Thank you for the reply and sharing your thoughts and feelings on the matter.
I'm very much against the objectification of women and pitting people against eachother in popularity contests.
Our entire planet is difficult enough to live on let alone some dickheads ripping our pics of the net and then having our peers judge us. We've already got enough judgement in the world going on.. Let's try and keep it off the front page of ffs.
When a woman posts a "sexy" picture of herself in my classical psychology sense she'd be looking for adoration or attention.. Some re-affirmation that she is beautiful.. However once you have someone take that picture and use it without her permission for monetary gain.. Then that's a legal issue.
I do see the promotion point of things for sure as well now! Thanks for mentioning an angle I had not considered. Most humans have a streak of hypocrisy in them.. I've personally never met anyone who doesn't.
Perhaps it's just my age showing.. But I've never understood the whole instagram thing nor e-celebrities. It's sort of like me wondering to myself how the hell the kardashians are even known..
Our western society breeds stupidity and docile individuals while glorifying shitty behavior and people.. And while I may not be able to change the society I live in physcially I can certainly try and change our digital society starting up here on Steemit.
Thanks again for your share of thoughts and feels. This is what the platform was intended to house in my opinion... Not childish high school beauty pageants.
*edit: missed a word.