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RE: The Puppet Show: Find Yourself at Fakers' Directory

in #writing9 years ago

I am unsure if you have a physical deformity or if your life has had so many negative twists that your mind has become a sieve, letting the good, happy and positive things slide right through with only the bleakest blackness of your surrounding effect your heart. Your mind is well developed as your perceptions are very deep and well communicated in your writing. I think that what you fail to admit to yourself is that we are all of the same blank slate. We evolve based on our environment and as we age we change based on our wants and needs personally. I believe you should reflect on your surroundings, I believe there are many more people such as yourself that are in need of friendship as well. Focus on what you need and how to achieve it rather than on the people who you think are living it up. Believe me the old adage stands "to walk a mile in another man's shoes" in as far as the person who you see as a braggart for interjecting themselves into the community as you see it, may be a strong warrior, fighting for a cure for Alzheimer with a demented parent at home. As you said people wear masks. I don't believe it's for exactly why you say tho. I think you should meditate, cleanse yourself and your enviroment of all negatrive energy. Look deep into your soul for what it is you need to make you happy. Then make a game plan of how to get it. However if i've misread you and to make you happy would require you parading around in a dead woman's skin please seek immediate medical attention, you will be happier in the etherrealm on a nice cocktail of medication. Blessed BE and good luck