Thanks for taking the time to type all that up. I appreciate it and I found it very interesting to read.
I agree with it like 99%, and I feel like some of it applies to how I handled OCD in the past and it sounds similar to this new treatment I mentioned, however... Maybe not all dysfunction is solved universally in the same way just like you mentioned how we are all unique and need to find what works for us in our own way.
In regard to my experience so far with this technique it has made my brain so much more peaceful it's almost like a miracle.
I don't expect it to work so easily for some of my major triggers and the lady in the video who said it worked for her when nothing else did claimed that it took her a while, so this may be something that takes a while to address... However, just the peace of mind I've received so far from not entertaining or giving further energy to so many of my OCD intrusive thoughts has been incredible.
I'm going to try to withhold my judgment until I experiment with this technique more and for longer, so far it has been amazing... But, it's too early to say much for certain other than in some cases and in some ways it can be extremely helpful for me to know how to not feed into certain kinds of compulsive attempts at problem solving a problem that may be impossible to solve or truly understand and maybe in this case the solution is to just "let it go" instead of to continually try to "figure it out" and "ruminate" and "obsess" over the details.