I am a pretender. A faker of my true soul. I wear a mask, visible to some, unseen by most. I do the opposite of what I think and of what I feel. I deceive others. I deceive myself more, but I am not even half scared. I know I am not alone. Am I right? I know I am. And I know I caught you off guard. Pretender!
Like me, you play roles far beyond from your real characters. And though we hate it, we just couldn't stop. We have been fakers for more than a quarter of our lives. It has been too long that we almost forgot which part of us is still genuine. Prentending is actually scary, really, for the faint hearts. But you know what is scarier? It is when after all those pretensions, we suddenly unveil our scarred faces. Lillian Hellman has once written, "It is not good to see people playing strenght all their lives lose it for even a minute." Whether you like it or not, I'll give you my hypothesis. Being true would mean rejection and rejection would mean self-doubt. Self-doubt would trigger depression then maybe, suicidal attempts. But if you realize life's still worth the celebration, you have no other choice but to fake yourself again. If you get tired, you try to become true. Then the cycle goes on and on. See? You got nowhere to escape.
Try looking at yourself in front of a mirror. Stare at the reflection. Just stare, dont talk nor smile. You wouldn't see your true self. If you say I am wrong, you are lying. It is not you. Do not play dumb. Your true self would never reflect in that plain, lifeless looking glass. What you see is just your mortality. The real you is beyond what you see. It is in the depth of your soul and more often than not, you do not recognize it. It is either you do not know where to find it or you play lost.
There are only two reasons we hide behind a mask - we hate being an outcast and we love to fit in. No matter how you deny it, you know you will never live alone and differently. Tell me being unique would raise you above others, I will fearlessly tell you that you are hypocrite.
The social climbers. 
They are the ultimate fakers. They level themselves with the privileged minority, though they obviously do not complement with the group. I hate how they act in front of the society but I just could not hate them personally. I know how they strive not to be left out, to somehow feel love and belongingness. They dress up like a fashionable gals, accesorize themselves with expensive-looking jewelry and demand all ears when they start using their high-pitched voices. I know they do not really want to pretend "high" but because the society has defined "great people" as those with silver spoons, they do not have any other choice but to ride on.
The pseudo-intellects 
could not also excuse themselves from the fakers' directory. They are individuals who assume to be more intelligent than they actually are. Like social climbers, they just feel the great need to belong to a group accepted by the vindictive humanity. Oh yes, they boost their undeserved egos by pretending they know more than what others know because in this judgmental world, those who know less do not have the right to wear a gold crown.
The dark-skinned, the fat, the stunted, and the pimply - all of them are considered nobodies because the world has stolen their chances to be known, to be accepted. If it hadn't, the what's the purpose of the sudden surface of glutathione soaps, slimming teas and those surgical procedures? Beauty has never gone beyond physical because we have never understood beauty in its depth.
We have glued ourselves too much on the premise that "great people" are those who do not have scars, those who aren't broken, those who are well-heeled, those who own laurels. Now tell me, do we have any other choices than trying to fit in and forget individuality? Our masks - they have covered us from refusals. The thought of someday detaching them never got lost, but the humanity... they surely wouldn't understand. If only the world hasn't made its own definition of things, we might not hesitate wearing off our masks.
I'm not a bot, bot means "best of time".@themanualbot
Great article. What you say is true to a certain extent and in my opinion it doesn't describe the whole world, but particularly modern western folks (starting at the age of enlightenment). In other parts, pretenders are easily spotted, and even laughed at and ridiculed.
This reminds me of an interview of Marlon Brando after shooting The Bounty in Tahiti, and how he described landing in Tahiti expecting everybody to treat him as a superstar, just to find out that no one cared. With the enlightenment, the human was put in the leading role, no one else to look up to.
This article is for all. No one is excluded and no group, race or entity is specified.
No it's not. You can't compare the Amazon or African aboriginal to a San Francisco hipster.
I am unsure if you have a physical deformity or if your life has had so many negative twists that your mind has become a sieve, letting the good, happy and positive things slide right through with only the bleakest blackness of your surrounding effect your heart. Your mind is well developed as your perceptions are very deep and well communicated in your writing. I think that what you fail to admit to yourself is that we are all of the same blank slate. We evolve based on our environment and as we age we change based on our wants and needs personally. I believe you should reflect on your surroundings, I believe there are many more people such as yourself that are in need of friendship as well. Focus on what you need and how to achieve it rather than on the people who you think are living it up. Believe me the old adage stands "to walk a mile in another man's shoes" in as far as the person who you see as a braggart for interjecting themselves into the community as you see it, may be a strong warrior, fighting for a cure for Alzheimer with a demented parent at home. As you said people wear masks. I don't believe it's for exactly why you say tho. I think you should meditate, cleanse yourself and your enviroment of all negatrive energy. Look deep into your soul for what it is you need to make you happy. Then make a game plan of how to get it. However if i've misread you and to make you happy would require you parading around in a dead woman's skin please seek immediate medical attention, you will be happier in the etherrealm on a nice cocktail of medication. Blessed BE and good luck
This is my horoscope for today I think
Really? can you post it here.
You already posted it! :P
How I wish I could help. Like you, I am very compassionate to others, especially the most needy one. :(
I'd like some advice about how you're indexing: by tagging "writing" does that index your post under "writing"?
Yes. Im not tagging it to unrelated tags.
"The real you is beyond what you see. It is in the depth of your soul and more often than not, you do not recognize it." I completely agree. We get carried away with what we see in front of us but the true self is within. Takes more than a second glance.
Appreciated @jessejamesrock
👍great writing @themanualbot keep up ur work