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Zeus, king of Olympus, had a wife, Hera, and three stunning daughters, Athena, Aphrodite, and Artemis. On the other side of the world, Poseidon, king of the oceans and storms, had a wife, Amphitrite, and a son. Ares, god of war, was a handsome youth. In order to keep the peace between the two kingdoms, Zeus decreed that Aphrodite would marry Ares. Aphrodite was happy with the arrangement because she had secretly been in love with Ares since the day he was born.
Love was against the law in Olympian society, and relationships between Olympians of different kingdoms were not permitted. Ares and Aphrodite had a wedding on the eve of war. The ceremony was a mere formality for everyone except Aphrodite. She knew that she would never be truly happy with Ares as her husband, nor could she stay with him for long. The gods on each side of the battle knew this, and Hera leaked the love between Ares and Aphrodite. This caused Zeus to order that Ares and his family leave Olympus. Athena, the goddess of wisdom, and Artemis, the goddess of the hunt, escorted them.
Artemis was worried about leaving Ares behind, but he had made his decision long ago and would not turn his back on the only woman he had ever truly cared about.
Two years have passed. Ares’s hatred for Zeus consumed his soul. He hated when Ares's soul was consumed by the war, so she tried to behave as normal as she could. One day Ares’s friend told her that the queen of the Amazons, Hippolyte, had a daughter that was almost ready for the hunt. At the first opportunity, Ares went to Hippolyte and met Princess Diana.
Ares was fascinated by the girl, and Diana quickly grew on her as well. Ares knew that Aphrodite was dead, and she was really getting to know someone in Aphrodite's place. She was quite different from her sister's. She was shy and kind. She did not want to hurt anyone.
One day Hippolyte had a group of men come to their village. They demanded that Diana be brought to them. Hippolyte could not pass the order, for they were her subjects. But she told them that if they hurt any of hers, they would become her enemies.
The next morning Hippolyte ordered her men out and sent for the queen of the Amazons, Penthesilea. This was a close friend of hers. Penthesilea was surprised, but the news of Hippolyte's cub was sleeping in Diana's arms.
Penthesilea began talking in whispers to Diana. She told her that they would protect the cub. Diana said she would not leave her, so Penthesilea told her of a plan to help her, and then the two left to get the task done.
They had guessed that the men would attack at three o'clock in the night, and they were right. The army led by the Amazon queen and the goddess was on a horse-drawn carriage with Diana on it. The Amazons were in front of the carriage with their long spears ready.
When the men came they did not see the Amazons or the carriage. They came close to the carriage, and then they turned their spears on the men. When the men turned, the carriage was in the distance. The men chased after it.
The two leaders, Hippolyte and Penthesilea, chased the men. The Amazon was ready, for she had a bow and arrows. She grabbed some and shot at the two men on the horses. Her arrows freed her queen. Hippolyte drove fast to join her friend. The three rode after the man who escaped.
The men went through a forest and could not see the carriage. The queen and one of the men were on the ground. The other one turned to see her friend.
The queen quickly grabbed the man’s sword, pulling her sword at the same time. The man threw his spear to get free of the queen. His spear went in between the two. The queen arched her bow and hit the man. The queen turned to see the other man freeze with a fear greater than hers.
The queen quickly took his spear and came toward the man. She put a hand over his mouth and pushed him. As the spear came up, she threw him to her. The queen turned back to the other and quickly took his sword and knocked him out.
The queen quickly took her friend, who was still on the ground. They turned back to the fight. The men were attacking the Amazons with their swords. The Amazon queen stood tall with her bow and arrows. When the sword was in front of her, she shot the first man she saw. Then the other man was shot, and he killed himself with his own sword. The Amazons were victorious.
The queen looked around and saw two men coming toward the two women. She quickly sent her friend to circle on the other side of the forest’s border. The Amazon queen ran to help her friend.
When she came to the other she saw two Amazons with spears in hand. They gave spears to the queen and friend. They asked if they were on the side of Ares and Aphrodite. They nodded to tell them they were.
The two women told them of the carriage. Then they said that two Roman guards were in it. They were both in trouble.
Hippolyte and Penthesilea came to them and helped them. Then the two of them helped the Amazons get in an army wagon. The Amazons covered the carriage and heads of the two dead men.
The Amazons did not drive to Aphrodite’s village but to the Amazon’s village to take them there.
When the Amazons came to the village, Hippolyte went to her litter. She called out for her queen. The people quickly made their way to Aphrodite.
The Amazon queen told Aphrodite of the attack, the rescue of them, and the death of the men who belonged to the Amazons. Hippolyte asked Aphrodite who is in the carriage. Aphrodite looked at her and said, “The Amazon Princess and the Lord of War, Ares.”
She told her the whole story. She told of the fight, the escape, and the ride to the village. Then she concluded her story. She asked the queen if she could reward her and her friends for the help they provided.
The queen asked for the princess, but in the end they got to keep Ares.
After the story, they told Aphrodite of the warrior princess that was their daughter and the new ruler of Olympus. They later offered to make her queen of the Amazons of Diana’s village.
The Amazon queen told the Amazons that they all had to decide if they wanted to accept Ares into their ranks and to be called sisters. Aphrodite knew that she was their sister, but she had no idea if she agreed to that with Diana.
She asked if she could be friends with her when they first met. Diana asked her if she wanted to be a sister. Aphrodite nodded yes and was so happy to be called a sister that she cried.
Ares and Diana soon became a couple. Everyone loved Diana and Ares, especially the Amazon queen and Hippolyte.
One day Ares told her his mother and queen was dead, and she never had a father. Aphrodite told her that she would have her and Ares to love her and that they would tell her how much they love her every day. They agreed that they would visit Aphrodite and Ares. They had a surprise visit that night.
They told them of the Amazons and they agreed that Ares would show her how much he loved her and to see her get to know her half sisters, which she had. Ares agreed with his mother and queen.
Saying good-bye to his mother and queen was the saddest time for Ares. He left for the battle in the heavens.
After the battle, Aphrodite fell in love with Ares. It had taken her a long time to tell him that she was in love with him. She knew that he was in love with Diana, but not many knew.
Artemes and Hera agreed that they would remain married, but Hera feared if Hera knew, she would change her mind. Artemes told her she was a goddess, so she should know better than him. He told her that he would not make a move till she did.