogicaldude, @thatsweeneyguy and @gerber to name a few. @solairitas from @definethedollar has a unique vision as well and I hope it gains more traction. The peeps at BRO with @bethalea always have a sweet spot for me. #adsactly is making moves and near the top of my list of involvement. @theterminal with @thekittygirl, @brittandjosie, @jamerussell and @xcountytravelers is a good spot for newbies that I like. #freewrite love for sure with @felt.buzz, @mariannewest and @latino.romano. Though I'm not an actual member, I have a soft spot for the creators in #powerhousecreatives with @jaynie. I support my fellow VETs and VIPs. I try to support groups like @thetalentclub and @fuerza-hispana that are culture specific. The #silvergoldstackers always have a spot and there really are many more I pay attention to publicly and privately. That doesn't even start to touch on all the people I 'follow'. My Hive family is huge.


EDITit still says sbd on the blockchain.: Thank you to @jackmiller for pointing out my APR was reflecting 10%. When I initially broadcasted, I had sbd as the parameter so it must have auto-popped the 10%, and I changed it promptly to hbd - even though

The Final Reason

with all of you. Some rats run the race, some hares, some tortoises, but we're all here together. Moving forward.I do this whole witnessing bit, is to help make sure that there is a chain for all the people that want to create content here and engage with people. My Hive #family to its full extent. This place is far more personal to me than any drama-sacked #facebook 'newsreel' or politically clogged #twitter feed. I have come to grips that I may never get to the top 20, much as I would like to, it may never be a reality. I promise if I start getting close, I'll be hiring people to run the thing for me LOL! I also said once I get to a sustainable top 50 that I would create another witness as a backup, which I still will. I'm in this marathon

REMEMBER TO BE YOU! In all that you do. I always am, even if I don't know I am.And lastly, because things like #snookmademedoit #butnotreally #iwantedtodoitanyway -

Aaaaand, here I went again. I am no coder, that is abundantly clear. I have learned a bit and don't need to be told every little step anymore, but I still need help. Thankfully, @someguy123 has always promptly managed to assist me. I've been using @privex for my server since I started being a witness almost 3 years ago. He also has help now, in the form of @deathwing, who was able to rectify my goof-up in a matter of minutes. After a day of reading the wrong thread to get mine working, and well into fixing the problem with their help, @guiltyparties came through noticing I was missing blocks and offered his assistance. By that time, I was already on v1.24.2 so there wasn't much he could do, but the fact that he noticed and took the time out of his busy schedule to lend a hand means a lot to me. Thank you to all three of you.

thealliance new pagebreak 2.png

because I can
So Can WE
Vote Witty

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Set me as your PROXY VOTER!

thealliance new pagebreak 2.pngIs Voting #WITNESSES difficult?


Realmente no soy un gran conocedor de todo el inmenso trabajo que tienen ustedes los testigos, pero suelo prestar atención al calor humano y a los aportes beneficiosos que varios de ustedes dan a la plataforma y también a las personas que aquí frecuentamos. Con "ustedes" me refiero a varios testigos que desde que yo comencé en la plataforma me han tendido una mano amiga virtual. Quizá algún día pueda estrechar esa mano en persona. Buen trabajo amigo, sigue adelante...!!!

Será un día increíble para estrechar tu mano, dispara, ¡te daré un abrazo hermano!

Great job getting it updated, it’s always tricky deploying new versions although the major code work in v1.24.2 is not only reducing ram requirements but also making updates easier with the snapshot facility instead of suffering long replay times. Having loads of servers does help though because one can be producing blocks while the other is updating.

If I could afford having several, believe me, I would. Just glad you have a stable node. 🤘

A big Thanks for all you do Witty!

And thank you for being you and supporting what I do in the process 😘🤗

Glad to have you around!!! 🤗

Thanks for the shout out.


Was it loud? No prob hombre.

That's a beautiful thing Witty! You're doin' it right my friend.

Thanks man, being here takes as much patience as being a parent does, if not more 😁

I like your post and I know that you are putting a lot of work in this project. If it wasn't because of #thealliance family, I would have left Hive a long time ago.

Wow, that's heavy man, thank you and super happy we are a place to call home for you brother. 🤗

That’s so right we all build for the kids and thank you for the mention

I look at it as we're creating the dirt roads with our horses that they'll pave and drive hovercars on in the future ;)

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Great publication, brother I completely understand what you say about your children since well I hope at some point to have mine too and I would like to have everything at my disposal not to deny them any good when they come to ask

Why we became parents! Thanks for the appreciation😎

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