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RE: Maintaining A Good Attitude In The Midst Of Suffering

in #writing8 years ago

Well said. i have never seen the benefit of anger fits or getting upset too much. it only stresses you out and the only one your are causing harm to when you cuss at the other driver is yourself. Don't sweat the small stuff. it is not worth it. Pick your fights carefully in life. Don't fight with yourself. People are watching and forming opinions. If you are going to give them a show at least make it a good one. We already have enough stress in our lives and most folks do not know how the hell to manage it. What good does embracing the negative do to help you or others. Think before you respond. why have diarrhea of the mouth and let everyone see your attitude vomit all over society. It is not worth it folks. Take some responsibility for yourself. you cannot control what others do. But if you are a human with a half a brain you can control yourself and your behavior. make a difference. Be a leader and set the example for others to follow. - Thanks for sharing. - Troy