you are misusing the word 'believe' (and Yes I do read fast...I took a speed reading class when I was younger..)
I have seen evidence that convinces me that the planet is an oblate spheroid...a LOT of evidence. I am CONFIDENT that it is true. The evidence is other words I can check it out.
That is NOT the same thing as 'believe'.
So that brings us to my point, you believe in the existence of the planet we are living on, thus you believe in something.
The truth is we can interpret any word the way we please, that is the point I am making in the post, humans like to twist and turn anything in their favor.
you are NOT are misusing the word 'believe'.
The second statement, ''hold(something) as an opinion, think''. I am sorry if it is not clear that I am not talking about just religious belief, but belief in facts and statements as what we believe in makes us who we are and how we act.
I am sorry to offend you by what I write, I was not listening, no, as I was reading. I hope you have a good day, sir.
there is a difference between 'accept' and 'believe'
I accept facts to be true because I can independently verify that they are.
I do NOT believe #1: accept something to be true without proof.
I require proof.
So no...I do NOT believe in the context in which the word is typically used.