You make some great points, but why drop an fbomb on the very people you really need to listen? The less ego reaction we get the easier this will be.
So it is free market. lol .. I suggest to keep doing this: Put material in trending designed to wake people up to real stuff we need to deal with now (instead of spending too much time on this). But stay cool. No one gets to decide how much is too much (that would mean we are trying to rule and not trying to lead). We need to make our case and do our best to influence others to what we think is good and the chaos of the free market will decide.
So, you make some good points here. There is no shortcut and I would not seek to offend but rather seed to connect. At least you have the target audience all together at once. It does not make sense to me to try and forcefully bust this up. We need to come to a common understanding.
klye drops an f-bomb because he can't help it. It's not the ideal way to express feelings, but Steemit actually needs people stepping up, making their real, honest feelings known to others. We don't want a mass of sheeple in here. I would not have approached this issue in the same way, but I think it's useful to be honest....
klye got mad at me back in the day too....
Oh man.. That feels like forever ago Stellabelle.. I'm glad we forgave each other!
You're a valuable ally. Do not let anyone (even me!) tell you otherwise. :)
I agree .. I'm just suggesting it triggers ego and people talk at each other instead of with each other. This is a fantastic post though I'm just making a subtle point. It is the people who are enjoying steem sports that could benefit the most from the ideas here. Do you think they will be more willing to read it like it is? Hum, maybe I have it all wrong??
And I agree with you too. I would never tell people to fuck off, except someone trying to troll me, and even then I would not say it aloud...
I apologize if my message was lost in my foul language.. :/
I dig what you're saying here.
That stuck out to me the most.. I don't want to Rule over STEEM.. I do however want to lead us into prosperity.
... clears throat
Needless to say I have a pretty limited vocabulary and I often pepper in curse words to help get my point across.
While I realize this isn't a way a gentlemen should conduct his thoughts and speech at the same time I'm not entirely sure it would be as effective if I cleaned it up and chose to speak in a more clean and concise manner. It's almost as if I feel people expect this sort of shock language from me.. But perhaps tis all a delusion of my own.
Part of me realizes I'm in a very unique position on the STEEM network.. People listen to what I have to say. I should likely be more cognoscente in the future given my role here.
Thank you for your input James. As silly as it sounds your words do actively shape everything around you. Appreciate you calling me out on my f**k filled mouth. :)
A ha, that is the challenge then!
This crosses my mind too.. Your reply numbers prove your method was effective. But let's consider the quality of communication too. Also, I say keep going at it like you are .. try to be as effective as possible. I think those that learn to channel it exactally right explode in viral both short and long term.
I'm heavily invested time wise as well as project wise into the STEEM platform.
Very excited to be a part of this technology. Even if I am a small part.
With that being said anytime I call out something it's generally what I believe is in the best interest for STEEM long term.. But in the future I will work on coming off as a little less of a foul mouthed maverick and more like a professional. After all I am the #25 ranked witness on our network.. I really shouldn't be using such nasty language. Lead by example they say.
I appreciate the advice sir. This platform has certainly helped me grow as a person, and while I obviously still have a fair ways to go before I'm considered more than just a fbomb dropping whack-job, that time is dawning on the horizon.
Hi, please have a look at the official @steemgames @steemsports response:
Hi, please have a look at the official @steemgames @steemsports response: