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RE: STACH Short Story Contest #20: Valentine Special- 199 words, a lovely prize pool, everyone wins!

in #writing7 years ago (edited)

My very first Valentine
I never thought you could be attracted to someone on first sight but that was until high school.Our new house had just been completed and after the move, it was obvious I had to go to a different school due to distance.
It was my first day in school,I remember taking notes when someone tapped my shoulder. I turned to look back when I saw one of the most beautiful faces I've ever come across. She asked if I had an extra pen, which I did.... hell, I would have given her mine if I didn't.
After the class, I went over to her seat to say hi. After introducing myself she told me her name and we talked for a while. She was really nice regardless of her looks, which was quite unexpected. Before leaving, I asked for her number, then we started hanging out.
Valentine's day was approaching, I had to let her know my intentions so I got her a little something and on Valentine's day I called her up to ask her out. When we met, I told her I wanted us to be more than just friends and surprisingly,she said ok.