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I had a sort of unrelated question for down the road regarding organic curation, once you're ready to chat about it.

@sircork has been talking about the pay-to-play posts making it to the top without any engagement or particularly intrinsic value. Not saying we gotta nix those. Pay-to-play investors should be rewarded. However, what if comments and engagement were another way to crawl a post to the top so it was more likely to be viewed, and therefore, voted upon? I'm not talking about engagement points or credibility, but actually inching a post up the line in views and putting it out to more users the more engagement it gets?

For every X commenting that occurs, it increases in viewability Y.

A) would this be too easy to game?
B) Is this already happening cuz I don't think it is
C) the comments would need to be valued as well depending on how long and in depth, and unique in user

Β 7 months agoΒ (edited)Β 
I smell what you are stepping in! (shout out to Sir Cork lol). Gosh... you know, I think everything revolves around "words". I have been known to use the phrase, "Our words, are our voice". Because unless you are using 3SPeak, or something similar (video stuffages... you know), our words really areOriginal Content

I really think it is important to remember the "human" in the "machine". I have seen that these commands have usually ended up at the bottom of a post... with the "click to expand" like this...


Or even like the WINE from @theguruasia... If you use that command, it doesn't even show up on the actual post/comment. But rather, in an entirely separate and condensed post. These are ways to reduce BOT SPam I know... I am also NOT saying these BOTS are bad! But back to being organic... and "Original Content" being highlighted... showcased... "Put to the front/top". Like the fact that it takes me over a month sometimes for one post, due to my Multiple Sclerosis. Or anyone for that matter, who is creating decent content. I guess this didn't happen overnight. So the solution won't happen overnight, either. What was the question again? πŸ˜‰ You have brought up some good things to ponder @littlescribe
our voice. Gamification... I like playing games. I know there are also Blockchain Games, and then there are others, such as PC, PlayStation, and Nintendo Switch. Like dear @hivebuzz with our badges and notifications. But I see what you mean, when you say "organic"... or I think I do? One of the main ambiances of our blockchain, was always (to me) ... right? I am also all about sharing certain commands too; you know like `LOL`, `PIZZA`... I am especially fond of the LUV that @crrdlx created. Ok... this is turning into a post, not a comment... sorry.

Thanks for the mention Wes. LUV is down at the moment, at least the bot is, but there is hope to get it going again. Never give up, right?

What happened?

Not sure. The python script is good, I think. Getting a sock.connect(sa) error that I can't figure out. Might try a different vps and see what happens.

Speaking of games, if I'm not mistaken, there is some game theory that proves it is better to cooperate than to instigate. But if someone instigates, it is better to retaliate than to cooperate, to assert one's position. This applies to all forms of interaction, whether it be between countries, people, companies, cars on the road (ooh wait, that probably isn't a great idea), and maybe even this blockchain.

Point being, game theory suggests we can all gain from cooperation. No one single form of winner here...

Make this a post and ask everybody, i'd love to see some thoughts and consensus on this from the community. I have my opinions, but Im also at work and part-timing my responses here right now. Id answer a post though!

Something that will be worked into the algorithm of the front end I've been working on. Framework is done for the most part, still some tweeking but ya, I totally hear that.

You think this is something we could work on? I mean, even if it were simply to trigger a repost, every time a post got say 5 unique comments over 10 unique words long, rewarding X type of comments with Y type of reposting and trending so it gets more views / more votes?

It seems a pretty difficult task with all the AI that could game it. I'd like to flush it out at least past the philosophical stage. Perhaps into some sort of a theoretical stage?

The 'trending' on the upcoming 'media' site, will have similar scraping mechanisms, more keen on unique comments made by and on authors' posts. Still a work in progress, but like where you are going and will defo keep that in mind. Great idea.

Oh I you'll just build a different UI that does the thing. Rather than rely on a consensus witness vote for the blockchain, and rather than expect Hive to do it...I wonder if we could just confer with @asgarth on something like this. I'd hate to reinvent a pretty darn good wheel.

Because theoretically you would not be changing code, or how the blocks operate within a set or subset of rules. You would simply change how they APPEAR on the main page, or within an individual's feed....hmmmmm.

I believe peakd is always open to suggestion. They nodded when I mentioned having a chat feature and even thought I don't use it much, I'm glad it's there!

Are you the one who proposed that? Actually, I'm certain many people have proposed that.


I'm all about the honey!