Trying to understand what you are saying with this comment. With your question: "I wonder does disconnect cause or create cancer?" you mean: Shall all quadrants of DISC be in scope in things we (you, me everybody) do? Intestingly, I think DISC is a representation of cycles of anything that we create. Something new, usually becomes successful when this is managed with Dominance (the initial users, a small group). When proven, this is followed by spreading the word to onboard more users, customers, people. For mass marlet adoption, Steady is required. To make sure things are 'build' modular and multiple players can work together, standards are required. If we would apply this to eg culture change, this cycle is gonna be insteresting, since the new culture shall be pushed with Dominance, ie more or less in a dictatorship model. That is a word nobody wants to hear, but in the end this model may also be valubale for cultural changes :)
Trying to understand what you are saying with this comment. With your question: "I wonder does disconnect cause or create cancer?" you mean: Shall all quadrants of DISC be in scope in things we (you, me everybody) do? Intestingly, I think DISC is a representation of cycles of anything that we create. Something new, usually becomes successful when this is managed with Dominance (the initial users, a small group). When proven, this is followed by spreading the word to onboard more users, customers, people. For mass marlet adoption, Steady is required. To make sure things are 'build' modular and multiple players can work together, standards are required. If we would apply this to eg culture change, this cycle is gonna be insteresting, since the new culture shall be pushed with Dominance, ie more or less in a dictatorship model. That is a word nobody wants to hear, but in the end this model may also be valubale for cultural changes :)