instead of spending hours trying to get the next sentence right. Believe me, I really do do that at times, even though I know better.
I believe you, I'm the same. and yeah, freewrite solved this problem for the stories I write in them.... Well, most of them are not as good as the stories I spend long time on.
Do your freewriting then do the rest of the exercise--turn it into a story.
Good idea.. but I think I'll stick to what I do now for a while.
But I still worry about the quality of what I post to my blog.
That's why I said just for a while... I know the freewrites aren't good enough... I just post them to be remembered as "tries" rather than an actual work.
Maybe that's why I publish anything that I'm not sure it's good... for people to see the gradual improvement rather than the "Awesome" result. I know this will likely decrease the number of followers. But as hobbyist writer I write mostly for fun.
"I know this will likely decrease the number of followers. But as hobbyist writer I write mostly for fun."
I'm not sure that's true. My follower count has grown steadily since I began posting freewrites. People like to see works in progress. Behind the scenes content is fun for audiences.
Well, I love to see works in progress too. But I thought people who like that are few. Thanks for telling me.