I forgot to mention this Earlier that there is also the fact that most Dapps on the STEEM Blockchain has a 10% Beneficiary Reward which I feel is necessary for them to Run the Service but if the split goes to 50/50 then actually it will be 40% Author Reward, 50% Curation Reward and 10% Beneficiary Reward.
The Delegation Market will Suffer as well because no one will be taking in any Huge Delegations when that will cost them huge Money in the Short Run. Plus I am pretty sure that a lot of Dapps will shut down as most people who still stay in the Platform after the 50/50 split will avoid those Dapps so that they can save that 10% Reward.
That's right I think lot's of apps will suffer after the HF, content and curation will be the few activities left.
After HF 20 we lost a lot of People her eon Steemit and I feel this time after HF 21 we might lose both people and Future Dapp Developments.
These are very important decisions and people need to be objective about them. Almost everyone sees one side of the coin that is facing upward but what about the side of the Coin that is facing downward.
I totally agree that we shod curate more but by doing that you shouldn't screw all the Authors. I just did a quick calculation on my Curation Rewards and it seems I am earning 60 SP per week as Curation Reward and 130 SP as Author Reward but if the 50/50 split happens then I will get 75 SP as Curation Reward and 80 SP as Author Reward which means I will lose more Author Rewards then I will get Curation Rewards. BTW I use 60% of my Power for curation and only 40% for my own Posts so ultimately even though I curate more I won't get a better deal out if this 50\50 split.
I take about 40000 SP lease so that I can curate and I pay for them from my Author Rewards after this I am most definitely not going to continue leasing as that would take money out of my pocket.
Posted using Partiko Android
Yes that is a concern I think the changes are geared with Steemit.com in mind and adjusting the economy around that, not much thought to other business types and potential publisher models that could arise out of the new Nitrous and Rocketx condenser clones.
This is a good reason for the SPS funding be shifted from the content reward pool. As you say content rewards based on voting is a very steemit.com-centric model, and as such is way overfunded with a 75% share going to a single model. Other models should have a chance to compete for those funds too (without needing to engage in reward-pool milking).
With SPS, other models and projects can make their proposal for a portion of the 'greater reward pool' funds intended to be spent in various ways to add value to Steem.
Ultimately I would like to see the steemit.com reward pool, if it survives in its present form at all, take the form of an SPS proposal that gets a piece of the budget in level competition with other apps and their proposals.
Or alternately, SPS proposals can draw from the unified reward pool alongside posts and comments.
Either way, we should get away from steemit.com as being the primary app that gets direct access to community funding and every other model has to compete for scraps.
I am all for the SPS, I am 100% behind it and also agree that would be nice that the blogging reward pool also take the form of a proposal and be budgetted in.
Brilliant. I don't expect that right now and I don't think we should even pursue it short term because it is more important to get SPS quickly rolled out in any reasonable form, but I hope we can all work together to move in this direction in the future.
Sure you can count on me Smooth, happy to work with you to push this agenda later.