Do we really understand who our audience is when we are writing? or do we just focus on the writing?
Understanding your Audience
Often we forget who our audience is, and how important they are to our writing. As a writer it is extremely important to understand who your audience is, as your audience is a really important part of your writing.
Your audience is who the writing is directed at or who is reading your paper. Always remember that you will be writing differently if you are addressing children, professors, parents or peers.
Why is your audience so important in your writing?To know how and why they are so important you must understand your audience. Putting this simply, If you know who your audience is and what they respond to, you will know exactly what to say and how to say it.
By understanding this you will also know what information to give to your reader and how much information. This will even help when giving details, description and your choice of words in your description of details, characters, etc. Keep in mind that your readers will be learning from your writing. While writing ask yourself what you want your readers to learn.
Before we can understand our audience we need to first identify who they are. There are many factors, but these your would go through first:
- Age
- Gender
- Education
- Economic Status
- Beliefs
After you have discovered these then you would look at what type of reader:
- An unknowledgeable reader
- An average reader
- A knowledgeable reader
- An expert reader
Once this is established ask yourself a few questions to define your audience a bit better:
- What does the audience need, want, and value?
- What is most important to your audience?
- What do you desire your audience to think, learn, or assume?
Remember to organise your paper well, this will help your audience follow and understand your paper better.
Your audience is there to help you!
Just on a little side note for self improvement. I will be doing 1 push-up for every 1$ earned on my posts and will give a short feedback every day at the end of each post. As promised I will be doing 157 pushups, today, for yesterdays post. Any not done will carry onto the next day. 70 is carried over to the next day. I will need to re-think this or just keep pushing harder. I used to be able to do 200 per day back when I played rugby and water polo, but it might take some time to build up to that again.
Thanks for the information. This is the post I have been looking for. Followed you
Glad you found it then :)
great article.
Thanks for the information.
Good Post and I like the pushup idea, a neat little person twist, with personal gains as well.
Use it or loose it :-)
Life is good :-)
Hahaha that image brought a smile to my face. Thank you :D
I'm glad you replied :-)
Just starting my day, when I read a quality post, I vote, maybe reply, go to that persons blog, If I see good content I follow
I missed the last 2 with you, but you reply reminded me so........
Hahaha thank you very much :)
Great tips and recommendations on writing, will definitely try to follow them.
Glad you liked them :)
Thanks very much a very important post, as I am old and still live in the 20th century. This will really help.
It is a pleasure glad you find it useful.
Your articles are very informative. I follow you because of your series of posts on writing. Keep it up!
Thank you I am glad you like them.
I look forward to your feedback as regards the 98 push ups {grin} ...