A House is one thing, a Home another.
I believe everybody deserves a Home. However, this can be through the sharing of a House. I suppose it varies from person to person what one likes. Sometimes it is also good to experiment, since what one thinks one wants, may be limited by experiences :)

But a home is only homely when it feels like home. So House management has to include ridiculous finite details such as ensuring room/s and space/s is there for all/none, whilst also all having the time of day and/or night. It is perhaps not as easy as it sounds but it is certainly more simple than it looks :)
Agree :) It not too difficult to make a home feel Home, but need a bit of attention and energy to create. We (the combination of the cosmos and humans: not saying anything about the influence of the human) seem to be taking away homes from others though, like the icebear in your post. I can imagine a 'cozy' spot in between trees can be a home though not the most prefered home due to no real protection from nature. At one stage I was not far off from buying myself a campervan and promote that one to my new home. A home that would bring me to all sort of places in Europe. Then plans changed and I still live in my apartment instead of renting it out :)
I think you describing the process of some questions become more solid over time through questions and answers. For instance we need dialogues to form the right questions so that we can create answers to them in the classical product management / development terms: who, what, when, where, why?
This/that.thou,thee, the most sensible conclusion that i've ever seeen... in such a mess :D
I wonder does disconnect cause or create cancer?



Trying to understand what you are saying with this comment. With your question: "I wonder does disconnect cause or create cancer?" you mean: Shall all quadrants of DISC be in scope in things we (you, me everybody) do? Intestingly, I think DISC is a representation of cycles of anything that we create. Something new, usually becomes successful when this is managed with Dominance (the initial users, a small group). When proven, this is followed by spreading the word to onboard more users, customers, people. For mass marlet adoption, Steady is required. To make sure things are 'build' modular and multiple players can work together, standards are required. If we would apply this to eg culture change, this cycle is gonna be insteresting, since the new culture shall be pushed with Dominance, ie more or less in a dictatorship model. That is a word nobody wants to hear, but in the end this model may also be valubale for cultural changes :)