The more commercial practise killed human real emotion. When two fight, third party go to help his favor to sell his wapeons with billion dollars. I personally believe, if every country allow their religious leader to take part in political decisions then we could see different world.
But they are only allowed in temple or Mosque. If you belief in God then should follow his books and rules. But people use their religious cover to gain their own interest. It seems that something worse waiting for new generation if existing generation do not take part to change the world.
I don't think religion and politics should be mixed at all as because religion is so involved in politics, people find reasons to fight about it. Religion has suffered so much because it is political.
I am not a believer in conventional religion, I believe people can use religion for guidance, but they should not use it as weapon, in a bigger scale the fact that you believe something else than another person should not affect how you view that person. And it is not just about religion, it is about how people deny others beliefs in any way, not just religion, some people are the'' you are wrongers'' who will always argue with you just because you have an opinion, because of our differences we close off ourselves from each other.