A quiver is what archers keep their arrows in - the journalists will be gathering evidence about this practice; they will be looking at how people value themselves and other people; they will be looking at the use of fake ids, the use of manipulative voting constructs - all in the name of 'Social' media!
Imagine a 60 minutes episode ... your family and friends will look at everyone on steemit after that like they are the lowest of the low - it's just that nobody wants to accept the Truth yet and the journalists will have all this in its cross-hairs
Ah. Thank you very much for the clear explanation. Much appreciated.
I've never considered myself a journalist. I'm just some weirdo that showed up to draw MS-Paint dicks and troll people.. Somewhere along the line I got sidetracked in all of that and ended up a politician.. lol
I'm not condemning @steemsports nor @steemgames but I'd certainly like to see them take into considerations the ramifications of what they do.. It isn't pretty.. Nor legal for that matter. :/
dickbutt?I have an idea @klye: I'd like to interview you for an article (maybe appearing on coindesk, Medium, etc.). The fact that you're a reformed Troll, is an exciting thing! With your permission, can I send you a list of interview questions? I think it could be an amazing angle for Steemit! Contact me in chat if your answer is yes! Were you drawing the infamous
Yeah. Go ahead and shoot me a kuestion list and I'll work on it today.
So much on the damn go between projects, packing and moving I'm not sure exactly when I'll be able to finish it but I'll certainly get it done as soon as I can.
the one thing I'd like you to clarify: how and who did you troll before coming to steemit? did you have certain people to fixate on? Were you a hardcore troll? anything specific will help me write the article. Trolls are a huge problem, and if steemit has successfully turned trolls into functioning humans, then that is a huge deal.
If there was a joke to be made at someone's expense I generally hoped on it. If there was chaos to be created I fed the flames of it. There are far worse troll examples out there than I was.. Generally was basically tame compared to some who flex racist, sexist, etc etc ideals on people.
I joined Steemit after it had been hacked.. Was doing the chaos routine and causing FUD.. Then @ned was all like "No need for this." ... I was un-trolled the CEO my first day here.. Now I'm fighting for the rights of users on our network..
ok, that helps a lot. Basically, it came down to someone with a high profile talking to you and reprimanding you right? Maybe that's the direction you needed to realize what your behavior was doing to people?
A quiver is what archers keep their arrows in - the journalists will be gathering evidence about this practice; they will be looking at how people value themselves and other people; they will be looking at the use of fake ids, the use of manipulative voting constructs - all in the name of 'Social' media!
Imagine a 60 minutes episode ... your family and friends will look at everyone on steemit after that like they are the lowest of the low - it's just that nobody wants to accept the Truth yet and the journalists will have all this in its cross-hairs
Ah. Thank you very much for the clear explanation. Much appreciated.
I've never considered myself a journalist. I'm just some weirdo that showed up to draw MS-Paint dicks and troll people.. Somewhere along the line I got sidetracked in all of that and ended up a politician.. lol
I'm not condemning @steemsports nor @steemgames but I'd certainly like to see them take into considerations the ramifications of what they do.. It isn't pretty.. Nor legal for that matter. :/
"I'm just some weirdo that showed up to draw MS-Paint dicks and troll people." ha ha ha ha!
gave me my morning LOL! haha- Steemit- the site where even trolls cant help but positively contribute! haha
What he said was not what he meant. "Keep ur dicks in ur pants" is what he meant with his double entendre
let's bring @dickbutt back: https://steemit.com/dickbutt/@stellabelle/let-s-get-dickbutt-s-account-back-in-business-nsfw
that would be an excellent blog post! I think other blogging platforms could learn a lot! @bambam808
dickbutt?I have an idea @klye: I'd like to interview you for an article (maybe appearing on coindesk, Medium, etc.). The fact that you're a reformed Troll, is an exciting thing! With your permission, can I send you a list of interview questions? I think it could be an amazing angle for Steemit! Contact me in chat if your answer is yes! Were you drawing the infamous
Yeah. Go ahead and shoot me a kuestion list and I'll work on it today.
So much on the damn go between projects, packing and moving I'm not sure exactly when I'll be able to finish it but I'll certainly get it done as soon as I can.
the one thing I'd like you to clarify: how and who did you troll before coming to steemit? did you have certain people to fixate on? Were you a hardcore troll? anything specific will help me write the article. Trolls are a huge problem, and if steemit has successfully turned trolls into functioning humans, then that is a huge deal.
I'm a general all purpose asshat.
If there was a joke to be made at someone's expense I generally hoped on it. If there was chaos to be created I fed the flames of it. There are far worse troll examples out there than I was.. Generally was basically tame compared to some who flex racist, sexist, etc etc ideals on people.
I joined Steemit after it had been hacked.. Was doing the chaos routine and causing FUD.. Then @ned was all like "No need for this." ... I was un-trolled the CEO my first day here.. Now I'm fighting for the rights of users on our network..
Dafak. @KLYE you've gone soft.
Replying here cuz max nesting.
It wasn't so much a reprimand as a re-direction of energy..
I'm a damn good troll.. But seemingly a better witness.. I guess it all works out in the end.
ok, that helps a lot. Basically, it came down to someone with a high profile talking to you and reprimanding you right? Maybe that's the direction you needed to realize what your behavior was doing to people?